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The forbidden bride

Chapter 4 The queen is sick

Word Count: 1192    |    Released on: 21/10/2022

been the funny princess everyone loves.her parent have already told her about her father reason of bring

her hair not to pull it out.. Since last two month.. Mel..this rediculous and you kept it away from me for two month... I was taking medicine from Martha thats why i didnt bother..but its not working I'm dieing diatus and I'm scared of leaving Adeya to this wicked world..I'm scared. King Diatus was so shocked..he quickly hold Melissa and buried her in his embrace.. I'm sorry Mel,I didn't mean to get upset..what are we going to do? Martha said they is an herbal lady at the east side of mandre.. Mandre is so far from Ghia Mel..thats a two month journey... Yes but I need to survive This Diatus.. Can't she come here?its very dangerous for you to go out there Mel.. She can't..Martha said she's very old.... OK..but we need to talk to Adeya first,you should leave at dusk tomorrow so you can be out of the palace before dawn....I don't want anyone to know you are sick.. Yes.thank you Diatus..please take care of Adeya..don't let anyone bully my princess..I'm sorry but I don't like the idea of Nella being your new queen.. I won't..I promise.. King Diatus went out of the room as he called his chief in command to arrange 10 elites guard..before he went to carry Adeya to meet her mother.. Mother,Adeya ran and sat on her Lap.... My princess.. Mother are you OK..why are you crying? I'm sorry...I have to break my promise Why mother? I'm leaving Adeya and I don't know when I will be back Ade.. Mother!.Adeya called out as she started crying.. Father,mother wants to leave me..she cried and went back to her father lap Shhhhh.I know dear,but she have to Ade..she's sick... Adeya look at her mother who have open her scarf again.. M..mother..what happen to your hair..Adeya start to cry.. I'm sick my dear..I know I promise but I can't fulfill it like this..I need to treat myself Adeya..please grant me..Melissa said crying as she hold the girl who was sitting on her father lap.. Grant your mother the wish Ade..she needs to treat herself in other to fulfill what she promise please.. I will come with you mother.. No..no Adeya you need to stay OK,you need to fill my presence in your fathers life OK.. I'm scared mother,what if the new m

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1 Chapter 1 Princess Adeya 2 Chapter 2 The visitors 3 Chapter 3 Nightmare 4 Chapter 4 The queen is sick5 Chapter 5 The wedding 6 Chapter 6 The wedding 7 Chapter 7 She's not my mother 8 Chapter 8 You were poisoned 9 Chapter 9 Delivery 10 Chapter 10 Wicked queen 11 Chapter 11 Sick Adeya12 Chapter 12 Respect 13 Chapter 13 Birth of the twin 114 Chapter 14 Birth of the twin 215 Chapter 15 Coma16 Chapter 16 Forgotten 17 Chapter 17 I am your daughter!18 Chapter 18 Another nightmare 19 Chapter 19 The prince is weak20 Chapter 20 The stranger21 Chapter 21 Thia royals22 Chapter 22 You are beautiful 23 Chapter 23 Royal wedding 124 Chapter 24 Royal wedding 225 Chapter 25 Forbidden 26 Chapter 26 Sleeping beauty 27 Chapter 27 Royal wedding 328 Chapter 28 Royal wedding 429 Chapter 29 The forbidden bride 30 Chapter 30 The forbidden bride 231 Chapter 31 This misery on me32 Chapter 32 Silence of the forest33 Chapter 33 The announcement 34 Chapter 34 Running for survival 35 Chapter 35 The Gerald mansion 36 Chapter 36 How dare you 37 Chapter 37 The necklace with the bird pendant 38 Chapter 38 Great opportunity for us39 Chapter 39 Silent of the forest40 Chapter 40 Forest poison41 Chapter 41 Three days42 Chapter 42 Three days 243 Chapter 43 Elias eyes44 Chapter 44 You love squirrels 45 Chapter 45 The Pierson dinner 46 Chapter 46 The Pierson dinner 247 Chapter 47 Another nightmare 48 Chapter 48 She kissed me 49 Chapter 49 The dreamer 50 Chapter 50 I have no idea 51 Chapter 51 No don't worry 52 Chapter 52 You husband chaser53 Chapter 53 Cayonies54 Chapter 54 Touch me55 Chapter 55 I don't want to be a queen 56 Chapter 56 Arrival of the royals 57 Chapter 57 Cold forest of mandre 58 Chapter 58 Am not Ghia59 Chapter 59 Almost 60 Chapter 60 Engagement party 61 Chapter 61 She's running fever 62 Chapter 62 The wedding 63 Chapter 63 The wedding 264 Chapter 64 It must be a dream65 Chapter 65 You are alive 66 Chapter 66 You are alive ...67 Chapter 67 I want to say something 68 Chapter 68 He can't leave me69 Chapter 69 You lied to me70 Chapter 70 Its destiny71 Chapter 71 Please allow me 72 Chapter 72 I only pushed him73 Chapter 73 The touch74 Chapter 74 The prince is missing 75 Chapter 75 She's gifted76 Chapter 76 Where have you been ..77 Chapter 77 The prince is not human 78 Chapter 78 This is our kingdom 79 Chapter 79 The barrier is getting thinner80 Chapter 80 Her doomsday81 Chapter 81 Her doomsday 282 Chapter 82 She's forbidden83 Chapter 83 Then I will leave