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Different: The White Wolf

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1232    |    Released on: 17/08/2022



oed affectionately as he pl

sion, “I love you too, Luke.” And with that, I got up

rt straight A student and one of the delectable co-captain of the cheerleading team who’s always in the company of her i

ow his name or anything, Lena said he was the principal’s son. Both of u

se everyone else at school was here, there was alcohol and my boyfriend, Luke

over the place, puke that drunk idiots had left all over the floor and in places you’d never expect– some were even still clinging to the toilet bowl and the c

ow a party and invite hormonal teenagers who spend

yone paid attention to the gender specific toilets. I prayed and hoped that the male convenience would b

d toilet paper free and conducive enough. I did my busi

Instagram. Luke and I had been dating for a year, it was an instant connection as the moment he walked into our cl

se, smoothened my pink tube dress and arranged my hair in

nt on the cute pictures I posted, I brought out my phone and got distracted with it, so

hoever the person was had gotten their toes crushed underneath the stiletto h

, though. The voice was soothing and breathtaking

hair and a charming grin that would instantly make any girl forget about the existence of any other male on the planet— except

slightly diminished by the hysterical fact that he

zed, rushing forward to support him and having a feel

d into a smile that seemed so much like a grimace


ok it, shaking it with a smile on my face

y, “Damon Salvatore, lik

I guess we both have our good-looks in common.” He

to meet you.” I said,

pleasurable to anyone.” He smiled, the way the words rolled off hi

you.” I

Leah.” He waved and w


lked into this place, the wanting to

en the star quarterback who was with me some minutes ago, professing love

d planned for our date, I straightened my dress and fluffed my hair. With a smile, I began walking over to his

mur and ravage around for their phones. Someone almost knocks me ove

r some reason. And I immedia

out it. It was an impulse res

ing to k

g on the flashlights on their phone and they were working on getting the power back on. So

to ashes that screamed “hot, sexy new boy.” I swallowed nothing, mentally embracing myself for the action and then tugged on h

when he responded. He does

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