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Falling For The Ruthless Tycoon

Falling For The Ruthless Tycoon


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1304    |    Released on: 04/10/2022

eptember, Two i


sided, even though it seemed like it would fall f

lingered in the atmosphere and in a kind of way broug

Raquel, the housekeeper has made it a personal assignment to always bring Penelope a cup of hot cocoa with tiny marshmallows, on certain days. Be it when it'

d, "How did Raquel keep it being this delicious

h doors to see her Mom's seemingly ageless face, her Black hair styled into bouncy curls was beautiful and vibrant and her lips were pink and plush. Her Mother was very beautiful, and she admired that about her. "She doesn't give the rest of us hot cocoa gifts like

nelope smiled and her Mother Samantha j

out in the kitchen." Her Mother looked over at her dressing room "I used to help

hile nodding, " I

ing a sip of the cup's contents with distaste this time, "I mean, you wouldn't want to have to d

she knows better than to start a disagreement with her Mother. She looked inwardly at how her body was, she had slim toned thighs, slightly round hips but had a round bubble butt she was always conscious of. She

wn today?" Her Mother asked loo

gave a defeated sigh and sunk into her bed "he once again forbad me from doing something I love, said the daughter of an important figure shouldn't own a cafe." Penelope thought back to t

great plans for you" she patronized. Penelope sat up properly and watched he

ed and her Mom stood up from her bed having of

way home as we speak" Penelo

zation " I guess his meetings went well" h

hand and pulled her daughter up, "you should get out of these comfort clothes and get rea

eeing me looking natural at home?"

our father" her Mother's voice chirped a tone highe

ured her and turned slightly to look at her dressing room stock

grateful about that in you" she patted her back softly "don't take too long, and one more thing. Put on

plement or as a casual insult. Easiest of my children, did she mean that she wa

she couldn't think that of her, because she's her Mother. She sighed and picked a dress to wear, it


his estate. He was relieved to be home after his difficult mee

eautiful wife, his son Aiden who had his two year old son playing on his lap as he spoke to his wife, his first daughter Samant

elcomed him and asked about his meetings and trip but he gave them little of an

open mind to what I'm about to tell you" he patted her arm softly and went to sit next to

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