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Elusive Isabel


Word Count: 1755    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

st to the glow of radiant health in her cheeks, as she stepped from an automobile in front o

you, Madam," he announced.

ing him," she

room, p

ue room

suite of small drawing-rooms opening on a garden i

began, and then, in a tone of

rose and b

her with frank courtesy. "I am afraid you were expec

nt, and then some quick, subtle change swept over Miss Thor

g from the one Se?orita Rodriguez

rimm regarded her reflectively. There was a determination of steel back of this charming exterior; there was an indomitable will,

ou are a secret agent of the Italian


nt on. "It would be as useless as it would be absurd to a

gain the vague, indefinable shadow,

course," she said plea

the German Embassy Ball las

nodded, as i

did you not

out change of countenance, but involuntarily she ca

me with such a query

ed Mr. Grimm steadily. "Did y

If there was any emotion in the tone it was merel

the same circumstances." He paused a moment; she nodded. "Well, immediately after the shooting you ran along the hallway with a revolver in your hand; you ran dow

sture of her arms, and walked to the window. She stood the

rimm continued mercilessly. "If you did not


you, Miss Thorne,

ith something of def

aid slowly. "It were


't tel

rward in his chair,

on who actually did the shooting," he explained. "If you adhere to it you com

w the revolver came

in the hallway there

you, Miss Thorne,"

hallway," she repeated. "I saw i

stead of givi

ssary. The shot it

hallway and escape by way of the kitchen? If you did not do the

ught Mr. Grimm to his feet. His hands gripped

ake the revolv

ooped forward a littl

urse," he went on. "First, that you, in

s fairly burst from h

rson, man or woman, who fired the shot. I will assume, for

only an echo of silence. Their eyes were fixed each upon the others unwaveringly, with not a flick

, Mr. Grimm of the Secret Service of the United States; I, Isabel Thorne, a secret agent

revolver?" Mr.

but you! I could not affor

you I should have placed you und

and inclin

the truth. I did take the revolver because I knew who had fired the shot. Believe me when I tell you that that pers

ile Mr. Gr

ose I am an accomplice. That is my misfortune. It will in no way alter my determination to keep sile

from Se?or Alvarez immediately af

w," she repl

for the shooting was to obtain possess

arez did obtain the paper, yes. An

I inquire, of the message you telegr

d Miss Thorne in mock ast

that message? Perhap

s," she

aring at her, staring, staring. Sh

rrested?" she

ake me do it?

is my

hand that had never known nervousnes

oner for the attempted

arply, and the draperies parted. Mr. Grimm stood

ago for a revolver," came i

his glance shifted to the blazing eyes of the man who held it-a young man, rather

specting the Weapon

rom Miss Thorne's lips alm

a revolver, yes," Mr. Grimm inter

steel around the weapon. Behind his back Miss Thorne made some

to defend myself. Miss Thorne has told you the truth; she had nothing whatever to do with it. She took the weapon and escaped because it was mine. Here is the paper th

Thorne's arm, and he regarded the new-comer with a

?" he aske

e ready reply. "As I say, I

treet together, in amicable conversation. Half an hour later Se?or Alvarez identified Pietro Petrozinni as the

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