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The bilionaire's secret love

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1101    |    Released on: 03/08/2022


breathe. Within moments she began to pulsate immensely.?Mom wa

ant pocket. He hands her a glass of water picking up from the nearby table and urges her

t whatever my mom tells me to do though I detest Robert with my entire being. I can't see my mom suffer b

like an invisible Angel. I left you with arrogance that I could manage everything of my own but depended on you in every path I stepped." She cries hugg

s soothing circles on my mom's back and then whispers. "I excused you long back Margaret and

her and then the tears which he held since a while freely fall like a never ending ra

ease open your eyes." I cry. "I promise to stay strong just as you want me to be. I will be a good girl and never disobey you and dad


ed to express their heartfelt condolences. My mom held a spec

are you ready? The car is waiting outside." I hear him say and move to the entrance to find a white limo

back door for me to sit and the other transfers the luggage into the trunk. A few seconds later

entrance and the engine of the car starts. I look back for one last time at our

?My dad is a wealthy billionaire and manages a chopper of his own. Yet my mom had to work three jobs to support us for two meals a day.

inside the chopper." I give him the dirtiest glare I can and sit inside one of the arist

ever ask where he lives. A lady comes to us with a gentle smile on her face as soon as our plane begins to move. She asks us what we would like to have for our breakfast and my dad lists her with all

ess I have ordered everything you love. Orange juice, chicken sandwiches and your most fa

mom couldn't even afford a bus for us. A flight was a far way costlier transport for our living standard. We used to walk to all our de

his guts to abandon my mom though she was foolish


l the illegal trades functioning under his bay. Yet a few years later she is in the mer

sterious men who unexpectedly enter he

to underst

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