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Her perfect mistake

Chapter 5 Emotional Breakdown

Word Count: 1264    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

through emotional meltdown as she kept recalling Jessie's words " I'm gonna take everything away From you ". This really broke he

eeded someone who can make her heart be at ease and only her family mostly h

m and take-aways. Paparazzi couldn't stop going to her house but was prevented by security that kept denying them to enter the gate, they even lied saying she attended family emergency, also which led to another hot topic that said "Monica runs aways after tryi

n't deserve this. He also knew that Jessie's family will do anything to get everything they want that includes faking evidence because they had money. He told himsel

et Monica some flowers and chocolates first because he heard that they can make a s

y already knew. He had to convince them that he was his brother from home and he wanted to surprise her and support her. They finally allowed him to enter since t

are you doing here?

ome flowers and chocolates and

owers or chocolates, you better


't want to offend Monica who didn't even care on how the place looked, Johnny couldn't stop looki

w that I didn't leave you In a good state last time I left. I also li

o check your Surname and for not seeing that we don'

rossed the line, but you don't look fine tho

y and hated it when people asked her that so she busted in tear

going to be alright, don't show your enemies your

down she knew Johnny was right but she couldn't stop crying because

with you every step of the way,

t. She looked away quickly. I'll make something for you, please for now go tak

a wore her Normal blue dress with slippers and went downstairs, when she was halfway the stairs she was surprised on how clean the place was has she been in the shower for ages and how quick did this guy clean this up

need to eat something real, give m

and walked to go watch TV.Johnny was happy

't go, stay and eat with me and he agreed. Monica got up and dished for Johnny too. Monica couldn't stop her self from eating so fast cause the food was so delicious and she was hungry she eve

d up his sentence by saying starting by the mess Jessie caused. I'll try looking for possible ways to attack this as your lawyer he said with a smile, that's if you allow me. Jessie said yes from now on you are officially my lawyer. Please update me over th

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