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Word Count: 3925    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

d, and he did not fail to recount it to Valentine, whose delicate i

not respond to his

not interesting. The woman who is falling is interesting. The woman who has

I know that she can see and understand so

his hand on Ju

you are think


d like to resc

ran over Ju

uite so far as that," he said.

be wrong. Probably this girl live

ely don'

t. Nature, in certain countries, demands and obtains pernicious and deadly snakes to live in her bosom. Man demands a

they are

y would be hap

eve she

iled and sho

ut merely by her lack of the luxuries of life. These birds always


lentine, you have never known such a wo

den of Eden, offering men the

u m

e 'Emp

romised to take he

ome with y

unutterable proposition. Valentine's clear, cold, thoughtful bl

ean it


een at the 'Em

ould no

are so di

on, when we saw what are called common people having common e


ll try to liv


f Eden, where the birds wear tights and sing comic songs in French, and the scent that comes from the flowers is patchouli, and silk rustles instead of the leaves of t

at Valentine, having silently debated the question of his own life, had resolved to make a definite effort to see if he could change the course of it. Julian felt that such an effort must


rew a rapid

and. Why should I e

me, but on

No, Julian; I prefer to le

e 'Emp

te cho

u ought to

at her

t, before our medi

emed struck

te a note asking her to come to tea on Thursday, in the flat. I will show h

d Valentine ra

e said, with a hesitat


n't cha

er 'growed on one ostrich,' and who was the i

d rather uncomfortable, Valentine ad

We will give the l

ssion, "that's what the doctor wished t

o our tea," Valentine repl

athers, and in due course an answer was received,

horght I shoold not. Men say-oh yes, I shall com back-but not many does, and I thorgh



wondered whether he was a fool because he felt touched by the misspelt words, as he had some

but Cuckoo Bright threw his polite plans out of gear, and Valentine was alone when, at half-past four, the electric bell rang, and, a moment later, W

ut her gown decidedly exceeded it in uproar, being of the very loudest scarlet hue, with large black lozenges scattered liberally over it. From her rather narrow shoulders depended a black cape, whose silk foundation was suffocated with bugles. A shrill scent of cherry-blossom ran with her like a crowd, and in her hand she car

Valentine said, holding out his hand. "I expec

rough the veil which was drawn tightly across her face. His appearance seemed to carry awe into her heart, f

smiling at her with humourous con

uptly sat do

d behind her to do so. But she quickly shifted round, almost as if in

hurry; "I don't know

alf g

she asked uneasily.

t's so good o

the lady. She passed the tip of her tongue alon

tine said, sitting down on a ch

t you're not the

des femmes too, I a

nto her face. The lady leaned quic

matter?" Va

s glance as if fascinated into something that appro

et spending a few minutes alone in my co

" she said, almost roughly

ed suavely, and approaching his chair a little more closely to he


He raves

the lady said, st

ll. I nev

her feet on the ground and using them as a lever, she succeeded in moving the sofa backwards upon its castors, which ran easily over the thick carpet. Valentine, on his part, did not stir, but with immovable face regarded her apparent terror as a man regards some spectacle neither new nor strange to him, sile

stening up to him and speaking almost angrily.

ice of one on the verge of te

an. "But I didn't know yo

y to Valentine inquirin

you been g

ression was gay

as standing up because I was just about to show her the pictures. But now you are here, we will have tea first instea

us host, desirous of putting his guests upon good terms and gilding the passing hour with a definite happiness. Cuckoo Bright seemed struck completely dumb by the

ntine said, bending over

o," sh

oved sweet things," Juli

, adding with an endeavour after gentility

he grandeur of her surroundings, or by some hidden sensation of shyness or

e said. "Have some of

a monstrous shadow upon the wall, a shadow so distorted and appalling that Julian almost grew red as he observed it, and felt that Valentine was probably observing it also. He wished poor Cuckoo had left the crying scarlet gown at home, and those black lozenges, which were suited to the pavement of the hall of a financier. Everything she had on expressed a mind such as Valentine must become acquainted with in amazement, and have intercourse with in sorrow. The pathetic side of this preposterous feathered and bugled degradation he would fail to see. Julian felt painfully certain of this. All the details of the woman would offend him, who was

nd of art,

if addressed to some s

d to Cuckoo it was ent

deprecate the gay sarc

armed him, it was so gra

said C

art? or do you pr

ow," she sa


," she said. "A

, Val," Julian said,

tine shoo

have got a cold

en, play

rned again to Cuckoo, who visibly shied away from him, and cla

y. "And appeals essentially to one's emotio

," she said, with an ef

ly, whether it b

her to something more definite than mere mauvaise h

ponded. "Yes, that's it;

there, my d-,

e rapid and fleeting expression of the two violently opposed emotions of which she spoke. Her face, turned upon him, seemed to shine with a queer, almost with a ludicrous, vehemence of yearning which might mean passion. This flashed into

ur impulses?" Valentine co


press what

ept into her eyes and mouth, g

answered. "Men don't like to be

ion went

ot?" h

ooled. If you don't fo

ions of the sexes through all time," said Va

in' me!" was her not

and moved with an uncomfortable jerk if he bent forward to her or seemed about to come near to her. He seemed now real

entine said, i

ow you!" cried Cuckoo. "I'm up to all th

murmured to Julian. "I assure you," he ad

"You're a regular funny feller. Oh yes. Only don't t

n into an almost libertine excess. Miss Bright's timidity was now developing into violent impudence. She tossed her head till the gigantic shadow of the sarcophagus that crowned it aspired upon the wal

ng!" sh

d to take her at h

I go? I am


azes if y

etly vanished. Julian and Cuckoo were left staring at one another. The latter's impude

he after, I say?" she e

an shook

nly done it for a joke. H


er rudeness vaguely, and imagined she had made an abominable

r chaff. He knew yo

ejoined with trembling lips.


and see

ed attitude of attention. But there was no sound in

ur friend. W

rdinary conviction of astonishment t

do you mean

natch of the breath. "A real downright wi

was a

what you are say

r guns with the ani

? Tell me that, then. Why, there's men in the streets I wouldn't speak to; not for twenty pounds, I wouldn'

Julian sai

d on his, and he

s he gone off all

e. Wait, I'll f

ked frankly terri

goin'. I'm off. Help me on wi

was reflected on the wall, near the door, but only, of course, to a certain height. Julian's eyes were attracted to these leaping flames on the wall, and he saw one suddenly detach itself from the shadows of its brethren, take def

lently, and caught at h

came forwa

ing already, su

jaculated, already in m

een to get you a b

and and began to open it. Bu

orry, but I

the twinkling of an eye, followed by Juli

d the lady when she had gained the str

into it. She gazed at him as if she

and see me again,"

come," he

" she said, with an upward lift of her fe

ve off into

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