Sword Of Souls
n Ma
re. It was too much. In a vain attempt to cheer him up but honestly, he couldn't eat or sleep, he didn't even want to breathe. All he wanted was to join his fathe
mirrored the battle inside Elven's Heart, Which was currently storming. Maybe that was symbolic of what w
and starving, I might as well head to the kitchen" thought Elven". While walking through the hallway Elven noticed many things out of place. "Well, Kate has clearly been through here recen
e on par with the kingdom's best chefs. However, when she puts stuff on your plate you had better eat it. If not, she would mak
age, which was 18. With a curvy body, she was quite athletically toned in her physique and was wearing, well... uh nothing. Shocked Elven nervously uttered "Uh hi Kate, '' upon hearing him Kate immediately stood up straight as a board stammering back while quickly placing her hands to cover herself up "Elven y-you weren't supposed to be up for another hour, a-and y-you I was just... your oats.... Ready'' she dropped herself into a crouch to cover herself bette
them in order to have an easy life" However Kate was different from almost every girl Elven had ever seen, for one she wouldn't care about her looks, weight or mannerisms around dates, she would go swimming in just her underwear or whatever she decided to, however when the need for formality did arise Elven had seen her dress up like no other, she was classy but flashy Elven was lost in thought as she snuck up behind him and said, "You're doing it again, Could you stop thinking about that night." Elven jumped startled by Kate's proximity; h
ing out to him, reaching out he Grasped the Hilt shivers running down his spine, the hair on his neck and arms raised, he felt Eye's watching him....no..not eyes like something was looking through him peering down to his core and he couldn't hide from it if he tried, Elven shook his head and quickly looked around to the door expecting to see Kate there scowling at him for not coming right downstairs but she was nowhere to be found. Elven looked back at the sword unsure of what had just transpired but the sword didn't feel inherently bad in his hands rather like it belonged there or maybe it wanted to be there. Elven continued exploring the old store room until he came across a key hanging from the nearby hook on the back wall.
an open journal, Curiosity pulling him forward like a hungry mongrel, he decided to skim through it, "Not like he's gonna find out now." though Elven, thought he again felt a twinge of pain at his own thoughts but quickly pushed them aside, Checking
th the things I have never told him before. This journal has formatting of stats being first and information panels being 2nd. This journal is an accumulation of all the experiences and time I've spent at war. I have come to understand many things but there is still much that only your grandfather alone coul
iced as soon as you feel the blade. You can feel someone watching and you may wonder what this feeling means. As I wielded this blade for many years, I came to realize that this is a great ally that provides a near-perfect 6th sense, don't worry if that doesn't make sense just yet, it will soon enough. From what I've learned this blade is called a 'ranked one blade.`` Each sword that is crafted with this special type of mat
whispered to himself breaking the silence that until then had been deafening. Leaving his father's office Elven relocked it and placed the key in his pocket, with one last
d by the Meadows area to reach the forest. They walked in silence. The forest was a weird place, on one hand, it was truly beautiful, dense, and full of color
the animal's movements. One of Elven's favorite animals to fight was the white serpents roughly 3 feet, fast and masters of remaining undetected. It took really good eyes and instincts to catch one in your line of sight at all let alone to catch one, only one person had ever caught the White serpent, but every time Elven had asked the people who it was they would get sad and stare off into space. Kate and Elven always followed the same regiment. First, they would try to swim like the white fish, then they would try to find skurs. Skurs were tiny creatures 3 feet long, they looked very peculiar, with almost automa-like faces, bright blue eyes that were as vast as the sea, they had black underbellies and nearly as the fastest animal in the forest. One animal stood abo
er countless times not to carry a sword during practice. Her response was always the same "I can do this, I just need to balance it right, and besides it's not that difficult if you can do it, and if you can do it obviously so can I." She would take two steps forward, throw the blade to the right, start spinning in on herself, throwing off her balance, and collapse to the ground every time. Well, this day Elven wasn't having it, something had changed Elven's mood and left him upset whether it was the dreams or the Events of the past week he was mad. Elven snapped out "Don't grab the blade, just for the love of all that is precious to do. not. grab. that. blade". Despite Elven's jerkish nature taking over, Kate smiled and casually replied
got stressed she would automatically do this. The third one was rare and only happened when she was really truly upset. Although Elven had rarely seen it, Kate would leave and hide in her special spot. No one had ever found this spot and she would sometimes hide for days with her outdoor survival training. Elven remembered her boasting she could survive hiding for a full month and no one would ever find her. Elven was too s
e able to find her but even then what would I do or say apologies? admit I was dumb and didn't mean it? No, no matter what I said she wouldn't forgive me today" Elven sighed "I best just let her go and find her tomorrow". The third option training spearfishing might take skill but it didn't raise any points in Elven stats. No one ever came here and when they did it, it was to escape the law, but they would run into Kyle the town's protector... and drunk,
ne. He had questioned Elisa every time but she always s
, a fiery redhead that was 5' 8 but could flip any man over her with one arm. No one knows why
journal from his stash and opened it up, the first page described how the ranks work. "Looks like I'm probably ranked 5000 becau
ne of the best perks". "The Next is the main reason, a lot of people do it for the joy of the hunt and for the money. Ranking up allows you to keep their gear which you can sell or keep, however, weapons are hard to master especially before you surpass rank 1000 it's said that you can pick up maybe one or two weapons and use them masterfully". "Hmm..." thought Elven "This is why Kate has so much troub
kingdom wanted more soldiers. However it was completely your choice to sign up or not, you signed a petition when you were 10 and as you turned 18 you sat and waited till a carrier arrived and let y
which would be the easiest way to level up his collecting skills.
e found some dinner. As his hearing attuned itself to his surroundings Elven closed his eyes appreciating the sounds of nature listening to the woods, birds, the river flowing, and a low crackling sound he didn't quite recognize, his eyes shot open, and suddenly Elven noticed a skur skulking around, Elven's senses heightened further as the adrenaline
ter, the scabbard of his sword pinned between the tree and riverbed. With his Lungs now screaming for air the reality of his situation had set in " I'm pinned underwater in the middle of the fore
and his back to the riverbed and fought with everything in his will, with a violent jerk he felt his body push out from the tree hitting the rocks of the river bed. Elv
towards the other shore where he spotted the rare golden wolf Elven sensed the wolf was staring him down. "Oh," Elven thinks to himself " I must be too far out of the safe part of the forest". Elven quickly decided to walk back away from the wolf's territory to the way he came until he sensed th
n orangish pink hue. As Elven noticed this he thought "it's now or never for finding something to eat". Elven went to work tracking, focusing his senses listening for any type of game knowing that his blunder and the presence of the Wolf from earlier had most likely scared away anything like a deer, he had begun to slowly step through the trees, slowed his breathing and kept his bow up and a tense quarter draw. As Elven focused his ears he was answered with a small twig snap approximately 15 feet to his right, his years spent training in these woods had made short work of honing in on his prey, Elven Turned th
dry tinder he had managed a small fire low but strong he added a few larger logs to further feed the growing flame next Elven fashioned a stone circle around the fire using medium-sized rocks scattered around the clearing then using Next Took took three more sticks added them to the top of
lecting on the events of the day his thoughts kept coming back to the first glimpse of the golden wolf by the river. It reminded him of when he was very young and he had snuck out of the house and wandered past the town and into the forest in the dead of night. As he had done so
to Micheal asking him what was on his mind " I feel like I don't fit in" Micheal had responded, "like I don't have anyone to trust and I can't find any place where I belong." Elven had paused for a moment and simply said "it's not about whether you feel are accepted or you feel have a place to belong, it's about having the chance to live your life, meet new people, and if you never get along, or feel you belong