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Till Worlds Do Us Part

Chapter 2 The people

Word Count: 2566    |    Released on: 04/09/2022

how difficult it felt trying to open my eyes. I felt as if I needed help opening my ey

't see their faces clearly but I could sense that they were agitated,

I saw the face of the person that put that cold thing on my forehead. It was a woman. A grown woman. She was very dark in color. She

rs. She wiped them quickly and then she touched my cheek. With her palm still resting on my cheek, she lo

r words. They all rejoiced and began dancing around. I frown

band around his forehead with feathers poking out from it, almost looking like a crown. The band was cheater skin too. He looked at me for a while and then turned to address the mob in a very deep and firm vo

eps recede. I hadn't even noticed that there was still someone else here. The person had been standing by my bedside all along and I hadn't even noticed. I tried to see

n and said something that

e toward us with a molded bowl in her hands. She held it towards the woman and the woman put her hand in it and drew out a smaller bowl with a handle

the strength. My tongue felt heavy. She noticed that I was trying to speak and she put her fingers on my lips and

nd then turned to the lady and started speaking to her. The lady nodded. The woman th

hand and touched my hair for a while and then she pinched the skin on my face lightly. She leaned towards me and smelled my skin. She took my hand and played with the skin on

ve me some more water and splashed s

to talk. I didn't u

eak again. She jerked her


which I didn't understand. Sh


th the woman behind her. The woman se

hat's... go...

y looked at each othe

he lady... and t

started complaining. I couldn't understand what he was going on abo

an exhaled heavily, though

again. This time she took

s but the woman didn't stop me.

iced that the forehead band man was also topless. But this young man did not have a band around his head or arm. He had a

to sit on the side of the bed. He looked at me with concern. He said something to me that sounded way different from what I've been hearing from th

hat?" I

ned and looked up at the woman. He said... and

?" He asked me. He

nally understood what he was tryi

" I as

ur name?" H


o the woman who

rning back to me, he spoke with

n't un.. u

hem to giv

d me after the young lady mad


hich co

ow." I replied fe

g about you. Wher

swers to the questio


pinching the space between his eyes. "Can

helped me sit up on the bed with my back against t

d woman who were standing behind him watching. "These are my people. You see, look

placed it next to his. We were not the same colour. His hand

people?" He con


" He looked surprised.

w..." I told him sh

o them what I couldn't understand. Only the woman was

are of you. They won't be able to understand you because they don't speak English. They only speak Loke an

ss. Now it was clear to me why th

popular. The chieftess' name is Furah. She just told me that I should come h

here?" I

iver. You were left to die. We don't know how you got there but you were very hurt. They

?" I as

ater by your God, some say that you fell from the sky from one of those b

ou think I

people call the big bird, or from wha


y pale, I think y

ery dark...

to recall anything right now, your falling was really bad. You need some time

an and woman. My stomach suddenly growle

ou that she is very happy that y

I told him placing my

about 6 nights now. You usually just open your eyes and sleep again. If you ha

d. "Oh

ld see your face, tha

t find

d go now, Furah is only paying me 80 corns." He said getting up from th

are you

To my hut."

that?" I

s area. My hut is fa

se people, please take

t me as if I had just said so

ot permitted here. Until I do not marry you,


d. Furah urged him to interpret what I had said t

they would kill you." He to

ling?" I asked him rolling my eyes

and her head is cut off. But I understand that since you don't even remember your own n

away and disappeared behind a

ng again tomorro

tanding with his ha

time now?"

e before

at him

asked fro

. He had a tiny sack hanging from the waist line of his skirt. He removed th

d short phras

things on the plate, there was also boiled corn. They put it on my lap and urged me on but I didn't know what I was supposed to do with those funny looking things. Furah took some wat

and a bit sour. I went from one food to the other but they all tasted horrible. I ate for a while and then

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