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The Rage

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1468    |    Released on: 13/10/2022

it? Would you rather that she really died? People need to have anticipated what may occur. Or were you so opposed to the concept that you were unable to even contemplate it? Would you rather that s

ceives it, I'll track down the person responsible for what they did to her. You may attend or not. Dress yourself. He drew Elizabeth up with him as he stood. Let's leave. He drew Elizabeth up with him as he stood. Let's leave. She knew exactly where they had left the wood. She had visited earlier in the day. The action had changed, too, with automobiles flashing their red and blue lights and spotlights illuminating the huddled, shadowy forms of individuals. Elizabeth gave them an inquisitive glance. Several were recognizable. For instance, is that person Aunt Judith, with the thin, harrowed face and the worried eyes? And is Robert, the tall guy next to her, engaged to Aunt Judith? Elizabeth reasoned that there needed to be another person with them. a kid whose hair is as white as Elizabeth's. But despite her best efforts, she was unable to think of a name. She did, however, recall the two females who were holding hands and standing in a circle of authorities. Denis was the young man with the red hair who was sobbing. Merit, the taller person with the sweeping black hair. Denis was speaking to a uniformed guy and stating, "But she's not in the water." Her voice was trembling just shy of panic. "We saw Katherine removing her. I have repeatedly told you. You left him here with her, right? We had to. Something was approaching as the storm intensified. Merit stepped in and said, "Never mind that. She sounded barely more composed than Denis. Katherine said he would leave her laying beneath the willow trees if he had to part ways with her. Another uniformed guy said, "And just where is Katherine now?" "We have no idea. To obtain assistance, we returned. He most likely came after us. But what really happened to Elizabeth? When Merit turned around, Denis put her face in his shoulder. Elizabeth understood that they were angry with me. What a bunch of fools. I can at least explain that. Dominic pulled her back just as she began to go forward into the light. She sent a hurt glance his way. Not in that way. We'll pull them out when you choose the ones you want," he replied. "What do you want?" For nourishment, Elizabeth. You are now a hunter. They are your quarry. Elizabeth doubtfully brushed her tongue across a canine tooth. She didn't see any food around her. Nevertheless, she was inclined to believe Dominic since he stated so. Whichever you think," she obediently replied. Dominic cocked his head back and scanned the area like a critic studying a well-known picture. Okay, how about a few polite paramedics? Dominic cocked his head back and scann

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