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My Mafia King

Chapter 2 Revelation

Word Count: 1156    |    Released on: 03/09/2022

Please don't k

ling you" Aida rushed into Isabel's

and this time a man tried to kill

it's because of all the stress you have put yourself t

e and ok" Isabel's mom replied, and after hugging her daughter and making



erful, and joyous day for me, I will be go

s scholarship and I finally got it, my parents and my f



goodbye to her mom she left with her dad who is taking her to the airp

and a middle-class town called Colim

with her parents she h

6th birthday party. She was watching TV with

ike a huge weight thrown on the shoulders of her parents, they didn't know what to do the do

to start with and the cost of living in Mexico was very high. The

the illness. Her father later got a job and her mother became a businesswoman, though it was a hard lifestyle In Me

To S

fore letting her board her flight, as soon as the plane left, he got ins

a man could be seen dressed in all black from his sunglasses, gloves, and c

ow why then are you people hear?" Manuel asked the man. He first took o

other!" The man said smili

re, who sent you to follow me d

and for the follow part I just decided to follow you by my free will and I saw my niece for the very

fe a living hell! And why does father want to see me now after 22 years, a

ting father's message remember no one has ever done that and leave to

ld, I am no longer one of you I have a wife and a daughter now and I leave a peaceful life with them what make

happen to good old Aidan while you are at work or what will happen to Isabel on campus, but anyway it's your choice!"

p my wife and daughter away from all your scandalous deeds" Manuel sh

his wife, when he got there he discove

father know why he wants to


e name sounds that was how beauti

udents’ needs in terms of thei

est to provide a space for all students to thrive. This is good

oticed that the students I was seeing were all from the Elite class they were the rich types

I was directed to my hostel space on campus, I was supposed to share the room with 2 other student

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