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Behind The Silhouette Of A Mute Slave

Chapter 8 Slaves

Word Count: 2514    |    Released on: 09/08/2022

e Trey's decision especially that he accepted her as a slave. They were heading towards the vicinities o

because of her, I wouldn't meet and be saved by the handsome

ut if you were too brainless, shame on you, because you deserved it," An a

k about the different vicinities around the palace while walking. Daffodil and Deja listened like obedient children while her mi

annoyed at my presence. I know it was bad to disobey an elder, but the way she treated and insulted me a while ago. I wa

aiden Lola really gave her a lot of attention. "You were paid depending on your hard work, but since you were now slaves of Prince Trey, your wag

d earn from her hard work. The old woman's attention moved to her and whispered enough for her to hear. "You were worthy to have one copper coin, not this. You were f

rvision, and each of them wore color coding dresses. Slaves were verboten to sneaked out from their quarter every night or to mingle with any warriors. I didn't tolerate slaves to have an affair with warriors and any delegates here in the palace too. I also didn't want a lazy

ed to be here in the palace until the Red Blood Moon appeared, but for the meantime s

n too or it was also ve

ee, but since you were slaves under the wing of Prince Trey, you had only three days to rest in any day you might wanted or it could be les

hen a slave disobeyed the rules of yours, Old Mai

punishment of the slave that would disobey my rules," Old Maiden Lola answer

led that made Old

You weren't worthy to be here, and it made me irritated by your existence." Old Maiden Lola whisper

ish you for belittling others. She couldn't move on that

aves of Prince Trey," Old Maiden Lola stated, and im

surroundings. They stopped in front of a brown painted vicinity and above it was a symbol of dark blue color. Old Maiden Lola opened the wooden door. A fair l

nd smiled "Greetings for you beloved

ry soft, and really sui


that the lady in front of them would know, and then looked at them. "Her name was Muriel, but you need to address her as Lady Muriel, because she was the most trustee slave of Prince Trey

y Muriel who had

re in this vicinity, and upskill them in their obligations

eved in you as always. Anyways, I would

nd sneered before leaving. Daffodil and Deja just sighed. She kne

se of Old Maiden Lola's sneer when

by Old Maiden Lola. I wanted to give the three of you a greeting for being the new slaves under the

was my youngest sibling, Deja. Also, I would like to tell you th

was difficult to not express your opinions, but you would be alrigh

really genuine and kind hearted to other peo

ing some ornaments, and sewing something

making curtains in his vicinity," Lady

ved color?" Deja curiously asked, wh

different abilities, so their slaves were distinguished based on their element or expertized," Lady Muriel answered, and then opened a wooden door that revealed a room with three beds. "This room would be occupied

mpatible match. But I wonder what were the elements of his siblings too. I wondered what kind

ul element to handle, and he deserves to be the next king

e great king at the right time. But for now, you could all take a rest, and then eat. The food would be

nner dress. She couldn't help but to lay down herself on the bed while sprawling her black hair to the soft mattress, and couldn't help but to moan in delight. Her body was now s

? I bet they were

She touched the fire amulet in her necklace that was e

d I felt cozy here. All of the things were complete, and we wouldn't mind anything, but t

be fit and comfortable for. There were three single sized beds, and at the corner was a table, mirror and chairs. Also, she wanted to buy things from her hard work. It woul

l saw him as a very normal prince with a kind heart. I th

re would be a lot of possibility that we could become familiarized with them, espe

do that or else they would be in danger when the foes knew that she was still alive. However when the night that the Red Blood Moon would appear in the sky, that was the

we don't know what would happen next. After All, the people around us we

ally at your state," Deja added, which made her heart

ssed by the deity, and you could only conceal yourself when the moon turned red as blood. But I wished your mate could be Prince Trey, because he was genuine, and he protects you from Old Mai

he palace. She didn't know anything, so she needed to shut off her mouth," Deja snorted, and moved beside h

. Close your eyes, let your mind and heart unwind with your dreams that eventually would happen in

knew in the right time it would happen. My hopes a

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1 Chapter 1 Escape2 Chapter 2 Plan3 Chapter 3 Spirit To Revenge4 Chapter 4 Save5 Chapter 5 Hinder6 Chapter 6 Town Of Kingdom Cervantez7 Chapter 7 Plead8 Chapter 8 Slaves9 Chapter 9 Reflection10 Chapter 10 Whisper11 Chapter 11 Dazed And Confused12 Chapter 12 Startled13 Chapter 13 Mischievous Fate14 Chapter 14 Anxious15 Chapter 15 Close16 Chapter 16 Bewildered17 Chapter 17 Euphoria18 Chapter 18 Punishment19 Chapter 19 Visit20 Chapter 20 Smile21 Chapter 21 Doubt22 Chapter 22 Crescent Moon23 Chapter 23 Pleasure Doll24 Chapter 24 Peril25 Chapter 25 Apprise26 Chapter 26 Changed27 Chapter 27 Secrets28 Chapter 28 Confession29 Chapter 29 Covet30 Chapter 30 Miscreant31 Chapter 31 Last Glimpse32 Chapter 32 The Mute Slave Saved The Slaves33 Chapter 33 Foe34 Chapter 34 Hint35 Chapter 35 Deceiver36 Chapter 36 Let Her Go37 Chapter 37 Nightmare38 Chapter 38 Unexpected39 Chapter 39 Arrival40 Chapter 40 Fated Mates41 Chapter 41 Under The Red Blood Moon42 Chapter 42 Playing With Fire43 Chapter 43 Caged By The Head Slave44 Chapter 44 Tormented45 Chapter 45 Truth Behind The Facade46 Chapter 46 Pregnant47 Chapter 47 Precious Blessing48 Chapter 48 Famished49 Chapter 49 Bickering50 Chapter 50 Wrath Of The Darkness In The Past51 Chapter 51 Gloomy52 Chapter 52 Gratitude53 Chapter 53 Uncanny54 Chapter 54 Angst55 Chapter 55 Decision56 Chapter 56 Ran Away57 Chapter 57 Trapped58 Chapter 58 Daffodil's Agony59 Chapter 59 Mother60 Chapter 60 Fire Sorceress61 Chapter 61 Married Under The Pure White Moon62 Chapter 62 First Night After Marriage63 Chapter 63 Ice Magic64 Chapter 64 Abused Pleasure Doll65 Chapter 65 Dumbfounded66 Chapter 66 Thorn67 Chapter 67 Defend68 Chapter 68 Blood69 Chapter 69 The Twin Descendants70 Chapter 70 Retaliate71 Chapter 71 Chase72 Chapter 72 Witches73 Chapter 73 Trust74 Chapter 74 The Attack To Kingdom Of Perimoze75 Chapter 75 Traitor76 Chapter 76 Havoc77 Chapter 77 United78 Chapter 78 The New Kingdom of Parzatine79 Chapter 79 Dauntless80 Chapter 80 The Last Battle81 Chapter 81 The Anguish Of The Ice Queen82 Chapter 82 The Ice Queen's Family83 Chapter 83 The Howl (Glimpse Of The New Generation)84 Chapter 84 The Curse (The Glimpse Of The New Generation)85 Chapter 85 Gone (The Glimpse Of The New Generation)