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The Last Page is Different!

Chapter 3Ā Please tell me this is heaven!

Word Count: 1297 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 29/07/2022

d was loud that it was disturbing the minds of the people who were now there seated. Dr Lin who was waiting equally anxious as Rey suddenly stood up and pointed his watch which lighted upon

was walking restlessly paused and turned to Dr Lin "Pack your needs. We are going to the Southern Waters." then he turned to Jenna, th

aid "I think I just saw heaven! People were running towards me. They all looked worried. They called me something... I don't remember." she then continued without a pause "Rey, you know what to do. I got the recording and statement but the person who stabbed me isn't that old man. It's that woman in red. You must find her... also my dog, Bell... she doesn't like to sleep alone. Keep her close." Rey didn't expect her to say so many things in a single breath and the fear could be seen in his eye. "Save it! When you get better, tell the remaining. No more crap out of your mouth!" for which Jane hummed with a smile and laid down not moving anymore. The

look at the data. Scrolling down, there was a file with a date and time which matched the incident. He copied the files and clicked on paste on to the hard drive he carried with him. As t


ng a fu*king novel. If you nag me like a nann

that you still have 400+ unread novels on your shelf? Why hang on to this one?

too her own best friend. What a scum! Men can marry as many times they can but women can't. If I were in this novel as his wife... I will make sure he won't ever look at


oved and equally hated fell from the window cushion and opened at a random page. 'Sapphire Dynasty's emperor Auth Spencer II ruthlessly killed his ally and a peaceful ruler of the Northern kingdom, Sean William Wales and his family taking his only 12 years old child as a prisoner and as a war trophy. Later it was unknown where that child went off the face of this earth. Karma, on the other hand, after 5 years of his ascension to the thron


headlines tomorrow!" She spoke holding her anger while still trying to handle the bright light that was making her slowly realize how much pain she has in her body. "Fu*k it hurts everywhere!". Jane opened her ey

ewhere... huh? Isn't this...him? the one who ran towards me calling me by someone else's name? Wait?' "Is this heaven? I am... DEAD?" She held her head

ll me this

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