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Word Count: 1162    |    Released on: 30/09/2022

ing. She told their parents and her siblings all sorts of lies and defamatory things about Harry and his fiancée. She deviated from the issue that caused the problem and delved into vil

s siblings resolve to go and meet Angela's father at Neke Iwo, her village to present a cola nut to him and warn her parents to restrain her daughter from having anything to do with their son H

dle it, but once he was told he left school and went to fight. Harry told him that Innocent said that he would kill her and since Oma has no body, that no one would dare to ask what happened to her. That he knew her family, was it not that retched and poverty stricken family, that they cannot even talk to him in the first place and that was why he went to his house to tell him that Oma has someone who would ask him about her. Joseph said that those words were

er that he would marry Angela, and the mother did not object to it but told him about Louisa, popularly known as mama Ogechi, who told her that Angela was an old woman that she should not allow her son to marry her. Haven been equipped with these pieces of information, including the negative contributi

and the benefit she would derive from that was still unknown to Harry. And Bernard proceeded by telling him that he entered their bus from Iwo to home. Harry reached his house but could not see any body. His father Joseph has gone to the farm at "Ikpahuru". Harry knew the place and traced him there. On seeing his father, his father's face frowned but Harry complained the matter to his father and narrated

ontery to fight her brother. She has taken Joseph to Innocent's father with Innocent and all of them swore an oath at "Ohihe", a shrine. Oma threaten to kill Innocent when he wanted to drop the idea of marrying her haven been in relationship with her for eight years. Oma cl

ground to stand his father and his siblings and that they have so and so plans against him. Then Harry explained the cause of his conflict with her sister and how she insulted him in her house at Iwo. Harry told his mother that her own problem wo

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