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Emblems Of Love

Emblems Of Love



Word Count: 1870    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

lord requir


aven se

this one hum

ugh, Stars, to

but you must pe

ll the greatest

if men grow

a man so thro

e insolent gr

eels of the c

spoke, that, pit

riving godhead

d team of hours

duty,-if in tha

ss my power sha

ad unking'd, 't

t possessing

n, the beauty tha

lence! Hast tho

gave thee int

rain of me, t

d, so insole

sweet heart-



hat love?-But

I that the k

n, thou art m

ounty are we

ur deserving.

m, and not go

, and choosing

therein. For

easure in his

quandered ou

a gentle m

man spends her

n a girl, an

ve man will en

be sometimes t

? But we will

we are liked

love from you,

ell me, Man, my

e, or dost th

ou hast in me?

re more sundered,

braving seas mar


from thine own

ure, so ordere

ength to man

ave that she s

se like an

world was made

p difficulty

abouring the

the world with a

grace fought o

a Heaven. And

the work; tha

y find lodging

st, and looki

ls of kindness,

at and trouble

side into thi

there is ent

that for che

lter'd heart t

d's grillage and

nxiety of r

ng to it. Lik

of God's army s

urning on an e

nse of man w

his flesh a th

s flame; yea,

d of more room

ft hath for the l

al joy that

with this more th

night wept full

endured, lab

tuous, not po

e more? Man know

eauty nought m

ove our lou

s the dawn, the

n we entering

renchèd weeds of

s, out of the

yes, I know. Filth


I been toili

ld I not stumb

Vashti, and wi

to buy, sinc

ve her? Goin

my burdenous p

ign, and escap

largeness in th

uch limited!

greatness, n

soul can feel va

ed. Outside,

of the world

orld; and I a

edy this; for

is for my se

golden kingdo

are glad with me?


e is no nerve

ife thronging

unds at the sto

l be held up to

bounds of it?

t an awning s

rilous Etern

der'd princess,

st kneel down t

ll for thee thei

urfold place.

ppery waves of

n the griefs a

be thy causey.

heness, murder a

been passio

tempered. Beho

of all men mea

ndless agon

h, the meaning

s there, but

od to look on,

rden, and the c

aft of earth moo

f the sun to

has imagined

ind them, that

n the point of

world that flies

et their beauty

laze a lanter

eauty is the

acred oil, m

e possessing

een upon a


stockt from he

rges, with a pre

from the chambe

visit unto

m the mints and

t own labours o

ic, all that ma

lding out for

such custom. O

be borne is wo

uess it does

g falseness be

dishonest p

h for thee, to

hought so gilded

ught in the d

e hatred in h

hankful for you


nkful. For I

our style. Ay,

eady tampering t

r submission

have said, tha

inning of the

ry passion, and,

molten being,

workt the hot

een mercy qu

f white spray a

an equal dw

that he did


we say this

and praise, an

ht and praise,

sex? And it i

asure. What nob

odies proper

ur delight! Ay,

think, we wome

mind pleases o

ld up in us. A

ancy,-we use

aster; it is

him line ou

love, lest it


vel's head, tha

e, should keep

see thee, when I

nd the honou

without thee

of my men, my

shall not be

orld this is.

utter regio

I allow to ru

ast with me a

rivial lives wi

f the world's k

dismay their wit

be against me

en, kinder t

s how much he

inst him men

f his ways

fear I keep

ther'd world

oken against

better terror

r the happines

. O all the k

s terrible hap

not shew; I'll

I'll have no

mine enjoyin

hee, all as th

nly my pleas

enses shall c

p my pleasure

ou, Vashti,

rly rates poss

to spend my

of the women

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