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English Satires

English Satires

Author: Wei Zhi


Word Count: 1411    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

in search of a person who has not appeared in the poem before-Do-Well. The following is the argument of the Passus.-"All Piers Plowman's inquiries after Do-Well a

who describes to him the residence of Do-Well, Do-Bet,

in russet · r

seson · for

full ofte · of f

ste · wher Do-w

myghte be · of m

as I wente · that

lenged,[25] · l

a Friday · two

Menours[27] · me

em hendely,[28] ·

r charité, · er th

contree · or cost

el dwelleth · do

this moolde · tha

and courtes, · and

eises · and pover

o-yvele · where

the Menours, · "th

I hope, · and ev

s a clerc, · and c

hly, · "Septies in

seeth the book · syn

I seide, · "dooth y

yvele · mowe noght

ght alway · am

e ellis where · t

, my sone" · seid

the sadde man, ·

uod the frere, · "I

in a boot, · amyd

e water · and t

ny a tyme · to fa

r so stif, · he st

and sound, · and

the rather, · and r

th the water · th

f lost, · thorough lac

th," quod the frere, ·

to the world · tha

grounde arn like ·

and wedres ·

o oure body · that b

nd and the flesshe ·

dde man · a da

doth he noght, · fo

the champion, · ch

en to stonde, · and

y bowe · as boot d

aaf, · but if th

ne, · and drenc

l thi sleuthe[35]

res-gyve,[36] · to y

free-wil, · to eve

es, · to fisshes

thereof, · and m

l therwith, · as D

,"[38] quod I, · "to con

nd loke, · I shall

st,"[39] quod he, ·

same · save you

n this grounde · goo

wide wher · wal

erness, · and b

iddes.[42] · Bro

on a launde[43] · le

yes · the lovel

mowthes · made

te metels[45] · m

d wight · in wo

me thoughte · an

ed me · by m

I tho, · "that th

quod he, · "and

art?" · "Thought

is seven yeer, · seye[48

uod I thoo, · "tho

dwelleth, · and do

, · and Do-best th

rtues, · and ben

his tunge, · and

or thorugh his land, ·

is tailende, · tak

[51] ne dedeynous,[52]

ht thus; · ac he

a lomb, · and l

e men · after t

bigirdles, · he hat

l Avarous · heeld

naes moneie · he ha

ligion, · and hath

the peple · Sein

insipientes, cum si

e unwise' · with

dooth hem good · an

othe, · and bereth

oon ende · to hal

tente,[53] · to put

wikkednesse · Do

o-bet · amonges

o be kyng · to

or Do-bet · did

yng come · and ca

e[55] for hem, · thei

Do-bet, · and Do

the kyng · to

e reme · by hi

ise, · but as the

tho, · that he

noght thi seying.

, and Do-best · do

hee," quod Thoght, · "

n that kan · tha

hus · thre dai

n Do-wel · da

ar, · with Wit g

g and lene, · li

is apparaille · n

blaunt, · and

matere · to mak

hoght thoo · b

om purpos · to p

Do-bet, · and Do-b

that tyme · sei

o-bet, · and Do-

e wite, · if Wit

an or woman · this

thei thre wolde, ·


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1 Chapter 1 PILGRIMAGE IN SEARCH OF DO-WELL.2 Chapter 2 AND III. THE MONK AND THE FRIAR.3 Chapter 3 34 Chapter 4 45 Chapter 5 THE LONDON LACKPENNY.6 Chapter 6 67 Chapter 7 78 Chapter 8 89 Chapter 9 910 Chapter 10 1011 Chapter 11 1112 Chapter 12 1213 Chapter 13 1314 Chapter 14 1415 Chapter 15 1516 Chapter 16 SATIRE ON THE SYDE TAILLIS-ANE SUPPLICATIOUN17 Chapter 17 ON SIMONY.18 Chapter 18 THE DOMESTIC TUTOR'S POSITION.19 Chapter 19 THE IMPECUNIOUS FOP.20 Chapter 20 AN INVECTIVE WRITTEN BY MR. GEORGE CHAPMAN21 Chapter 21 THE CHARACTER OF THE BORE.22 Chapter 22 THE NEW CRY.23 Chapter 23 ON DON SURLY.24 Chapter 24 THE CHARACTER OF HUDIBRAS.25 Chapter 25 THE CHARACTER OF A SMALL POET.26 Chapter 26 NOSTRADAMUS'S PROPHECY.27 Chapter 27 THE SCOTS APOSTASIE.28 Chapter 28 SATIRE ON THE DUTCH.29 Chapter 29 MACFLECKNOE.30 Chapter 30 EPISTLE TO THE WHIGS.31 Chapter 31 INTRODUCTION TO THE TRUE-BORN ENGLISHMAN.32 Chapter 32 SATIRE ON A CONCEITED PLAYWRIGHT.33 Chapter 33 PREFACE TO JOHN BULL AND HIS LAW-SUIT.34 Chapter 34 THE HISTORY OF JOHN BULL.35 Chapter 35 EPITAPH UPON COLONEL CHARTRES.36 Chapter 36 MRS. FRANCES HARRIS' PETITION.37 Chapter 37 ELEGY ON PARTRIDGE.38 Chapter 38 A MEDITATION UPON A BROOM-STICK.39 Chapter 39 THE RELATIONS OF BOOKSELLERS AND AUTHORS.40 Chapter 40 THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS41 Chapter 41 THE COMMONWEALTH OF LUNATICS.42 Chapter 42 SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY'S SUNDAY.43 Chapter 43 TO THE RIGHT HON. MR. DODINGTON.44 Chapter 44 THE QUIDNUNCKIS.45 Chapter 45 THE DUNCIAD-THE DESCRIPTION OF DULNESS.46 Chapter 46 SANDYS' GHOST;47 Chapter 47 SATIRE ON THE WHIG POETS.48 Chapter 48 EPILOGUE TO THE SATIRES.49 Chapter 49 THE VANITY OF HUMAN WISHES.50 Chapter 50 LETTER TO THE EARL OF CHESTERFIELD.51 Chapter 51 THE RETALIATION.52 Chapter 52 THE LOGICIANS REFUTED.53 Chapter 53 BEAU TIBBS, HIS CHARACTER AND FAMILY.54 Chapter 54 THE JOURNEY.55 Chapter 55 TO THE KING.56 Chapter 56 ADDRESS TO THE UNCO GUID, OR THE RIGIDLY RIGHTEOUS.57 Chapter 57 HOLY WILLIE'S PRAYER.58 Chapter 58 A FAREWELL TO TOBACCO.59 Chapter 59 LINES ON LEIGH HUNT.60 Chapter 60 EPISTLE FROM LORD BORINGDON TO LORD GRANVILLE.61 Chapter 61 REFORMATION OF THE KNAVE OF HEARTS.62 Chapter 62 THE FRIEND OF HUMANITY AND THE KNIFE-GRINDER.63 Chapter 63 SONG BY ROGERO THE CAPTIVE.64 Chapter 64 THE DEVIL'S WALK.65 Chapter 65 THE LETTERS OF PETER PLYMLEY-ON NO POPERY .66 Chapter 66 THE POET OF FASHION.67 Chapter 67 BOSSUET AND THE DUCHESS OF FONTANGES.68 Chapter 68 6869 Chapter 69 6970 Chapter 70 7071 Chapter 71 7172 Chapter 72 7273 Chapter 73 7374 Chapter 74 7475 Chapter 75 7576 Chapter 76 7677 Chapter 77 7778 Chapter 78 7879 Chapter 79 7980 Chapter 80 8081 Chapter 81 8182 Chapter 82 8283 Chapter 83 8384 Chapter 84 8485 Chapter 85 8586 Chapter 86 8687 Chapter 87 8788 Chapter 88 8889 Chapter 89 8990 Chapter 90 9091 Chapter 91 9192 Chapter 92 9293 Chapter 93 9394 Chapter 94 9495 Chapter 95 9596 Chapter 96 9697 Chapter 97 9798 Chapter 98 9899 Chapter 99 99100 Chapter 100 100