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Chapter 1 Introducing The Born Speedsters

Word Count: 3519    |    Released on: 31/07/2022

they proved to be real when the event happened that changed the world. Something glowing not exactly known happened to drop from the sky. All that was said was that the thing

ehow the chemical components in the cancer treatment liquid mixed with the organic material and lightning the thing from the sky produced therefore penetrated the DNA of everyone present in the ceremony and they discovered they became metahumans faster than anything you could think about eve

lumide also had several children who had abilities too different from Johnson. They were called The firstborn Speedsters because they were the first of their kind. There were other born speedsters called half-born Speedsters because they didn't have the abilities with the firstborn speedsters and had just their incredible speed. As time went on there was peace and order in the institute till a civil war arose within the institute as those who weren't okay with their power position wanted to rule it themselves. The institution with time became global as the speed masters comprised those from other countries of the world. Mr. Olumide was killed and with the help of Mr. Olumide's siblings, they fought back later on Johnson picked up his father's leadership and the same thing happened after he married Mary a firstborn speedster with the ability of Sonic Boom gave b

s 2082, Ilorin City

speed. "Julie confirm personnel," He said as the eye security opened at the entrance scanning his retina "Welcome Mr. Adebayo" Julie the artificial intelligence system spoke from the microphone outside near the eye security scan as she opened the door for him. He moved further not looking at the entrance room that was empty and went straight to the elevator at the side. In less than two seconds he was already on the second floor. As the door of the elevator opened he entered the third floor that had the inscript

a huge rock on the floor with superhuman strength that was blocking the graze of some animals in the grass area away from the main road. He was i

me as his costume and it glowed and sparkled around him. "So Victor where are they exactly?" The young black cute lady amongst the siblings said facing her twin brother, her lightning color was yellow like her costume. Their faces were all covered

the green born speedsters to harm t

hat the workers who work for the green born speedsters are present with forti

orin safe box area.That means the half-born speedsters would be néedi

rom phone devices around him to protect himself from another one who shot the same gun at him until Shola also broke the gun into pieces using his natural ability of super strength combined with his super speed converted to strength. Victoria controlled the bullet from reaching her using her mind and hands as she controlled handcuffs from the police hands to handcuff the man immediately. "Turns out it's not only fortine 20 but 40 pro lethal to us," Adebayo said as he dropped the man down while the officers came to hand

o apprehend the other men into his police van. "You are welcome but always alert us fast these guys are dangerous no

ne. While they were running Shola asked on the comms about the other half-born speedsters a few meters away from them that we

just typed okay and also okay and appeared in the group with the rest siblings including their last born Kemi Ogunsanya who was overseas. He exited and checked his phone for messages he saw messages about his friends saying that they were sick or their friends were and since his sister Victoria is the world's best medical doctor he should give them their numbers he knew

back now that's good" He added. "Yes, Uncle we all went to places of our choosing we promised each other not to tell where we all went till the due date for fun and suspense," Victoria said smiling mischievously. " So Uncle Gideon the matter at hand about the bazzuka fortine 40 pro," Adebayo said as his smiling face changed to a serious one. "Ooh about that you all need to be ready because the same fate that happened to your parents and grandparents is about to befall you all" Gideon said

have those in the middle those who were also our enemies and they are all coming for you all one by one. And I promise you all that the same fate that happened to your Dad won't happen to you all do train more" He said heaving a sigh. " Thanks, uncle Gideon we have

Shola said as they all exited the room

world's richest starting from Mr. Adebayo to MissVictoria and Miss Kemi who isn't in town currently," A female reporter said as she followed them with her cameramen. " Well, we just have to feel good and lucky and hopeful that their riches would be used to help the needy". Adebayo said as they ent

Michael for short" Michael said as he talked and moved around the podium at the same time with a smile around his face. " You all are very welcomed to this ceremony where we award our ex riche

tap her phone screen and it turned the screen off. " Uncle Gideon won't be making it," She said facing her siblings "Damn it!" Victor said a little bit frustrated. "Alright let's just concen

ks on the table. "Isn't she the lady you saved in challenge from the car accident" Shola whispered into Adebayo's ear then returned to take a sip from the melot wine? "Yes, I knew it," Adebayo said almost quietly. " May I know your name miss?" He said "Am Juliet " She said shyly and returned to serving other VVIP and Vip. Victori

ichael said as he reacted to the loud tumbling of the walls of the inside building of the Honorarium falling. A

lings went to a corner where they could change their wristwatch. They all changed and returned to the scene. Michael rose to assist in moving people outside of the building. "Already sent a message to

attle their green born speedsters" He said. " We may fight in a group but at the end of the day that huge rocky one is mine," Shola said with a serious face. One of the green-born speedsters a female threw green lightning at them but Adebayo weaved and took the lightning transforming it into white lightning and threw it back to her. She fell. Immediately the other green-born speedsters saw this he controlled sharp metals from around the world to gather around him and he kept throwing them at them. " Initiating group ability stay together guys," Victor said drawing lightning from his siblings and his to create a huge ball of lightning barrier shield around them. One of the green born speedsters signaled to them to retreat after getting a message from his comms. So they picked up the lady green-born speedsters that fell and one of them ran in a s

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