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Burning Emotions

Chapter 3 Annabelle

Word Count: 1294    |    Released on: 11/08/2022



wberries on top? " She asked again, tapping h

g right up! " I smiled and rushed to the

t so lost in the eye

eautiful blue eyes

held in two buns with two yellow clips, She had a fancy white sca

bet she could be five..

e counter to the little girl who

little conversat

? " I asked from across the counte

at was all

. " So what's your name little girl? "

e Ann, Aunty Mary Jane calls me Anna, Grandma calls me little pri


s me around." She climbed down

vel. " Oh nice, so y

not a bodyguard, he cooks delicious meals for me

So what do you wan

le fingers to her face in a thinking position,

She pointed at the old woma

the ice cream machine. "



red at this. " Can s


hen! " she exclaim

a wei

ecake ice cream wasn't that difficult to make but it

es later

ng to the old woman at one corner of the sh

ice cream! Enjoy." I placed the

giving you this as my friend! " She took a pink band from the many ones on her wrist, pulled my wrist to her and wore it

e day was gettin

s, tapping on a c

the door bell clicked and


ion to the old man who called her

ushed to her

ked with someone on the phone. "Yes sire....she is ok sir.... yes sir.

e took t


tensed, the old man was occasionally sending a gl

facial expression as well that t

to the old man. " Daddy said you should take me

n, he walked out to the car that was parked outside the shop as a man walks to me. "Here is fo


was h


appened, Mrs. Johnson left the

traffic, which was a sea of chaos. Yellow taxi cabs slammed into the small spaces bet

opened the door with the code, shutting it behind me. The place wasn't that big but it was widely comfortable fo

nning room, a four-seated dining table was placed. Dan had portraits of h

ch, she never experience th

t thought

say much about. I could just describe it as.... Homey, with

anny. I believe she texted probably to inform me of her sp

my wrist as I thought of the little girl of today, Annabelle was her name. The moment I saw her,

e pinge

the bag and a m

rry I didn't inform you on time but Ivan is so sweet and insisted I stay wit

ve y

only lov

uessed r

she is not

ke care and I love y

alked into the bathroom with all the intentions

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