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Chapter 4 Caroline

Word Count: 926    |    Released on: 10/10/2022

them. After transferring part of a load to one hand I manage to get the keys and put them in the lock. As I turn the key it breaks off, leaving me locked out of the house. I res

me as he wraps me in a hug from behind. I pull out

have roofing to do, and there's even more where that came from! Is this ever going to end?" I ramble all at once my stress building more

cocky smirk as he goes to an open window and climbs in. a few moments late

in. Hes about six feet and four inches and is about four inche

ss from the door I see a bouquet of black roses. thinking they are from elijah a moment my heart flutters that is until re

fair skin goes a shade of white."Where did those come from?" hi

saw them when I did

recognition in his eyes. "Black roses." he says as he looks at me, soundi

I say eyeing him carefully. while I admire the beauty

"really? Do you not know anyt

ay panicky close to hyperventilating, he takes my shoulders in his hands forcing me t

t you. your safe, whoever is looking to hurt you wont get close I will protect you

o make an appearance. "Ok. what do I do?" I say as he smiles down at me. but there is still a

you can stay with? also your off work tomorrow so let's have a dat

f, it needs to be done

you'd like." he says and at this moment I feel like everything is going to be okay. That it will just blow over in the next

wers, my heart rate spikes. Elijah follows

o read the note and the color drains f

e shadows, since the first day

darkness crawling up my arms and I start to get lightheaded as

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