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Christian's Mistake

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 5422    |    Released on: 30/11/2017


ears his sou

sees his

and, put fo

snatch from

enignly t

live our

e back int

thus awful

angel in

rious ideals of happiness, good to make, if never to enjoy, one

embling when she heard it, or hidden away up in her own bedroom, her sole refuge from the orgies that took place below, where the sound of music, exquisite music, went up like the cry of an angel imprisoned in a den of brutes, th

he reality. An

e sure to be assembled there, any body would say what a happy family it was, and what a pleasant picture it made. Father and mother at either end of the table;

igne never sle

eyes, like nee

ered watchfulness her duty. Indeed, as she explained over and over again to Aunt Maria, the principal reason which made her consent still to remain

it was those children-how she would take care of them; fill up her weary days with them; love them, and be loved by them; in short, find in them the full satisfaction of her mot

nd one on his knee, all so happy together. Dr. Grey always looked happy when he was with his little folk. And they, their very faults faded off into sweetnesses when they came within the atmosphere of that good, loving, fatherly na

th the gulf of shining mahogany between, bridged it o

, active, hard-working young governess, who had never known an idle or even a restful hour. The rest was sweet-oh! how sweet! but the idleness was difficult to bear. She had tried sometimes in the long mornings, when the master was shut up in his study, to get the children with her, and teach them a

ian, though it did not silence-it could not-the cry of her heart to be of some use to somebody; to have s

ad-eyed; and it was a relief when Barker entered with

can be writing to

gne looked daggers, and, the minut

s, to be a little more circumspect. How could yo

as she opened the letters, almost the first which had come to her still

hat passed around him except when his wife spoke, and then some slight m

ss Gascoigne; "the very

in Avonsbridge, too. Th

leased at having so suc

ood so

t worth while being annoyed at such a small thing. She only l

twinkling in his eye, "that no society i

ed a minute, but after


you like

y more strong-she did shrink from the outward shows of it. To be stared at by cold, sharp, Avonsbridge eyes, or pointed at as "the governess" whom Dr. Grey had

arties! They are bridal parties, Mrs. Grey, given for you, meant to welcome you into

burnt there now; but she restrained herself, for the children sat there-Letitia, preternaturally sharp, and

tood every word. But still it had not affected him, except to a wist

? Perhaps, Dr. Grey, after all, it would be

ing, after a brief consultation with Dr. Grey, Christian sat down and wrote to these grand University ladies, who, though not an atom better than herself, would, she

flowers. Not too youthful a toilet, for she had no wish to appear young now, but still bridal-a "bride adorned with her jewels," only these were b

nd her neck, and put a bracelet on her arm. Both were simple enough, but, little as she

them? They

t bought the

had them re-set. They belonged to my mother, and ha

ad. Great tears were gat

od to me-so unfailingly, unceasingly good. I try to

! My d

omething in real love which will neither be discussed nor described. Let us dr

he carriage which was to take them to the grand dinner party, she stood,

on which had been hers both before and after her marriage, she began to awake also to the dawning consciousness of what real marriage ought to be-the perfect, sacred union, so seldom realized or eve

heart, which needed its lord, was ready to obey him, love and serve him, nay, fall down in the very dust before him, if only he could be found! And she knew now-knew by t

as coming into her that sense of awed self-appropriation, that fierce revulsion from any intrusion on the same, which comes into any woman's nature when beginning to love as she is beloved. Christian did not as yet; but she recognized her husband's love, and it pe

ay of one little corner in it, "Do not tread there, it is a grave." Only a grave; a very harmless grave now, tricked with innocent, girlish flowers, but still containing the merest handful of dust. It would never corrupt, and might even serve to fertilize that simple heart, which, out of its very s

ters, burnt by herself on her marriage morning. The whole story, occupying in all only four weeks, had gone by e

any more. A sudden thought made her struggle at once for

that could make people say, even the most ill-natured of them-and, alas! she had lately come to learn that the world is filled, not, as she thought, wi

st. There was not a lock unsmoothed in her fair hair, not a fold awry in her silks or laces, and not a tra

lty. More than once Christian had rushed wildly up stairs, expecting some dreadful catastrophe, but it was only the usual warfare between Phillis and the children, especially Arthur, who was no

!" was the fierce scream which caught he

of a young bull-dog, was, with all the might of his little fists, returning blow for blow-in short, a regular stand-up fight, in which the two faces, elder and yo

he matter? What has

. Grey entered the nursery, only a little harder, a little fiercer, with th

isobeyed me. I'll teach you to do


made her pause a second, and then her blows fell with redoubled strengt

weaker, were, to her keen sense of justice, so obnoxious, so detestable that they always roused in her a something, which is at the root of all the righteous rebellions in the world-a something which God, who ordained righteous authority, implants in every honest human heart as a safeguard aga

She merely with her firm, strong hand, wren

. Phillis, remember, henceforward no children in my house sh

tonished, and then, recovering herself, darted after the retreating boy. But it was too late; he had already gained the staircase. It was st

down after the child, but he turned screaming from her, and it was

She soothed the boy, and felt that no limbs were broken; indeed, he complained o

y wrong with him. We m

ou have o

oor child. She answered humbly, and named Dr. Anstruther, whom Christian well knew by report; an old m

m, for it may be a mere trifle after all-that I am afraid he will have to dine out without me today. Go quick, Phillis;

ers and slipped away so hastily that she stumbled over Letitia, and gave her a good box on the ear; however, the

curiosity-only curiosity there was not a tear in her

the deepest pity. What sort of bringing up could it

ould hold Arthur as easily as possible till the doctor came. And then she bade her take off the diamond bracelets and t

hank you, my dear. You

me and give

, and then came and stood by her step-mothe

etty white silk dress. Won

h-if it can n

e clothes, and married papa that he m

s was m

ndeed, she hardly took in what the child s

a spok

ty? Aunt Henrietta said you

real mother's heart, Christian felt hers yearn over

a, go and look for him. Tell him to

n upon herself toward these children all the duties and anxieties of motherhood. How many-perha

arms, which clasped round him close and warm, as finding in him something to comfort, something to love.

ed it into a strange tenderness-that her husband was one of the many men who, brave enough morally, are the most utter

o, Christian? W

he must do it; but before she had time to

own a few stairs! I will never believe it. It is just making a fuss about nothing. Dr. Grey, we must go to th

clung with all his might

ot have him moved. Hush, Atty! you grieve papa. Be

te-then again ordered P

" and he clung again to his step-mother. "I'll be go

have toward all helpless things, gleamed in her eyes as she added, "Miss Gascoigne, y


rother-in-law, Miss Gascoigne tu

bubbling over the boy's white lips, Christian saw a

s lightning Christian recollected all that had not been done, and all that the doctor said they ought to have done, in the case of little Jamie. It was useless speaking out what she feared; indeed, one look at Dr

ade an effort at a smile-"as I said, I

l be here soon. Suppose you were to go

ow she managed it, but she did do it, for it was necessary; Arthur must be kept quiet. She was now sitting in the

with you! He does not

he always does, every day of my life. I hate her! If I die,

own again. She was now almost certain that the lung was injured, and her eyes were full o

about Phillis?"

not talk of that just no

n, after his first glance at the patient, Dr. A

t. But we only want women here. The best thing you

y-Dr. Ans

e graceful figure, the brilliant evening dress. "I was to have met you tod

nd her suspicions of what it was. The freemasonry of trust which springs up instantan

done that could be done, Dr. Grey was recalled, and the facts explained to him; though Dr. Anstruther, who seemed to understand him well,

, Dr. Grey caine and stood b

licate for months-and p

y poo

might hear. Go, and sit down for

ey which unlocks all consolation was in her heart not yet found. Only there came over her, with a solemn presentiment which had its sweetness still, the conviction that whatever ha

aking hands between her two firm one

You will go to bed; a

r p

d y

rse. Never mind me; I h

have nobod

Arthur, Hush! there is

let me have my way.

watch for many a weary day and night-beside his boy's pillow. He saw her likewise-a figure, the like of which, husband and father as he had been, he

those endless wants of sickness at night, especially sickness that may be tending unto death, or unto the awful struggle between life and death, which most women have at some time of their lives to keep ward over till danger has gone by-just the sort of fi

ce, Dr. Grey crossed the room, trying hard to make his step light and nois

tian. Does he suffer ve

t n

e ever

st so! Dr. Anstruther said there

k so too?" with a

I do t

tood behind her and watched all she did for the child, who waked thi

ddered as he g

f he were dead

u must go to bed," said Chris

are you not afraid t


m to be afraid

deal" said Christian, with a faint smile

thing grew softer into natural sleep. Then, with a mutual impulse given by th

g, my poor children's mot

d never finish

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