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Longing for Love: Prequel

Chapter 5 Dwane Farehya

Word Count: 1022    |    Released on: 12/10/2022

meeting with his top shareholders when his assistant passed on this information to him. Daniel was shocked to know that Dwane Farehya had personally come to see him. He abrupt

answer. "No I haven't, I saw her, no, I heard her talking with your other daughter during Old Madam Ford's birthday event" Dwane calmly responded. "So you haven't seen her" Daniel spoke in a low disappointed voice "No" answered Dwane. Daniel took out a photograph from his drawer and handed it to Dwane, "this is Michelle, do you still want to marry her?" Dwane saw the photograph, it was slightly unclear, her face looked plain and bland devoid of any emotions with no exceptional facial features barring a huge scar on the right side of her face that went from her forehead to her jaw. Seeing that scar reminded Dwane of someone. Someone whom he knew for a short while but had made a deep impression in his heart Dwane was in a trance and in it he uttered in almost an inaudible voice "Ro...." "Mr Farehya, do you still want to marry Michelle?" Daniel's question snapped Dwane out of his trance and he answered with utmost clarity in his voice "Yes, I'd like to have Michelle Ford as my bride. Daniel was still indecisive since the photograph he had shown Dwane was the one the doctors had given to him as the most preferable outcome after Michelle's cosmetic surgery. In reality Michelle's face looked much more appalling because of the accident she had when she was fourteen. Daniel felt culpable for not revealing the whole truth to Dwane, but at the same time he thought that he wouldn't be able to find a better match for Michelle than Dwane. Reflecting on the current circumstances and recent developments Daniel finally made his decision. "I o

o don't keep their words" Daniel felt a chill run down his spine when he saw Dwane's face turning darker with every next word and his cold voice threatening him. All he could do was slightly nod his head.

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