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Mesmerizing MR. Mafia

Chapter 5 Dead By Words

Word Count: 1395    |    Released on: 18/08/2022

as I walked into the foyer. I was in a mansion,

n front of me to stand in the middle of the room. "And I'd get use


prison. Unless of course you decide to break rules. I don't think that sh

, not two, and not even three, but five different guys wa


lse I've seen so far, maybe in his late thirties, "Another sciattona?" I didn


e very unsubtly looked at me. Angelo

she here? I thought we were going to take the money and then," he ma

ot killi

as a ransom?" An

didn't k

to cut Angelo off, "That's de

pped, making us all jump back a little. "We

not in the Cosa Nostra. What happens when we have to let h

I asked. It sou

ut letting you go. You're staying here, I already told you that. Now..." He paused to pull down his


his hands together, a pleased smile on his face. "Lets get to

n stop at the very end in front of a door. Francisco push

sized bed in one of the corners, a walk-in clo

l send someone up in ten minutes to show you a

, hoping it would make

gone. Tha

here yet. Dresses and dresses and even more dresses hung from the wire hangers. There were two dressers, I didn't care to know what was in

e nice too. I haven't

o the bathroom. Jesus Christ, it was...something

orking businessman like my dad so easily. My dad was looking

was hard to relax when I knew there were a hundred murderers walking around freely.

ood twenty minutes before getting ou

on a pair of black flats and headed back to the door. Francisco said there would be someon

t know whether I should wait for them to come back or give myself a tour. The second one s

een an act th

ses, not quite mansions surrounded the big one. There was a plain one story pool house right acro

ll of the

re in skimp

gainst my back, restricting any further movement. I uncovered my eyes and turned around meeting the scary bla

further pushed himself into me, his arms wrappin

words he used meant, and I defi

ller grasp but it didn't wor

oking around,"

s and all Tony, but...um...I kinda think this one's off limits," he grasped my shoulders

supposed to be showing you around...inside the house. You shouldn't be

"No one was waiting for me outside like you said, so I decide

, everyone sighed as

as he gave me the utmost displeased look. "Who brought her in here?" He

I was in charge of her last, but in my defense...she didn't listen to me. I told

k to me, "Really, amore mia? Of all the pl

es before sending me off on my own. And don't even get me started

said right before exi


k to me, "Really, amore mia? Of all the pl

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