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Chapter 4 Tragedy 1

Word Count: 1522    |    Released on: 28/07/2022

of the aids, who walked back to the canteen an

Sidney. We hope

ey took turn to have

ll right.

hey got into their vehicl

er, what h

n the news is

t familiar wit

are r

dibly. Then, L

mind if

do. Th

the passenger's seat while Leon

are we


rnet. They drove silently to the Industrial Area while Jeff gave his father, the International Vice Chair

eff. How

. How are you a

You sound lo

sland and according to the new

to know? Did the Work

anteen. The Works Manager had not informed me. I am on

ght. Is fathe

ews is not on the internet. I will c

ep me informed of


carefully transferred his responsibilities to Jeff, who had been the Purple Tag Chairman for the past three years, and he had no doubt in his capabilities. However, Jeff was mi


ffery. Whe

ay to the Ind

good. Wha

ether. He i

Get the Head of the Media and Publicity to stop all th

dad. How is

ine. See

k you

call across to Mr. Ferguson, the Head of Media and Publici

ne that, M

the office in the next ten minutes and

oted, Mr

y Fields Ind

ey were at the gate o

o stop at the M

h was always in his car from the grab han

ht, big

ked at the vestibule of the Medical Center. Then, Jeff got off at once

. Israel. Goo

ntenance. Now, Jeff was not ready for plea

to find your way to the island and ensur

e of any incident at the islan

Israel. What happ

ings collapsed at our island,

it, Mr.

keep me updated. I

o the vestibule and got into his car. Leon, who would

re n


at the Chai

er, the Head of the Media and Publicity and the

Gauthier, the Cha

oted, Mr

stley, the Manager of the Works Department and Mr. Barnabas Ferguson. Jeff also informed t

nter of the Eagle

le security guard was devastated. She looked down and wat


e at their destination. Meanwhile, when they got to the supposed scene where Phina would have landed, to their consternation they did not see her body. Rather, they

e is

Now, the Chief of the Security who was standing beside his car saw her w

d and where i

gan looked around the truck trailer and saw the janitors coming towards the truck.

ay, Mr.

tors greeted

and let me know if the

er and one of them got into the truck through a ladder

responsible for

o the truck through the ladder to see things for himself. He took a deep breath when he saw the lifeless

organ. How ma

n ambulance to me. I am at the

ting much from him in the term of e

it done, M

the driver drove off at once to the Medical Center, where the Medical Director was ready to receive them. Then, they commenced treatment. After thirty minutes, she

tudents had left the school premises and drove back to the Ad

w is sh

will find out from

Registry and send for her parents

ted, Mr.

iven to the airport on the instruction of her parents,

y Fields Ind

's position. Meanwhile, the troubled Mr. Morris and the International Vice Chairman, Mr.

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