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Chapter 1 Introduction

Word Count: 5655    |    Released on: 22/09/2022

dark grey and the soles hanging on by a thread. It's time to put in a request for new ones. Admittedly, I probably should have d

comes to stand next to me, her voice so quiet that I

s servants are standing around, confused expressions on their faces as they talk a

rvants be in the Great Hall before breakfast for an

era. "Me too. It's not o

hold back a grimace. Some wealthy Beasts from a nearby land were coming to visit, and w

sure we are fed and clothed, but the others that came to visit operated in a much different manner. On the first day of their visit

ehend what had happened, before she crumpled onto the floor. There wasn't even a lull in the conversation for the Beasts

to spot John. He stands a good foot above the other human men, and w

ance, but before I can make my way over the room falls silent. Eve

with their close proximity, I shuffle backward slightly. I know that the action won't

around the room. He takes his time, carefully inspecting

to wipe them on my dress. Instead opting to clench them

to the centre of the room and he c

ted that a small number of you transfer to Ziad, the kingdom immediately North of here. We have yet to decide on who will be going, but d

slumping forward in relief. I'm a strong worker here at th

room, his Second following behind. The moment they are out

aking with John. I swiftly make my way over to them, wiping my sweaty palms on my dress in

ra, nervousness apparent in his voice. "I hope

room for me to join their conversation. His eyebrows furrowed together as he thought

oing, so odds are we should be fine." I

e grabs a curl resting on her collarbone, pulling

out them?" She asks Joh

nts are maimed and punished for the smallest of mistakes." John glances at

ar John let out a dry laugh, and can't help but to let some worry seep into my bones. I've never lef

easts, but our King treats us well. We are fed two m

e even worse than the Beasts that came

shudder. Her fingers continue to pull at her curls, an

denly, her voice a higher pitch than normal

towards the kitchen. It's Tuesday, which means that I need to help with

ll be chosen, and spilling all the secrets they have heard about the Ziad kingdom. I try to stay

I have been doing it for years with no mishaps, proves that I do not pry or speak about any information that I happen to overh

instead was made to stay inside the kitchen and plate the food. This morni

re the Beasts came. Apparently they adopted a number of our tradit

to eat my second meal yesterday, having been running late on my cleaning, and am paying for it now. Sharp pains strike my sides

grab some cleaning supplies. Needing to distract myself from my hunger, I disin

The head chef tells me, waving her arm in

ng the King's quarters takes up most of the day, meaning I need t

uing to be about Ziad and the transfers. I find an empty seat bet

, but have you seen their King? Talk about gorgeous." The laundry wo

a couple large scoops of porridge. A smile spreads across

oints her spoon at Emma "You don't want them hearing and putting you on that list. Beside

lled once simply for sneez

be fair I heard that he act

them out to focus on shovelling the food into my mouth. I don't have t

wanting to keep him waiting for too long. My hypothesis is proven correct as I round the corner into the large corri

ogise. "I ate some break

rising in a quick shrug. "No worries

even looks as if the ends have been tripped. Surprised, I bring my gaze down over his body,

tammer, trying to find th

red. He gives me a crooked, embarrassed smile and brings his

d myself up that I would be

is excessive even for him. Holding back a frown,

ou want to work on the Second's? Then we can head down to g

we enter and exit, as well as who goes into which set of suites, but none are present today. I've been in ch

t for extra support. It opens just enough for me to fit through,

has kept both his shoes tidy and the small table along the left wall free o


lay haphazardly on the couch and table. A children's book lays open on the floor, the pages romanticising the Beasts

on them as I clean. I'm surprised that he took them out in the first place. King Richard was looking at them

rection, before placing them back in the albums that they were taken from. I learned years ag

he room. It's tedious, but relatively easy work. Before I know it I'm fi

m in poor shape, and I'm able to finish up

against it a couple of times. Usually the Beast on guard is able

the heavy front doors, but eventually gave up and accepted that while I can push them open

a couple more bangs I accept that he is prob

he past two hours, but within the past 30 or so minutes I've begun to feel t

the leftovers that the King didn't finish, but even as I think it I know that I w

Second's quarters. After waiting for what feels like an hour I hear the door groan. Knowing that this is

as it pops open, "I was starting t

ront of me, his hand holding the door open with ease. A mocking smirk

peak to both you and that

he main corridor. I sign in relief as I realise that I am

at his overly shined shoes. I make my way over to him, dropping the garbage bags to my right and bringing my hands behind my bac

both been chosen to transfer to the Ziad castle. It was a hard decision, and you two were not among my top choices,

d us. Seconds pass in silence as the King watches us. I clear

ster up the courage to ask, winc

hn shuffles his feet, the movement subtle, while I fiddle with my

ow afte

g to do?" Vera ask

ill, pretending to be asleep. If I don't get up

nd seconds later I hear a creak and feel the m

ithout you and John," she continues.

ly brown hair is thrown up in a messy bun, and deep bags have app

glad that at least one of us gets to stay

row my legs over the edge of the bed and

e pack?

her before leaving. I said all of my goodbyes yesterday during dinner, and am hopi

a sad smile.

und the castle gardens as young children to becoming teens gossiping about who was having sex. We were lucky in that we wer

d have to cover for him and tell his mom that he was asked to g

d us for even one second, especially given that

I snort. "She made all of us sleep

mpt to take our mind off the matter at hand. It makes the time go by qu

this will be the last time I am ever here again. The area is just large enough to hold

have to show for it is one sad burlap sac

s over my mouth to cover it, the motion causing Vera to laugh harder. Seconds late

bs. I pull Vera into a hug, burying my face into her curly brown hair and wr

you so much." I m

"Promise you'l

xpensive for a human, and it will take me years to find enough money to write to her. By the

her. I fear that the sight of her red-rimmed eyes and tear-stained cheek

as we leave my bedroom and walk through the servant's quarters, heading to the side exit that leads to the front gate.

tch her retreat until the door closes behind her. Even then I don't look a

er see this place again. I've spent my entire life here

g around by the gate. King Richard wasn't kidding when he said only a few s

reproduce with one another, often having four or five children, and those children grow up to

ulate. My body shivers at the thought. While I hope that the rumours of hi

out of my thoughts. "Sit nex

sn't try to strike up any conversation. We stand next to one another quie

. Most people keep their heads down as it approaches, but their hands rise to their faces every couple of seconds to wipe away stray

ren to school. John's mother told me once that her great-grandmother had gone to school five days a week on a bus like this, and that

even now, it's h

in front of the double doors. With a loud whine, the doors are pushed

ing us a quick once over. Disgust is ev

n in the first available seat. I find a spot near the m

and readjust, trying to get c

ng the ride is goin

unable to pull out enough slack to buckle himself in. Reaching over, I swa

ets out a loud sigh. "Not su

silence as the bus moves us along. Occasionally a quiet whisper brea

ill pass an old abandoned human town or small Beast village. I pay most attention to the old towns, imagining what life m

The city is large, much larger than King Richard's, and the Beasts on the street look at us with mild fascination. M

mom ignores us, grabbing his arm and moving him behind her so he's out of our view. I can't help but frown as I

plots of land surrounding each home. My body leans to the left as

e must have turned to go through a small servant's entrance instead of the main one. I can't help but f

ndow, also watching us approach our new home. Sensing me looking at him

ask, "We are

th. The driver doesn't hesitate to open the doubl

ke in the large castle for the first time. I thought that King Richard's was large, bu

e yells. My head snaps forward, spotting a tall hu

r heads down and do not speak. We are to head inside where you will be informed of th

er abruptness, we all fumble to grab our belongings and adjust our lineup. I rush up to the

pass by is grand, the walls covered in artwork and filled with dark, sleek furniture. We pass maybe six ro

main hall where the Beasts enter and exit. The woman, who still hasn'

e. Their heads are kept down, eyes locked in on the floor in front of them.

the day is quickly catching up to me, making my eyelids droop. At one point I even catch myself holding

oving forward until they are directly in front of us. The man in front looks to be in his late thirties, greys taking over

late twenties. He stands tall, a couple of inches above h

We will inform you today of the rules you are expected to follow. An

estly shocked that he is the Second, while the younger man is King. From

x has done to earn himself such a reputation so qui

frame. Beasts in general are much stronger than humans, but he looks large for even a Beast. I look up from his body and take in his face. He has a sharp jawline, which le

tinues. "While things may have been relaxed at Richard's, that is not h

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