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Author: Jonnywaita


Word Count: 1076    |    Released on: 20/10/2022

ly him and the vampire. Another reason as to why he was luring the vampire to a secluded spot was the lack of any audience. His fights tended to get a little messy and for others it could get

ad adopted his pol

kick on its head. The vampire however had anticipated the move. It flapped it's bat wings and Rose into the air. As a result, Solca missed and before he could make another move, it grabbed him from behind. It pinned his hands at his side trapping him. Solca tried to free his hands but the vampire's grip was unyielding. He felt its warm vile breath on his neck as it sniffed his carotid artery. Solca had never f

is wolf. He had not shifted in a hundred years. He had sworn never to do it when he had accidentally killed his younger sister after failing to control the animal inside him in his first shifting experience. He had withdrawn f

hree inch canines sunk into its shoulder, it let out a shuddering screech that echoed throughout the forest. Solca's rage was murderous. He jammed his claws into the vampire's belly and pulled out its intestines. Before it could react, Solca grabbed it, slammed it on the forest floor and pinne

turning. He fumbled through his backpack with trembling hands until he found what he was looking for. The vial containing a Genera dose. It was a regeneration drug used by royals when injured. It accelerated the self healing p

the Goman empire. That meant that Solca was a beta. A title he did not like being associated with. Not that he didn't not like power but the title prevented him from living his risky life. He had been gone from Goma for almost four months now. He never stayed in one place for long. He loved moving around the world in his Suzuki dirt bike looking for the next monster to slay. In the four month

The adrenaline rush made him forget his problems. His payment was in form of favours. He would do you a favour and owe you one in r


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