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Accidental Lovers

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 1315    |    Released on: 05/08/2022

had too many drinks and woken with a bad hangover. With my eyes barely open, I forced myself up from the bed and immediately realized the mattress doesn't f

ek. "I made breakfast, Do you care for a bite? He gestured. "No, Am going back home" I headed for the exit door. "Why are you trying so hard to avoid me? His voice stopped me in my track. "You are seriously asking me that? I scoffed turning around. I wonder how on earth I couldn't recognize him at first last night. "I don't ever want to set my eyes on you Derek! I hollered. "Then, what about my shirt? His voice intercept "What shirt? My brow scampered in confusion. That was when I noticed I was in his shirt. "Holy cow! I grunts. "What on earth do you do to my cloth? I yelped. "You vomited all over it, I had to change them" He mumbled. Ignoring the crazy thought on my head, "Then where are they? My voice softened. "I gave it to a cleaner, He would deliver at noon" He responded promptly. "Noon? I nearly passed out. "You can just stay here till then" He simpered. From the corner of his eyes, I can clearly see a smirk on his face, He must have did it deliberately. "You can just have your breakfast princess" He gestured. I took a glimpse at the dinning table, I could clearly hear my stomach grumble but I was so sure I still had some pride. "What do you make? I mumbled. "Pancake, Do you want to have some? I ignored him and walked towards the dining table, taking a glance at the dish , I nearly passed out. "What the hell do you make ? I stared at the half burn food before me. "It my first time, I just wanted to make you something " He grinned. I ran my hand into my messy hair in frustration. "I will just order something" He draw out his phone. "Never mind" I muttered getting back on my feet. "I need to take a quick bath" I ignored the unpleasant reek of alcohol coming out of me and headed for the room I came out from. I could easily locate it since it was closer to the spiral stair. He walked in behind me and I was getting more furious. "What? I shrugged trying to lower my pitch. "Am I not allow to enter my own room? He shrugged back. My hand instantly slipped off. "Is this your personal room? "Why would you brought me to your room?There should be some vacant guest room" I rants. "What do you think? He walked closer. I dragged

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