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Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 1335    |    Released on: 19/10/2022


she couldn't sit being lonely. She went to meet some

dly. She took pictures with the

ses, models, idols, a

ng. When she was done, she went back to her table.

e pretty group of girls. T

e celebrities were careful enoug

drian and sipped from the g

end. Adrienne left without e

A driver took Adrienne to the hotel where she lodged and an escort followed her inside. As usual, Adrienne's mum is not yet back.

d heavily as they wal

ong?" The e

?" Adrienne asked wit

I hav

"Even a glimpse of her?" She asked again with puppy eyes and got the same response. She stamped her feet on the ground as she used her card to open her hotel room. She was about turning the knob when the escort said.

ing, please do not

ink I will need anythi

"I can see you are quite exhausted. Just try and rest." He advised and she smiled weakly.

the door and went in,

She placed her back on the door and heaved a sigh of relief. After some seconds, she locked the door so that no one would be able to open it apart from her mother.

"Life can be so boring, sometimes." She muttered as she sat on the bed. Adrienne brought out her phone and surfed the internet.

The event was video covered and it was already on their page on Instagram. There were so much comments on the video and her Adrienne Instagram page followers increased spontaneously as she was tagged in it.

pictures she took with t

ollowers are increasing

"I do not even care." She shrugged and continued checking other posts on her Instagram page.

"Actually, I am curious." Adrienne's sighed and went back to the Dior brand page.

"How on earth will I know? I do not even know his his Instagram handle." She complained to no one in particular. Not quite long, she

remembered that all the handles of the ambassadors were tagged in the video but the problem now was she did not know which was his.

Adrienne then resulted to checking all the handles until she finally stumbled on Adrian's and she checked his page for his followers.

"30,000 followers!" She exaclaimed with her hands on her chest. She refreshed again and it became 50.1k followers. His followers increases every second! What!

his page is mad

1k followers. The di

"He beat me at this again." She complained, throwing herself on the bed.

"I hate you, Adrian. I hate everything about you. You fucking scumbag!" She lamented.

when her mum opened

"I heard you say something." Her mum said and Adrienne froze in shock.

Welcome back.

Her mum went to the bag stand and hang her purse in it.

"I heard you call Adrian's name. Do not tell me you have been talking to yourself all these while." She howled.

"It is not what you think. I just wanted to clear my head from some thoughts and that was the only possible way."

"And that thoughts involves Adrian?" Her mum asked with her hands akimbo. Adrianne looked away from her mum and sighed silently.

"I was just annoyed that his followers were more than mine. That is all." She tried explaining to her mum.

"You hate him because of a mere thing?" Adrienne's mum interrogated while looking at her with keen interest. She was really surprised at her daughter's behaviour.

"Not really. By the way, I did not say I hated him." Adrienne blurted out.

"Oh yes, you did. I heard you." Her mum replied, laughing and Adrienne shook her head.

you been here?"

t you threw your

ns you heard ev

"I am disappointed that you did not notice my entry. I'm very disappointed at you, Adrienne." Her mother said with a frown.

"I was expecting you by 11pm. It is just 10:30pm and I am quite surprised." Adrienne shrugged and her mum stared at her in shock

and her heartbeat increased. She sat beside her on the bed and held her hand.

"I was occupied by work. It is not intentional for me to always come late." She explained.

"I know you are. I am not complaining or am I?" Adrienne asked, faking a smile

"I can see you are worried, Adrienne but trust me. Everything I am doing is for you."

"Yea, yea. At least, you are better than Dad. I can not remember when last I had a conversation with him but everything is all good." She shrugged.

rt within but w

"Honey, he is also thinking about you too. Do not hold any grudge against him." Adrienne's mum said and Adrienne removed her hand

um's. Her eyes we

ed." Adrien said w

ow the reception went

"Nothing happened. It just went like a normal reception." Adrienne muttered. Her eyes were half closed and all she needed was rest. She

spective of what

n't pressure

"I don't understand what you mean by that mum. What do you want to hear? Like I said before, I hate him. He is my classmate at school and he is fucking annoying." Adrienne blurted out releasing the heaving load on her mind.

"The F. Word Adrienne. I have warned you before. It does not speak well of aa royalty." Adrienne's mum pointed out.

was just a slip of to

trol it." Her

"Sure, I will. Thanks for the correction." Adreinne said, sighing deeply.

hool? Is he smart? I

"Oh boy. Today's talk is going to be about that scum." Adrainne said within.

I do no

classmate." Her

"I sincerely don't know what is so interesting about that boy. I am going to bed already." Adrienne complained and positioned herself so that she could lay properly on the bed.

Her mum tapped her and she gave her mum an angry glare.

d mum." Sh

"I know you are tired but I do not need a magician to tell me you haven't had your bath this night." Her mum said and she grumbled.

did not sa

"You were about going to sleep now. Go to the bathroom and have your bath now. You had a long day, Miss Adrienne."

ly and started towards the bathroom.

k on the door. "I'll get it

r jaw dropped in shock. He


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