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Contrary Mary

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 2726    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

in an Unexpected Place; and in Which Perfect

r in Washington was like any other apartment when she went into it, but the changes which she made-the t

lestick; these created the first impression. Then one's eyes went to an antique table on which a crystal ball, upborne by three bronze monkeys, seemed to gather to it

Leila Dick sat, looking as out of place

dimness. Outside the sun was shining, glorio

when Lilah

ight to her room,"

auty, who was combing her hair, "I di

on an old English love-seat. "We're to have lunch

tched her surroundings, for this room was as flaming as the other was subdued. Yet the effect was not that of crude color; it was, rather, that of co

er face reflectively in the mirror, and having decided that she needed no fu

ll I wear

the calm response, "y

to think such things out for myself. But I meant

l need your heavy coat, and something good


ldn't get Porter's

the day we had tea

asked. Porter nev

hey en

ary wo

" Delilah reflected. "She isn't pr

d. "She's b

e her. But the average man would

ne would. And Mary Ballard wou

dinary when h

's tone was scornful,

ssed her. "Don't let me ruffle your plumage, Jenny Wr

s the

be anything at all. Otherwise you are lost in the crowd. That's why Fifth Avenue is full of people in startling clothes. In the mob you won't be singled out simply for your pretty face-there are too many pretty faces; so it is the woman who strikes some

ause of

about her, a directness, that comes from years of association with things I haven't had. Before I came here, I thought money could buy anything. But it can't.

e in flamingo red sat down besid

oves her, and he tops all the other men I've met. And he'd never love me. He will laugh with me and joke

r Bigelow is Mary's. But I give you my word, Leila Dick, that when I catch sight of his bless

her, Leila was drawn to the other by

ith him, Lilah?" s

er head. "Who knows? Being in love and lovin

ned to her dressing-room, where, in l

her glanced through it and laid it down; picked a bonbon d

several minutes later, "what makes

the box of chocolates. And she was now standing by the window, her veil drawn tightly over her close little hat, so

n-hued coat, which matched the roses in the other room,

in the long glass, she flung o

Ballard, I shall feel like a Beardsley po

Fort Myer. The General and Mr. Jeliffe met them at the drill hall, and

rry held Leila back. "We will sit at the

il, her eyes r

he said

er before had Little-Lovely Leila refu

" she said, nervously, "

see why you want to turn her over to me." Then

matter?" h

ng," f

"I can read you like a

to play, and in came the cavalry-a gallant company, through the sun-lighted door, charging

ing four abreast, men riding in pyramids, men turning

ark, while the other horses went over him, without a hoof touchi

like it," she said. "I've never liked i

s full of those who get hurt, but it is good for them; it t

, galloping horses. Breathless Leila watched their manoeuvres, as they wheeled and circled and crisscrossed in spaces w

, eyes dancing, turned to Porter

have stormed your castle, and I shouldn't have cared if you hurled defiance from the top turret. I'd have known that, at last, you'd be forced to let dow

n't," said M

p in a tower, and every night I'd have come and sung beneath yo

and Delilah on the other side of

ter; "it is all deadly earn

s a quick bugle-note, silence. Lik

asking, "Is

"I'm going to take this child outside," he said; "she's as whi

shine and air and she insisted tha

said, "just because I am so silly.

see it-it's an

onderful city of the nation's Northern dead, which was once the home of Southern hosp

ll right n

t she did

ugh her veil. "Take it off a

she took out a pin o

been c

were a cry-the cry of

ing. "Blessed o

't tel

u m


e world; he put masterful hands on her shoulders an


self free. "D

sensitively. "I know I

r usual childishness, "Barry, if a man wants a woman to

antly, "what

on: "What h

t you


den courage. "I was at Delilah's this morning, and I

relief. If it was only that he had to expl


he game-but I didn't think

w f

you k



you'd tell me wha

tucked into her muff, and her veil blowing about her flushed cheeks, she made her accusation. "Y

how did that picture happen to be in


the maids-a new one. I intended, to go in and give it to you,

, Barry, what els

e thing," he said, passionately, "that I love you-not anybody else, not ever anybody else. I haven't dared put it into

"Oh, Barry," she whispered, "do y

have said. More th

on't want us to get married, Leila; they will say that

ys, B

ou lov

ou kno

ed voice, as he raised her hands an

. And when her guests had gone, and the black-haired beauty went to he

-she mixed up our names, just as the maids used to mix them up at school. And I know you won't mind my taking it, because with you it is just a game to play at love-with Barry. But it is my life, as y

smiled and shook her head. Then she we

at your wedding. Only don't love

voice of Perfect Faith-"Oh, Barry's worth it. I've known h

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