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Vend To The Mafia Lord

Vend To The Mafia Lord


Chapter 1 1. Lucy sees a stranger

Word Count: 1401    |    Released on: 12/08/2022

id with her tiny innocent voice. "Lucy!" her mum exclaimed with shock "Who gave you all this money." she packed and seized the money from her daughter's hands. "I do

she immediately off the call. "Shit! I can't believe he's back" she told herself as she swept her face. "Mummy are you okay, why are you crying?" she asked with a sorrowful look as she helped her mum to wipe off her tears. This rendered her mum weaker. "Don't bother, mum is ok." she faked a smile while cuddling the little girl's hair. She started the car and took off driving at the speed of light like she saw a ghost. Luckily, she reached her mum's house safely. "Grandma!!!" Lucy rushed into her grandmother's arms. "My little angel. How are you?" The old woman stoop and hugged her tightly, although Lucy held tighter. "Mum said I will spend the weekend with you." "Oh, that's great," the old woman smiled then she peeped at her daughter with a slightly confused air. "Grandma, I have something for you" Lucy took out a tiny candy in her bag and handed it over to her grandma. "Wow, all this for me. Aww... you didn't have to. You're such a darling" she said with a funny grimace and Lucy laughed. "Oh, Grandma, don't be dramatic," she said with a naive but very silly voice and her grandma cracked up, she couldn't help it. Lucy heard that in a movie she watched with her grandma and since then she's been using it with her best friend, her grandmother. "You will seat here, while I discussed with your mother." she gave Lucy a seat then she hurried to her daughter who looked worried. "You didn't tell me you were coming and you look damn worried. Why are you here?" she asked. "Please, mum just take care of Lucy, I promised to be back soon," she begged. "Of course, I will always take care of my granddaughter because I love her as much as I love you. So now talk to me, why are you here?" she cuddled her girl's hair. "Keep this for me" she took out the money from her bag and gives it all to her mum. "Where did you take all this money from? Why are you walking with all his cash?" her mum fretted. "It's a long story. I need the keys to the basement" she ignored the question and asked. "Why?. I thought we left all that behind us." her mum grumbled. "Mum, I think he's back" she whimpered. Her mum held her mouth with both hands to withhold her scream. "We need to protect ourselves. Please, mum, the keys," she ruled. "I'm scared, I can still remember what happened the last time, a nightmare

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