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The Rich Billionaire's Secret

Chapter 4 Conrad

Word Count: 6198    |    Released on: 10/09/2022

t blush in front of everyone. That simple smile and wink made her heartbeat increase rapidly, and she had to remind herself that she was here as

having increasingly personal conversations with a room of complete strangers. Definitely the latter, Daisy thought, but there was nothing she could do abou

ade you choose thi

king the safer route, she paused to consider her choice to become a chef. And if

alm down whenever she took me into the kitchen with her, and my favorite toy was a cooking set that

trange look on his face. It was like he was seeing her for the very first time and Daisy didn't know what to make of it. The

rly in life and to succeed in it." Conrad's mot

fe. She had just always known. And everything she had done since then was in pursuit of achieving that dream, and she was well on her

me instead of the other way round. I had no c

f your special gift," Willow replied. "Conrad te

g too," Leo chimed in,

of the wonderful child that she had raised. She did her best not to look at Conrad this time around, afraid of

Conrad when he was younger." Willow l

she wasn't sure how much more of 'your son looks so much like Conrad' she could take. Well, to be fai

ght mommy was always best, bless his little soul. Even when I rea

and their mothers," Daisy chuckled. "They

lly has merit." Willow replied with a wi

et, her daughter seemed to have been raised to be a detective, and Daisy was

times still is," Willow continued, earning a

s father's family. No matter what she did for him and how much she tried to be there, she would never fill that gap. Would he

way to not call attention to herself. Well done, Daisy, always so smooth! Conrad stuck out his tongue quickly, then schooled his features before anyone could see. Daisy covered he

n, Daisy?" Willow asked, making D

o leave the table for a little while. She looked a

game room for a bit. I bet he's bored wi

, and what Leo might say in response that might lead them to connecting the dots. She was probably being paranoid since Leo was just

ut our food and it helps when a chef loves what they

thought out, and Daisy could only imagine the st

ver the years, and I hope he can te

ything that I can from him,

a secret between two old friends. "I can't quite figure out if Adelaide always avoided h

here; I love to talk about food too

n, then?" Willow laughed. "I'm sure you've r

a shrug. "He just uses his words wisely, I s

ty. He certainly had quite the potential to be funny, and his soc

well. Hopefully for as long as Matt

could watch him be with someone else and potentially have kids that would look exactly like her son. And what happened when Leo became a teenager and his resembla

ed as she opened the door to

it could get better than this. A man chuckled, making her turn to look in his direction. He was dressed in his chef whites, a pristine white flash

vorite room in the entire house,"

d's chef, and I thought you both might en

out of the kitchen, leaving the two chefs

r stepping foot in this house," Matteo said, turning back t

e most beautiful kitchen that I've ever

his large white jacket. "Don't worry. The

y gasped, walking towards the intricate

nuine smile, and Daisy looked back fervently at the expensive set of Miyabi knives. She had only ever seen them in advertisements, but she would

ught of Conrad's

t seen that look of excitement on anyone's face since I go

od where she was coming from. "Even when I wasn't the tallest, smartest, or prettiest, I was always the girl who co

have never heard anyone describe it so beautifully. You have

g her desire to cook for this family, especially her new boss. She didn't want to dwell too much on the fact that her desire to make C

your usual preferences," Adelaide began, stopping

rue intentions were about to be revealed. He didn't want to start this conversation with her, e

failing to say?" Conrad

anything. I am actually say

chance to be the annoying little brother, as was his birth right. Even now, while they were in their thirties, she was still finding little ways to annoy him. May

isn't exactly an old man." She said with a

and nodded. "You are right, she'

r uniform too, a feast for the eyes while

n. "You are not as funny as yo

up for a small sip. "Oh, lighten up, Conny. The

ll I care about is her

ve, sparkly things." She said with a wiggle o

sed on their experience and ability to co

woman?" His sister continued poking. "You'll be seeing a lot o

e is also an excellent chef. Your point is moot because I wil

en putting the doubt in his head. Of course he could keep his damn hands to himself! He'd had several pretty assistants before, but he'd never given them a

al. He felt his sister's gaze on him and deliberately avoided looking at her in case she read his mind. There was no way he would give

g it up." Adelaide finally said in a

was doing, and he didn't w

you know if she's even available? I mean, do you know th

up to exactly. But she luckily didn't get the chance

ess, dear. He's a grown man and

kids again, but grown men didn't do that. So, he held his composure

n since you have dated someone?" Conrad groaned as his mother spoke. He

o my business, Mom?" He asked,

hs and go through sixteen hours of labor to have you. Nothing is personal when it comes to yo

he couldn't argue against her point, es

re and still had time to have this family. Did he ever miss any of yo

had missed, but he knew better than to argue with his mother when she wa

e, mom. No matter how little I may h

from every girl you meet, the poor th

seem pretty perfect to me," Conra

I'm not getting any younger and I just want to see you kids be happy.

urally from her that if he wasn't used to her guilt-trips by now, he w

wants to see your children before

into laughter. They both deserved that for bei

born is the most eligible bachelorette in this city."

ad? She had never seemed like she was eager to settle down; in fact, she was even more picky than he was. Every man Adelaide had ever dated barely lasted for a couple of weeks at a time, and there was always something wrong with them. There was always so

high maintenance too, but your father has never had any problem making me happy." His mother replied, taking an

He pointed out,

h a bad thing," his sister

g outside for some much-needed fresh air and time to think. He hated that his sister was right, and he hated him

ed how impossible the task see

This was only a problem he had to find a solution to. His mother had always told him not to treat life like a giant puzzle that needed to be solved, but he was too scared to follow her advice. The fear of having

t, brother, but I s

s parents had truly built a lovely home here, even surrounded by the rich opulence his parents flaunted. It was the warmth the house had that made it feel like home.

stion that he couldn't answer, certainly not now. So, Conrad did what he coul

walk brisk walk around the garden

g, and this time was no different. He'll deal with whatever attraction he has to Daisy his way, not Adelaide's. Conrad stomped his shiny black shoes on the rug, clo

" Conrad's voice was curt, and he barely

ausing briefly at the rich mahogany wood. Screwing up

ed open, showcasing Byron's shocked face before

m taking a car to bring Daisy and Leo home," Conrad mentioned

d his coffee. "You kno

onrad chuckled. "Another cup, Fath

ng it in here," his fa

ather took another sip. "Did you

cup clattered against the c

e study door and resume


He knocked, standing impatiently in the black and white hallway while tapping his foot on

your tantrum,

door again. "Mother, it's getting lat

tures. "Surely they can stay for a little while longer," she sai

isy has enough notes to make famil

let Daisy know about my distaste for liver, anyt

ing his tie before he continued. "You've given h

is falling asleep. Oh, how about you let them stay with us

tically scribbling notes on a small notepad. His eyes travelled to the love seat in the corner, seeing Leo stretched out with his right leg dangling off the cushions an

cided, cupping Willow's face in a gesture of peace.

dy see her mind whirling, coming up with dozens of questions to pester

as she stuffed her notebook in

. "I'll driving y

ver," Daisy said, pulling her notepad ba

an excited grin on her face, "They'll stay for a little longer. We'll finish

at's when he noticed she'd put her hair in

ng one more time to appeal to his mother's sens

ow mentioned, squinting as she tr

e weekends." Daisy stood and grabbed her purse from under the chair, stuffing the no


eaving Conrad to figure out the borrowed car seat. Conrad figured Leo was old enough to sit in the backseat with just a lap seat belt like he had

rad asked, peering in from the other side of the car do

d up. "It fits perfectly, don't worry. You installed everything correctly. Now, all y

t, a headache already form

ather." Conrad slapped the car door. He winced at the volume, h

"I'll free Daisy from

s pants pockets as he studied Leo's sleeping figure through the glass. Adelaide's indirectness was lik

eyes over the pointed nose and deep dimples. How t

Conrad to look up. He forced


s hard to make out the words to the songs, leading Conrad to anxiously concentrating on dr

," Conrad whispered, break

hone and giggled. "Only whe

ause, before Conrad spoke again. "Natalie never told me how you he

st friend, Emma, knows Natalie. From what I understand, she called around to see if anyon

as he continued to drive. "It worked out," he said,

ved before she pointed at her phone. He looked at the road and shook his head. A sense of déjà vu flashed

ve dimples like me. Leo could be anyone's child. Conrad tapped his index figure on

e-night stand a few times. He remembered a

view mirror again. Do you

s having a terrible time with her parents for the weekend. Now, she wishes she'd pushed h


ugh Conrad was watching the road ahea

he offered, grippin

said, "yea

disinterest as he asked, "Is there a reason L

head. "Emma a God's sen

eadbeat?" Conrad asked, ca

ver been

rad continued. "Then, your

nnounced, "I don't have the best

file for a moment, trying to read her expression. Are you telling me you

if you get along with him or not, Daisy." The glare

aisy snarled, the tension palpable in the front seat. There was a sh

r the coldness in her stare. He slowly nodded and f


chool, Byron secured him his first position in the mailroom, a part-time gig that was flexible with his classes. In the past ten years, Conrad had worked nearly every position within th

lot of personal time to become the CEO of Engel Enterprises, and some days Conrad just wished for a break. Le

years ago and Leo's my child? That would certainly explain her anger over last night. He internally

ed and closed, but h

ed your meeting for

air. He watched Natalie shift back and forth in his doorway, but his m

ce, hugging a big stack of file folders and frowning

"No, they just have to approve th

es on his desk. "Well, what's w

s head. He tapped his hands on the top of his chair for a c

figure something out," Nathan said as

esk and grabbed a lega

ir across from the desk, poised to wr

e Daisy's b

notepad, then stopped. Sh


nfusion was obvious

y n

re she gave him a challenging stare. "Emma would never recommend someone w

look. "She n

t this is extremely disturbing. I'm not just goin

k and slouched down. He s


quickly. I want to know mor

he's a woman who you would

laughed. "I'm married to my

rabbed the doorknob but didn't open the door. Instead, Natalie turned back a

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