Black Beetles in Amber
rtain and the
haron in his
warring, quarr
now beneath
or his back w
corn which, on
onscious of i
t garner of a
shoulders piti
lustily than o
ic Comstocks
iver sheds a
ift, and urge
abbit sorrows
looms along the
ouds the poi
elf, makes e
ries on the
inging of th
h their ears th
eir family's
ty intermit
rangers walk her
vada ceases
rding angel
s his goose-quil
debits in the
continents a
rments of the
lowings fill
ugh, Nevadans we
ghted fish, and
din their blend
, and brawl al
l the Sharons
lendors of the g
tward through th
circles of r
other in a
confines of
d die along th
eyes have neve
formless, nam
est! Against
rears its holy
the meek-face
e hands, shut eye
e innocent, the
ars, perchance,
reed, vulgari
peed the day i
g the dead you
good socie
lvered and your
th his eye acr
ion (where t
wixt his toes, p
aw a rising c
nt, far sound o
ell of the h
e President! t
bwise then to
and the tribes
iparian an
oice: "The Presi
were who flung
n of the So
e soberly dispo
had fits; a
mate in their b
, humbly, as be
retofore thou
ntage of a f
dered after
ople manifes
the only w
traight unto to
esident's appr
courtesy as
stom the best
rm of hats whi
sky, and hear
ng people, a
were who fell
their Govern
y, by blandish
tion to their
hy brother Go
at the gatewa
ainbow-all thin
ance and resp
l his servi
to our master
ot, but turned
aking to hims
retire, said:
ce o'er Portland
ording Angel
ld, nor thinks
ok below, ca
ls, all aghas
hat an awful
repeated!" "
rior bird-"I
dy booked it.
giant tome, wh
hadowing to
d the Western
tten entry, b
dit side of
n oathe s
a pig-ta
ck-batte h
te y'e cru
an from
ng as h
s ful well,
of exceed
ans witho
mother he at
unruly Crier
ocks the crad
rious grows th
age, these eyes
ray, to thy
not, for mine
a millstone at
ell me, who
pigs to the
hey of a sta
d then they will
uth, with the
hrow up their
thrown up their
-and dinners they
n, though dull
sound like the
em, father, with
lately that f
ails as I ne
tonish their gr
im buy, like
has made him s
so wise and g
ase die, for 'ti
dead, but I re
fairs posteri
d I came to s
es. I'd hardly
d still upon m
tue standing st
sal figure-br
d, in attitud
ts shoulders,
estal on which
had and sp
ould have had
eatures: not a
or nose coul
oval of its
mouths are com
lind its faulty
aid: 'twas ge
ings, I straigh
mighty image
ried, "is Upton
tt's own." True,
is lowest ve
or ever mad
Christofer! how fast the time had sped! Of course it naturally does in Heaven) "To --"
the inscript
housand"-which w
I, 'twould make
fame so long ha
name posteri
oid, and view t
, the year Thre
was our centur
d the statue l
keness; and th
pedestal's m
Gentle reade
deness, but I
nded with im
urs nor mine-let
ame I must su
n's word, was
in, you've
ough "the speakin
nations, hea
ang of its re
se bards are an
r noses with a
gods! if In
ristening, and
orn when summe
and chase her
breezes ge
death each aili
e?" There's much
ed ear unwill
ke the sufferi
sser anguis
ect to Cyt
s not painted,
gratify and t
ve had been a
nsor! all unt
decent and i
w-nay, why sho
argument al
easons when you
ight that Steph
sion up at He
asked St. Peter
Pipesville." Pete
and said: "I'm
mething better,
t," said Stephen
t to enter,
loud below su
nderly his co
laced his hat
d to the saint
dy sprouting w
roiling going
aunch, attract
ose and found
Irish rise!"
ation into
learly unders
that on the a
ld baffle the
fforts 'twas
isen-to the
ixed a wing u
Day oration protes
graves of Con
on! such wo
urself a so
n brother w
ur base orat
him-he ca
or blame: as
can do him
spect the br
dead; but
t blade, th
t o'er a he
t he who m
dise of o
rsuades thi
n battle
the falle
before the
made their
d danger w
dead whom st
Are you so s
e issue of
is but a
nd die, an
a blessing s
still at od
o on, the o
e new-bene
ng new;
in an endl
e censure,
ently prac
e wisdom f
les we dea
know-we ca
e light full
it throughou
light, the
vanquished fr
from the vi
on, the b
upon the Bl
less to
ow the flo
across the
oo, the cle
and of orph
e dead-let
with equal
on saint an
know to cho
whate'er his
t love the
heart and a
rgive him-
mon, you c
Cup with
ou at last,
tomb thi
ye generou
this monum
one who tr
om a dead m
my friend, has
t its tides enc
ll God's foot-sto
left for God t
sunset in m
flowers thick
hadow flung a
a waste of r
l are gone fro
ished and thei
." A voice cri
o eternally
saw an angel
ed from the h
ssion filled his
d and golden
death, the shado
hill was but a
p, but quickly
overed ere it s
and! Remembered
sky, and every
ys where my so
miliar river-
here once the t
and the proud
ridges in th
ate acclivit
rshiped at my
sive temple'
nk along the
y some presc
s were nowher
ass mausole
l) spared by t
e the desol
gnant sea th
ars of crimso
at hand!" I
the angel sa
ages dead i
ll are dead
oo, are cold
d before the gre
ned that I bes
gone (as Gabr
rottled the l
ernity shall
Prince of De
the grave?" I cr
rtues won this
ved," he said, "t
reep again ben
at yon pompou
you want, Charles
atest ears, the
while the hol
oor a curst
Azrael: "His
e brazen port
n, once a s
l a marti
e sees a f
s him-wit
t how much
or men to
giving grou
fought wi
the battle
antry wa
ach time a
o, likewis
charged (for
e had to
very lou
ne did b
nged! Well,
uld smile
h to tell,
ly lo
wrong, thoug
Silent is
the p
he's a sho
his den h
can he hol
'd be
at govern j
isplays a
f the assa
rs is
a wretch con
upon th
fore the
his actions
if light
s hawked ab
ch a
course, will
it may
he sheriff
ers to
is not i
n editor.
se un
urn with sh
y power
lk up!" the
the lio
mane, his g
d your
Lord, shall
for gain
weep as t
must I hear yo
ces that infe
ugh that late
rship in the
crack your braz
miser you're
ar how low your
oney down to g
money, damnin
allous knees wi
-knowledge, for
sions, be they
neighbor; had
now you never
learning is be
envy, stubbor
your undes
etters had th
ern of your s
hone where now
d, poddy, vapor
that you thin
cold and disma
gibber when you
write, in Avar
eulogy on la
r eagerness
tues to one l
f you'd manners
eakness or your
ings you have,
enied to you
nners lighte
beard at tab
sin and torto
ste condemn yo
here all the
growing old d
ning, birth an
tinguishes a
ill: all shini
er from a rog
young that p
g, at least our
om the spect
he who latel
rumpet to deno
brave teetot
eader underneat
an should drink
ss your body
ou'd the power
od for makin
odium you tr
ored of the d
be a miser
allow drunken
you're a meri
atalogue of al
cowardice no
eat Satan-here
ices and but h
letter of the
ple of the
talent as wa
acher and to
egiance and bo
profit of a
ake thy glor
aster from the
this never ending cant, affectation, and hypocrisy about money. It is one of the best things
ue with us, and say that this is bad doctrine, and that it is ungentlemanly to get drunk
their lives, property, or reputation, sparing their feelings, contributing to their enjoy
s hardly new)
a trumpet's
ett thinks the
eek a trumpet
ed storm rises
eyes averted
ll the loude
unding in his
varied tale
ullness to di
gallery's i
n below, wit
ion (these his
naked nastin
n that cheeks
n their fear for
nce imperia
atient actor b
counter-storm a
each by t'othe
place is sile
stive gesture c
om the love
essity of foo
d, is a ter
level, from
Pestuary's fr
studded, bears
ll menace of s
omen bleach
ultures sleep
of death, and
y; though some t
and intrenched
, the stranger
arly righteo
their prime.
e the wilds
n ways luxuri
the bee and
strays with hee
ay. There hun
man! deeming G
ar) he has n
urgency. The
a restaura
battles famin
ks warring in
one has taken
n them to dis
leaves hope be
Anon his bone
th the bones hi
ne the highway
onious and
the Enemy
the ways of
and immorta
estaurant is
die. It flour
ts foundation
s and hopes. I
in milk and s
ng so unhol
uded flour a
g there!-dog,
sewage of the
spepsia, ass
tortured "Fini
ath to Bonynge,
bered, heavenl
hurled to Hellm
utually smear
andfuls marked
-tails testifi
t first their i
mented it, by
t Bonynge comes
favor of the
tands and urge
s portly perso
ion in the
ature; and hi
ereign, wearied
chain her fac
low the royal
ssenting nod an
Bonynges all i
h the news t
as, red-hot, t
rinkle and t
aking like a
nynge? What the
while, to en
spare, unabl
town on needl
, revengeful
next to break t
vil, what unf
sh ascending
eation he has
slush, as oth
but a moment'
with his finge
ike of natur
Mackay's ins
ard that he doth
t thy manhoo
cial spirit
honor, for by
t else be my
ere his worshi
his slush pool,
od and to rev
of a will that
il: the world
ok him as th
ived him, but
western coast, w
aid that the
an asteroid
g what Bonynge
bbard the av
brandish and po
n and devasta
irst for bloo
the unfortu
e profit and
born person, l
uls to low re
iner spirit
onday stood i
rd to the Mack
formidable fr
ail-tucked, with
errified, wit
apple-stands a
the metrop
in! Man hims
and west and
nace of that
swer to their pr
adful visage fr
causes of the
gs which nouris
l from an arc
ce that's ad
and the terro
air, the coat-t
llars and the
oking on the b
king limbs,
dies and der
trial: 'tis vou
illionaires r
pen their of
hoarser grows
s, to tell o
lost and va
Blunder! golde
deity of a
age, let thy
ealing, but a
easons oppor
e thee and by
service le
rve thee as m
allible, co
efly when to
licity is h
naware in wo
re est ora
suasion wheres
rpose, not thi
or he thinks i
with blessings
r Robertson
old, can boast
n the service
ction all his
methods and it
gue, imperio
ferule o'er a
youth, intent
knowledge with
whole Pierian
fervor at his
the terror o
pit-ball drops
led on the t
awful glance
stern regard
squeaked between
is will the d
n the brows
tch forsakes t
e 'twill do th
l, as when of
for spittin
fessor, var
an, instructo
ern and zealo
ich mar the p
Siskiyou the
rnal to the s
San Diego's
easer swelters
stupid nose c
once you dandle
ter of a tho
isdom, or stop
, distressed b
ge insolence
ind a name t
hadow falter
m, though-id
to rise and f
rebuke his
others with what
e black enough
self himself
eed to feel a
of identity
spite from the
self a serpe
h a divine, e
n dead and ca
enemies of
orators and
ntlemen and
nder at your d
ith unfamilia
re born, in mor
nd, ye person
why, yourselves
ed, ambitious
e at half a
ong the bees o
ine and impot
in easy ve
ersial valu
rs-God knows yo
h, and if I ca
ed, so the pr
s is neither
an wicked, it
that we've noth
stic I would l
lsehood with m
ever more di
model writhed
my collabor
ith fibs again
eek to move my
e, and wit wer
d and illit
ou, and fast
e, then, in a
Forman is an
second prize i
rtridge or to
ombat but a
e formidabl
w recruit's a
ws, though harml
ard's zeal, wh
le of his pro
musket that th
blows the wea
noble aim of
oeman for he
debater mo
ibel as untau
ne, I've but t
t which most y
re you most e
, I'll help you
sion does you
rn me. Well, yo
h my neighbors
that I'm a r
antage you wou
oment would yo
ur largest and
lieve it, hows
you can tel
from the truth
war is barre
ictory in y
ave you if th
r the world wi
this or that;
ure of your
till my me
consciousness th
umph, then, to
ing that I wou
hat I forev
antage as my
limbed into t
person more
world that watc
f him but his
lies with his
virtues as it vi
s, of Oakla
Martin-I'll h
in, of Oakla
cobs der bleed
th seconds and
th pistol and
ood faith,-as
th pistol and
ends, for each
pistol and p
d been stolen a
og-product supp
e of Moses in
lighdnings go
s, of Oakla
pension the
tin, of Oak
elf Colonel fo
orator, from
pens when you r
d your tongue we
mastering that
days of mi
er they were
led Calvary at
there the Savi
Carmany on
nod and sim
Lottery, no
ctant dollar
Lunches at
alth yet spare
isters o'er the
with zeal, their
rethren mendi
cards: "We've bee
age, the past
tention to h
a martyr's pr
ring on the c
hren, lifting
gratitude in pr
ndis, meaning
mad-or would if
ised (a deac
ans) Jack Satan
any and as
till each r
ever faithful
lifted and th
de, with gentl
rtgage on the
living who does n
e for a horse-sho
ass whose appe
e thistle any
rld eats thistles
entor of the
he collar of a
easure do as
ly, because u
attest their
e life and mind
he is all me
rs, their unde
knows not, all
y mind such stu
to write it
who stood
upon my fa
e done-the fe
my body
ay felt mys
ard to the
ty centur
ighted. "He
oice cried-"t
e lay abou
ere green and
e was devo
ed down with
bosom of
any sign
by the sky
h light and c
ed on the w
s is not Hel
rs ne'er so
th's spirit
do not in
re's John P. I
, "that's what
, whose soverei
s tributary
of an ope
music and li
ed, whose for
own, repels th
vantage of a
l the world ex
ale of "Cultur
understand if s
oesy and lo
a setter, with
r Erato, fo
h-not his faul
ter's art, who'll
any color y
ainting with
rom a duck by t
and philosoph
m Commercial
tune now, his
it him who co
own to death'
ous that the wre
lin, once with
bloody banner
e fiery boyc
rather follow
the time, how gr
war are ailin
dangles from y
"havoc" dies
imates your
yield than
lashan labo
stril with his
attle's faded
eace, John Chi
t cold water,
ling Boycott'
parching blood-t
shimmer of you
-your salar
when Christ wit
adlong from th
n his pelt th
s red authen
forever in su
rting underneat
lins have reve
ery coal and
atest (may you
th that her
ubric, would th
pidity forbi
preferably p
moment longer
hen no more y
ut the timid
, the brambles w
oncord to co
f goodwill up
with a touch th
l speaks
ices, to
nmities h
geled once
u're a genius
not suspect it
ertain sparenes
the persons w
orkmanship of
egion of th
es are singu
the Chinamen
eak of you as
write-spell, to
such accompli
al schoolgirls
ever I can
talent good
een sufficie
on of the br
olars, who them
cannot write,
Fillmore, Goodma
of Napole
ash his name
nded to den
ned. Now the l
all obliter
e less precious
ne it," with h
t say I did it
w I run on! I
meant to be
that odd, u
dhaymonds, yet
ated by m
tubborn bird fro
forward if I
omrades, Ben, I
m later if I
letter, I obse
d it-to say how
and invite th
uantity. Per
n's wine, but
gned away your
attle-fields t
reserved the
of your char
anyhow: unra
stark simplic
your flank, in
rked you with y
ne would steal a
tanford" is a
artist with
s naked unre
iment-you're f
ancisco a good
a will, for he
s proper, when
irtue by comfo
is property, leg
st rascal in al
refused to inser
consider him
f time that phi
ancisco, and O
awyers-came eac
eferring to ma
tried in Depa
presided, sed
ite specify, le
rascal in al
rked to them,
u skip!" and to l
tumultuous, ou
ictorious, hol
he said: "It is
's ownerless-
rascal in all
self, which was l
was, and he wr
covered as th
man he said
ributes' he's
the same
him in and he
garden acros
"What's the
p said: "Why, wh
tributes!" "
said, "an
at of dirt gre
the aven
l he touches
he blue expa
s wings,
ngs overtake
for Heaven'
loved and (
so sho
r, on the
us-and t
were bedra
n as by
e bright-all
hers of
too, was sta
acing a
mild-you wou
had mur
arrived be
to her:
once more
can't en
kly to
o notice
your soul
said she, "an
even n
ed round th
wished that Ing
gue, nor rail a
made a point s
of the Bulle
no iconoc
the debate
y say there
then, is suf
s that logic
's no place fo
an earth." But
make a hell
Liars, Pick
rtals bend th
dacity's imp
nius, actio
words could se
reatly with so
, must thy re
eading idiots
Justice, if she
to the peni
ng sympathe
ng-bar that be
rkness, dost t
ance till thou h
Strangler will
oth, some fibs
ath thy mul
canst not ta
the blood t
m bosoms that ha
ons margini
m the path new
lf whatever l
canst at penni
eath this blessed
d out as with
prophecy be
illest patienc
l in vain an
lly to be
an this cons
die not are con
cackle, his
all day on th
ys he, but he
is palsied hea
plume of his
featherless no
eminence br
Prince of the P
he thinks: "I'm
hickless, the
the half of t
more on the
versions of Bu
happy ni
hat all the d
been taken
strewed eac
earth, from
ndro's anc
space as fa
mortal par
reared its r
he azure
od soul, wit
teeple and
tail the sc
n my life
t on the D
ury of l
and the howl
with the sn
eemed to hol
was as dee
dates were
s, as befor
er the
n in the e
flutist a
eir function
h bells on
's curtain d
ontesting fo
shadow call
at all unhe
woodshed ran
s and fog-h
s all too f
through the
cturnal m
bates of O
world was
efell-to wh
en, there we
orth brought
about witho
orn to man
nt holding
bia's quick
not to
kioodle a
one anothe
d were not f
d drive an
the horse's
hem go-to
n musica
en's ponies
nd sober-pa
hanging to
s fragrance
ead, Man's
he granted W
nd those of
odgings in
es of his f
s cheeks wit
know my fa
d upon me
lovely wor
t indispo
raphic c
's proud to
dream the g
illed the w
kind confes
t Creek to
sorrow an
d, wholly b
hom their frie
y we
im we hav
he buried
op a
Day reviv
and Salomon
why we'
in after-
like morta
ill tell th
adly t
ite lilies f
's loquaci
sent their
hat in unme
id not
Boom Belt live
Petrie, he live
selle he r
l iooral i
elle in her r
r flesh and the
wife of his
l iooral i
r lover, appear
dear; I don't l
rough," said t
l iooral i
Petrie," she a
n't love me no
I spray you w
l iooral i
That liquid I
and then you'll
"-O, what a wo
l iooral i
s head and con
e eyes, like his l
he got such a
l iooral i
rose and said
gement and bid
began to expl
l, iooral,
came and he o
I am for distur
business." Said
, iooral, i
e bench he look
Attorney be
lied and the
l, iooral,
fended her said:
no longer and t
we did could
, iooral, i
ttorney, sarca
o longer-that c
eyes we may do
, iooral, i
wept to entok
Petrie were flo
Sympathy, bu
l, iooral,
onsidered the
ht her victim
the acid was a
iddy iddit
iption on a Sword
National Guar
r use at dr
length, wh
the land wit
war-dogs ba
in the mo
setting na
blades take
etal shuns
al revie
s shopmen sw
tip-toe o
utting. 'T
in the hos
ll pitiles
with tumul
er duty
of the ins
g horse and s
alike with
iness and
trees to dan
nd much bes
idably are
horrors o
east and dan
utting chi
en think all m
gentlemen disc
kards judge the
ar employers n
e constable sto
ll except them
r's clear esc
stains reflect
cility," nor
neck-the Rals
studies inte
gue had merged
e! and, grown wit
rgin's lust cut
ain at the
east to better
the draught, a
lus, waters
am. The hab
s and islands
of forests.
aspect, and
ings in dreams,
arth and that a
e I saw the
istant sky's
with graves; an
e open-not a
s by some in
ss. Tombs of s
e, and in the
ausoleums sto
inen all the gr
rouds upon m
motion in the
marveling how
ncied that I h
ngel's, delic
eet as
" it said
place of un
s have rolled
multitudes (
sdeeds requir
dual arrai
at the trump
to the sky fo
nd these per
eserved by mi
p. Then they a
untain and stor
lderness and
apitals of men
naught shall b
isen that wond
n centuries
orth-a soul so
name so many c
ow his tria
ne re
s the voice
nded mound crac
th in grave-clot
gazed about h
en laying of
is two atte
arentheses, b
ight of sain
upward and w
adstone overt
emory of Geo
d Editor-
ep in Jesus,
The dead in Chr
talents, Gold
are a poet
y that your
e been raised a
wn no pistol,
ved your throttle
poetry I'm
have much that
writers have
ondling. It is
Mr. Brooks (I
nd if demented
nson, I am
muses how to
neful voice, al
metimes flat and
, with no desi
r even the gi
one of the
e, not take. I
d for human
trouble to s
u'll find troubl
al to keep it r
I see you
eter, crawling
sir, take pit
murderer of
"O, that's all r
rhymes. In Hel
unday papers
Englishmen in
lishman, bu
never rail whe
man, if I mi
ith a suppli
e pockets of
ou have greatl
tions, and b
s raised to
is unpunishe
in a public
ger where you
ame you and
acity's grea
orld"! O what
n men cut caper
z, or what you
p and sprawl ab
ur future Gra
pass their time,
er come from
ms succeed to
tell us ab
fighting," fe
eve it: I re
ho are skillful
e of cannon t
am half-pe
en he danced
ter's word to
you fatigue. Y
curls, is in t
doubtless, h
e the cheap di
nkey the blue-
ming to him.
her monkeys: a
ce on any ki
rking tribe!)
upon poles pe
ed, they are
is kindled
as the phosph
raveyards and a
bodies that
into weeds t
onder sometim
-a beast we
ours, his life
ne to use the
s them!) say you
us better, tho
him with a gr
for he will, b
gratifies y
ls and adi
that; but pro
leeves at you, a
d somewhat agi
maids who ke
want a closer
ife you live!-
ing back and
rn and vigil
red so sightly
ance as lumi
wing! King of
, I'd bet a
trumps you'd ne
waking in th
nd approaching
en removed. A
aughter: "Go
emery to scou
new-some int
ot and men had cl
the electro
ed as statues
ad men all the
and some in pil
ructure's hig
single monum
in that steep e
miliar form of
! Truth's temple
ded: "I'm her c
rd, that you're
an absurd on
gs, you have no
y 'twere eas
arwick, skillfu
ereigns. On a ma
te a little
that it is nau
hat you're sai
'm sure 'twere
t you simpl
Markham (aili
ich were nev
lid's wheeled ch
low natures
're an impos
, for "the ear
as the water
and will prick
ou'll vanish!
olsey might t
ition to the p
m greater pigs,
E A.
ht, it happen
justifying cut
umniating, t
b victims cru
the press, to
le than thei
its not with a
ogues dead gen
scoundrel ethi
dgment and no
onest Souls, w
r right to fa
minded if
ssins for the
vilifying fal
testable and
ht, defending
r fee, so e
nd, the pride
nose upon the
lts to earth-a
oles the ov
rked you nouris
arms so vig
w so light a br
ndmill to so
w, or surely th
laboring to r
n's descripti
gentlest soul,
any land be
nefactions st
acious speech an
w, and, seeking
ess breast rece
thy slaughtered
s deep as his
rvant. Nay, th
spare-to me
bring my sor
ve me back my
Milton vainl
rosper as he
o much that,
laughtered and
night his weapon
st it from bet
sat at the
M. White arri
With pleasure
serve that th
I'm here fo
my lord, an
in blank surp
place-just t
he Saint; and
e inflection
ring his e
friend, you're
M., by thun
he guardian s
ame irrita
hing his f
e key to that
, seeing his
to those ha
orly: "Pray
ne contest
plied: "Nay,
ed always w
e question,
rang: 'I,' 'I
ation fire
sulted imm
he cried, wit
a motion
e murderous
he Democr
s fingers
se from their
eir late h
he briefest o
t in my othe
ord, let us
as old fr
f anything
ill tal
ly have sa
would l
Senator. T
told Will
the Legisl
ford, and
up your J
looked t
de leisur
ly rubbed
"Thank you-p
of my s
e they who
et out
clothing st
usand dol
rs of your
t can h
en, I suppo
are rogues
ou'll recall
urprised a
upon the wh
hat mind
great a chang
so fran
" honors on
u "scorned
fear the gr
reed Haym
n Gage not
s you c
not that V
from earth
cornful fi
, where the
their mod
work of Wi
Pixley sat
' upon h
was Leo Thir
ich overflew
which burst
r grateful to
from Pap
as heard upo
e one a-w
the shedder of
to once
ch entered was
n' as eve
blue, and u
was some'at re
itor says
it was Highness
, but he spok
I am in. I'm
r, too, and
galoot can
my cours
and nothing ca
n in po
o me," said th
ls is bett
ome they won't
te is tha
wsomever, your
ore supe
ht hencefor'ard
ets by an
it hot all r
hture was lo
ried Pixley, s
my friend-
chair and a
s and sets
hat humbled
s and sweat
lin' his s
O, a wee
eat editor
to sech
end; as you have
joy of crime t
ld your present
n be open to
h scarlet once,
onement for al
ed-'twas an
y" in all its m
eadful crimin
never was a
nch or two of
red to have a
d with aversio
ckward, gravit
, from thinking
ed at eve and
-handed at yo
reason deaf, a
ods and men yo
be good and i
"ne'er again wi
o so? Faith, I
threw poor The
were convict
s a comfort
better than the
y'd got one
rote, he could not
elcker, Plunkett
rew who alway
ouplets every
ted and "run i
assus would b
hould bear me
eep place run
st be tempte
yre-strings, hea
souls all out
you, for you
ches, until de
s, weep!-our
has ru
we had kep
not gon
d grainer
he was,
were, yet
rken her
ach matrim
esmen joi
o promis
er he
t all
ed men con
r tables h
the very
ys, for '
he was al
as col
uld his su
r get it
ur hope abo
o worked it
ay it dow
ble patri
coatless; at
e grand resul
is faintly tou
s thine age's
ironment of r
lying bull
cries incarna
noble zeal yo
of your pa
Cleveland, and
less you!-take
d mighty white
try'll keep th
d to vote, th
y coat up on
s brilliant. W
pile with the
've enough to m
r trying to br
f light. 'Twa
the popular
rvers conside
cause of his
e!" cried Black
th no chain wa
have seed," s
ome dance with
dians, Portu
lians, Kanuck
eruvians, M
eir presence th
cluded excep
rrison's ch
vent a relig
banished outs
iddling his ha
n the regular
left!" and "For
port for the
virtuoso, it
the Gatherer
ft!"-to a pa
unlike to the F
our countrymen
e doe" was the
u hope from a g
f culture by d
s dance, though
ille in the da
gs perform s
's magic had gi
featly, those l
Long Moll) had a
y aristocra
a crême and él
d wealth from t
e Bancroft sen
Cesspool, hear a
acify and off
rians alo
aven have merc
ges of your f
flames invisi
nose a melo
noutwise to the
e a vetera
tory a
ince you too
in every
s) you con
of po
ife you we
respect i
peace-a m
taxes when
or what y
lebrity y
ge, by var
n renown
present re
, and Isca
nias, l
culiar powe
ie as M
his wild
es foolis
unded as
in's opaco
t a maggo
iews" to ov
tammer in
e will lear
aid the pri
handed ir
-pray cease
us L. J
in the triple
g his nose ag
razen bars he'
illion ages
ailed his me
r-drops, boilin
n his feet, the
ion in the "go
by memory
Hell is a lost
his incine
ands in suppl
ried, "my torme
short breathi
ed I did befor
ive Delmas a d
holy harmo
appalling clamo
all to willing
fable and fu
all the law-
free from his
housand years o
ir fastenings
s; with dreadfu
urned; and, b
spirit passed t
gged it into
s, I remember
s pardon, rea
my desk and qu
appears upo
ror sheathe thei
wordy warfa
tors bow bef
s, militant
equal foolis
hakspeare in t
meaning's ob
the question
razy, or was
gan's illu
ruth of the d
all the criti
was an idiot
you would no
all agree to p
all is van
lover in a fie
leasure in a p
your age, hav
on; but the
tumble, wearin
old you ma
erment you we
r makes but
le. Let him,
y at bottom
awkwardness w
k better, and f
e; and so, I t
mad! Did you s
system suffe
wer, make, enf
pered, break th
ellows and re
he volume of ou
ooms we tramp
ertilized it
aborer! His
rimy, but who
f his brains?
for his ho
s the mind. Bu
sperity, abs
an whom we ad
w ignorant, a
that thoughtl
itness in the
y make him Gov
devil did the
your inhos
ike a sermon
y profit you i
ught to think,
does not pro
ied like a
still woul
spel the impo
shroud on the
holes in the b
below would
fall for his
iveliest villag
d Slander welco
innocence, it
rror, wounded
owers of goss
res us that thy
ve I knelt u
death, to mitig
ve I paused
d admiratio
runs by many
e pastor groans
sh with seats b
e struck and re
ed thine idle
hist, less at t
ement! ere my
raction) may I
ho, shunning sh
f-den greater
ace whence truth
an come back
ous maids renou
alices to ma
dames her ch
loring mercy
lies to a mor
not calumnia
to their maws,
ation lubric
ospects bright
t women, an a
stood befo
He had a
, in his s
in a persp
, see this s
"pray undo
aint threw s
roffered b
ome clerica
bearer and
anded all
well, I'll be da
s are of go
earth is he
in," he add
le-"but not y
u are still a
ied and were a
t your coffin
money; and 'tw
hat Stanford
w you in." That
ht in fancy's f
tis said, if the
ber, Estee-a
-how fierce y
impeded the st
the great bill
a swimmer bold
avemanship! How
ilroads!" When t
tranded you we
me you were c
the "robber
carry was your
tanford ove
he bestowed t
air and called
tomach seemed
odd to see you,
cago, burrow
easure and a
ft your little
l be no more!
stion, and no
cted as a "r
ist whose teet
t oxen should
nobles, he s
sequitur, I t
logic plai
art, you're a S
athom your des
since you have n
kind of nobl
to sing little
artless critics
iege, I bid y
quers but a
bays arrang
in time, shall
lcome! Sit you
serve, your bot
ar since you a
e pleasant
espites from e
the hearts fo
one since latel
the deserts o
ames would pleas
re satisfacti
nd-the recor
onuments will
t we meet you'l
Tyler "Judge"
Irish "Colonel
Jack-son speak
belly all, and
several servic
r food and on
you'll kill t
one on every
t from Be?rs
I trust, you
while my rese
hand a doze
I so often c
ee senses besid
nscious of a
d Killer, and y
his guilty h
mbling with a s
all the add
he Hangman's
dam's acquaint
en, of his no-
f introduction
t hospitali
ize ere he a
iend, as I t
h, his faults
edits to hi
ock which bat
orward, one woul
simpleton is
iddance, an u
gnor rubs his
s commuted
(his hands h
n upon them)
plans to lose
Killer, where t
gle where he w
oring foot has
ephant's exh
ood! We'll drink
ion to the
ght, the gods
t sounded
from eart
ring aros
h wobblin
him fly lop-
of the
s wax," a r
't resur
on the pit
teeth tried
of him
r, seeing
ard to th
"My mutila
you for y
said Pickeri
the latch
, affable
-list is
ave you that'
cient v
then, with
: "I am
"That is s
did Ang
ome in, and
by Colone
rmous viole
the heads of l
etals royal
lf the landsca
ts odors, li
slugger, at t
Nations-for a
fice to sprout a
n's humili
rtues that he
ies its great
ll he has exc
riends, to mention th
y Peters, of the
of meaning, if co
haughty, consola
hot snap which we
ugh to carbonize th
By Hunky!" who were
supervised their a
a pedagogue of
prehensive, mult
nceded in the sect
ed against him needed
who whispered, in
me of Draw he knew
rectors, frigidly con
maybe Spelling, if it p
a haughty man-i
s attainments and
tumelious to men
said, "can give the
audience, if ev
ng in, the cause of
decent chance to
ter lightly in a way
rry Peters, and I f
unable to employ
sposes, be our sc
r. Peters in a co
n Francisco, whit
ucation, feeling s
ssist in lifting
f knowledge than it
convention of th
Pavilion, he was las
e narrowly observed
ffectual to cat
ame at last: the Cha
om ah-um-er," tha
om ah-um-er refl
tter by-and-by, whe
Peters mounted ch
as aglow with an
ffulgent as a hum
nated from his
f the focus of non
r convergence was a
action all their hea
evolving awful q
all in chorus; but th
suggestion to hi
augmented his i
excessive, or in
ld ambition to lift
have uttered!-gone the
n" may be consumed
e" may breathe their last
a shining light, bu
luminous as now
e," he'd said, "to g
inconvenient thi
irresolute; the sec
and did but add fre
he knew not-'twas
andescent man lev
omet from the buil
ttested ninety-fiv
limate make the t
illiam Perry Pete
that to the r
test sheep th
anford and t
Ed'ard man
ese)-who do th
uld have the ho
re that your
reeks upon yo
ask (the flatt
h and how it st
ll! I meant to
ge is cleaner
wen, of
own as "our
ibbling for
iting what
y at his des
before him s
onate eyes up
wen is n
ke that are fa
rive by the s
s will he said,
en," the a
more for your
staggers and fa
iting what
e quill-in th
n through h
Just what I in
angel looked
wen, of
own as "our
more to supp
iting what
life each
at nobody c
t is with deep
rangest turnin
y you wear th
de seems alw
hought that you
shotgun's arb
hand assisti
oke on a del
purity no m
rivilege to
y a traitor
nt but the be
r convictions
sses of the wo
indless o'er th
st they've not
penitent upon
ir strength b
of Freedom,
nded, or at lea
avelin which b
heart to quive
that when his
spanned the m
promise of a
ur fingering n
knew your Neg
this argu
fire another
friend, that
e ignorant-an
way of two a
ay with gent
feuds the fact
es nor vice n
s and Salma
wide attent
rted all the
group the cleavin
atants each fie
oyal they e
of the hesi
the heights co
Webster and o
day and splend
pigmy, if we m
with a giant
rikes for erro
Folly with a
you knew it
dge (by men m
ght there was
e than ignor
come-Heaven ex
nd shall their
osper in their
ickson preach
ah, 'twas
y, very
about-I kn
t, nor what
oose" it w
Parson Dic
ill get eac
re and m
rt at last.
ful tinker
e to turn
le, you are ca
e, and I'm a
truths that I
in the coffe
e pretty music
spiritual w
or two don't
u've no patienc
is writ, and
d?) have hardly
nd from flingin
. That were a
pent in sackcl
money, and I'
sures Here as
pious soul, th
or toleration
case would
ong, charitabl
owls of you
light that h
st purpose to s
Kembles, to conf
e firm of Main & Win
his plot in Mountain
of Main & Winc
ear the chit-c
not, yet knows
ads that have
ward through t
ding, you er
e will stable
ifted, and the o
eases Him who
hether one so
marble or shal
had a friend w
et held hisan archite
ault where he
, and lo! the
der all the jo
naments, the
all togeth
s! That taxe
sand if the ti
same to you; w
en count your
mpous monume
eak the solar
t its base the
ve your glory
th your rubbish
o reputation
turned-should lift
ame and subst
uld be the mo
ame? Forgotten
e forgotten-a
l that's rescu
of worth an
rds than a st
, naught rema
edless for the
our mausoleu
o it with a p
inkling of an
ut obstruction t
ement of th
sert-haunting w
the spot, sha
cities, desol
artlett stepped
stracting and
deliver a lec
of Intellec
ffender who ga
n any condit
th a fire divi
h endless abun
I dreamed of a g
rtlett was dres
y dream: "These co
e life he was
remember this a
platform!-it i
h the trap, with a
s toes to unbu
tching the thou
his ankles, atte
town at B
ng bright
o water woul
rents dren
he ground for
ses wer
an aged pr
did muc
To force on
seems, might q
d upon t
said: "Thi
y dares
e well he fe
hall feel
f wet and
that old m
f Avon die
nto'll soo
or it will k
, you, who k
o cut the cou
ive the han
in a dist
g careles
willing t
by whom i
was pitted
tants on
lating f
eir foes by w
dable feat
attle's re
's weapon s
e ardor o
fierce ci
o kindle at
blow his c
urely left
the gelid b
d splendor
men and "C
of decei
ition dou
whom your spe
o madness w
certain jo
h owner gr
e treason wr
hort its cu
you had no
true from
ad courage
to her per
not your po
wrong by tr
ourself with
had the
e olive-bo
cut the bi
our body fo
dark the wa
mother o
gs gild her
r in her p
throng the
ntent abov
ng hearts i
g tides of E
ut not their he
ships acro
ll centur
w land will st
Mother ho
of sons sh
to law,
thetic h
now the fo
ch sundered
s sabre va
a spirit
n our bloo
ricidal han
e throned on
bide at Se
rned with
er with
worthy ki
want one f
alton, take
he county
is sold to
or butter
n ounces to
od watchin
lson with
igning wor
eying as
sleek and
is flank an
h secret joy
on a slice
ilson's ke
s caution-m
l vigor of
with valor
dasher fro
brandished i
dark, port
pulchral s
ile, which,
to copy va
like the
field was pal
e trees wi
to that a
with loyal
eir shadows
s battle-cry
on a slice
ight the da
s dimly wa
meek and
s if, engag
erbolt inc
of anything
trated eart
is mind to
low he dre
ine of sud
thrifty Wil
crying, "Now
bull he s
in his ch
on a slice
that battl
at made the
he bellowing
t darkened a
s of the co
these thing
re was-a r
there baskin
legs had
and conjur
unched it. S
charm for h
nodded a
ad that bu
f Souther
there be Crime,
leading Stone
upidity, not Cr
ordered." Sa
is is one el
valent, the
emical embr
sult-for Cri
te of Opp
oneman (not a
special sess
sooty labo
on with t'ot
rtunity," he
paper down at
en was filled with
added to Creat
en the word
ains at las
ibbet's ch
rkly to e
gel who en
ter of t
record h
ame and ti
evils, dan
dmost Hel
e, beware,
is eve
hear her a
hunted vis
her eyes
ger's on
hear her i
g to summ
ear her cal
irit throu
giant bil
ntered light
ghts of Heav
all the to
d at night
your cham
oll aroun
r purpose
r to search
ld the ma
nto your tor
d man's eye
own wher
, shall t
all escape
d that you
that you
bear upon
ful sente
igns you t
to the u
o avenge
he period
dread et
your futur
ames infe
power and
ercy you
n your g
body t
erpent i
Cruz the w
son as w
s sinking
that ang
urnbull, bra
ted, "Ho!
and the bal
the su
ual orb did
by land
y engage
ver wait
h charge
in the gun
er waits
orb sinks
s of stea
and the hor
r thunder
pulls-the l
a soun
of ten tho
d at San
Cruz the w
son as w
h visage ste
from out
idow of Th
oeth upon
cheeks of th
ts are lig
of Thoma
igh on the
cult can-
tables t
he dame's
idow of Th
ds are ov
: "Call the
this parl
he widows of
the spree
l the eerie
sse's surv
bedewed he'll
e widow of T
T F.
hough a stran
ction's huma
ght how manly
ires than the
void of tend
hing soft but
ted, shunned a
with a passi
ur look, your s
ait to fall u
ove, and ido
y Valenti
on of an illu
th the duty
ngines out, ex
, looking from
ddy light on
ment ere you s
om a fire, i
blushes when t
pids! with en
s in all unc
to stay there
all the world
omfort, lam
evil tenor
d, sweet, beau
ars you with h
bandage half-a
you while the
L. B
who sin's pr
he instalment
ulldog pistol
terror in it
almness on the
hed his heart h
ness turned i
by fond aff
eins ignored th
dew kept the
n, I say, to
been commut
happy-hark, th
ror wounds hi
Huntington, s
e up. If you h
for I saw th
hen I clutched
I was poor an
pe and weary
all miscarry
bor in the he
some certain t
mmoned exi
my bitter st
hither I did
e fair countr
ch a land, wher
successful) cr
I lamented,
resences-I k
ere: thought ca
through spiri
by gross ma
e?" I seemed to
ngue did utter
ith what woful
stly look, as
in memory. We
ow you if ye ha
organ note
o ear of fle
Climate in t
ou to San D
rra to the s
tropical I'v
here it does mo
he just and
e," said I, "but
the unjust i
it resumed, "
, the Champag
o rebuke you
uash, Strawber
Earthquake a
king Sun; and l
ntis Dog. Now
tter stomach
es a dance and
ppy is to
I, "with all yo
id that I should
and sick and
lendor than of
l is warm, my b
u with enthus
ot on toil," th
chorus clamori
eaver and throw
uted. They bewe
ng, fell strai
solemn ri
n by mo
nts, the pe
ll Rep
bent his g
ral Dimo
s Reddick, s
one clea
iest, white-
nt, Fath
e pious m
rns of
a high and
one cou
t mean?" I a
t apart
the repose
l Markham'
Colonel M
'tis sad
epeated he
nd knee
l Markham
ford, with c
ision surpas
desert's re
f gold with
gh pinnacles
mirage to de
a, at the P
g them, sweari
erving his ma
order the mou
nford exert
n Allah's name
nch the mo
nford, with
foot and ki
on the end
thus and s
the mountain w
mountain." With
ravans, negr
rkmen, women
ater and m
about him, a
y began at the
ey traveled-
isome leagu
fair with a
las, was no
ford pounded
ha he thus
dacity, che
ng o'er your gra
e-whose "cat
ilk might env
say, but it
o be sneezed a
speaking trump
peded utte
at a pinch or
tube and somew
ble, you'll n
nfluence: I'll
; for when my
e of praise,
osen name, it
is naught b
ave my soul y
ave my soul, I
o you, to me
you might sav
n; for still the
oy to turn us
enemy of sou
h to ensnare u
y you utter
o give to min
t-their calling
t persuade the
when you say t
easts of all
ot of indi
anything that
should if so
is accepta
l object-forb
ourse you temp
eference to
nitent on gl
h your fancy, b
nts the wicke
of style my
ddens, but the
al damnation rou
fter that you
all accept wha
you are dealing
obertson, 't
r Max Taubles
y hearty, if
s a grave-wo
yours-how far m
far Corea
es with Peter,
te and, dying,
sses of the
of yours dist
g-pipe, dronin
ible, perfor
further; and th
ed like a long b
hafts of wit a
h can't even he
D. Boruck
ze wid ye,
s shot out
y onluck
wl o' that
gossoon, ye
r yerself
not intendin
to make i
ll of its mem
uz Pixley,
's a kite th
ung till hi
the role
zn't the gho
ty to-day h
l backin'
ugh Irish ha
'anin' to
e out int
ye, darlint,
-so Amer
rs grinnin'
wid ref're
the murthe
s never wi
ye for ma
ts-angels f
ye come
ye and sco
fail in time of
tents gloom t
is arming f
ark McDonald
y what instin
ouble-may be,
ob, he smelled
, he left, an
irant to
flame along
commission w
udgment spre
cracked ope
s of ear
Court of H
s of all
ns were a
was there be
iel cou
hrist rise fi
en firs
de the Thro
e trumpet
smen of th
d themsel
s shining l
t and ble
m Stow was t
A. Knight
s indubit
d with an
at head of t
ng been
he had do
id away
d a trifle
dressed the Ju
or, would
ere if Blak
upon th
Tom Shannon!"
, witho
ed: "That
m's nomin
e unan
m his place
looked the
grass of the
cked lived
said: "This is
r by me
power shoul
e this thin
solemn and
e this ob
o heard him bel
of his r
d the matter a
the words
ved-with addi
t the meani
ce was that n
ldest rumo
intended to
e the evi
Morrow was s
ht and live
he, "that is f
e free fro
nes doubtless w
ly like th
, deputy sher
will form
ore easily ro
or will ev
purse to my
ty, gain,
eard of the l
g his dinner)
lp me, for 't
is alread
rveys are all f
annot grea
ll tell the j
they please
the trees grow which he proposes to plant in the form of a Malt
won't grow, and s
till you're s
ear, blow you
ll to proclai
a stump with
stand or a r
ur story and ch
ith pride to
from its groves
sa's arbo
y shoulders o
thered firs
I sit on my m
arvelous ey
ask where would
it hadn't
p-toe, with a
boy with an
gum sprouts,
t loud and
r man and you b
r Fitch, t
es an
fore, ven
s head, he
'tis dre
e Boodle-Sc
n be far
a year I've
e the ca
this good
l they h
mouths and e
ollar li
re holpen
a wick
bowers henc
èd mind
urban scene
r Fitch did
the coun
m that he c
dly poi
cheerful s
n oak alo
hted as
harles O'D
a box with
ith his ini
ly grave
two demon
million leag
at the gat
upon it wi
rm darkenin
nt this rub
pay a cen
when the poor hav
from vows tha
d leisurely
e drawn your fi
d them with
d rigor you ha
t of public
the public
households op
r secret bick
efore you sup
oors and open
rawn, the lights
curious should
nes not, sweet
ulgar, though
rve of a ju
plainant's whi
lusion and th
hibits and th
ded and uns
nature and-chink
pright Judge,
ound abhorred
s the scratchi
a! long-end
fawn upon the
service to tha
d blush to ren
dgment destit
conscious on
il (so insigh
identally d
l a "song o'
fiddle of eac
alifornia, sk
sic, through t
equious bef
e they scratch th
you're fai
our bubbl
skies a l
ht you dow
more you'l
grass an
u'll walk-and
hat you're
day, coming up
with per
Peter and beg
nt for con
him in where th
where petition
d the Evil One
e business th
n years I've be
have thought
have had my o
e best end of
I venture to ho
d I, sir, be thr
the one to
the Master (I
is tone by m
presume you'll b
ch terms with
n't mean it!" sai
nd Crocker you
bless me! the t
at bay-tree ha
y are rolling in
and well-spr
m houses, you've
the righteou
hat of that?" crie
t when I saw y
s theirs that pe
o my way of
lispeth in the t
claim distinct
palms and temple
omas quarrel
soms this the
e odor of a
e did Kubla
of the Revels,
mysteries on
poet to repo
ale of those E
like the place i
ard, but-I can
Mr. Catton,
arly why; bu
you are many
nsul with a
are I hardly
cting you wit
! what a name t
s, and hinting
ran-where th
, and the ani
at groan to th
ed of their in
name and nat
th your name but
Did you ever
ry little, th
om Chile or
ause you serve
mpunity on
, and strut wit
the hearts ben
ds as a sower
curity, inv
laws that men o
e they come nor
courtesy; an
gn, as rece
f another St
duties all ar
inisters as ro
ffs as suit
d a citize
w Thersites
libels every
e cudgel on yo
with a sal
civil or 'twil
rgeous g
ade is ta
big ba
ort strong
d Army t
anner fl
ones are O
et are O,
n Irish, Mr.
d. Quite likel
natural you sp
een least mer
hin, if I am
t have recent
eard of art
s or that, I
is better to b
dallying wit
o in body fr
es get when det
about the maz
n any other
oo, your corr
whole periph
lors than a b
ry! Put your to
attle, even if
meful record
t a lawless s
had wounds,
t, even Masten
ly conceded
he attention
you when you h
row there-prit
rift, and you lack
rickbats of reno
back upon us in "Conrad," the other night, and his shoulder-blades spoke to us a volume of hesitation, fear, submi
Scripture the
favor God's
ivine the pe
e blasted and
he Record inform
cealing His
rear from behi
ion ensued w
lvini, lest w
blaze of his
errors and sh
rers the broa
r altars, which,
n all the more
rers, to ca
ay tickle or li
Heaven was br
cians dwel
y knowing on
e Elsewher
from my las
place amon
e gate-Sain
as I step
as afterwa
Chris, the
sorry sig
of the bles
they were f
aved, from
blic square
tree, most
trunk the bar
nches all we
erched upo
he grace o
bird," I cr
rought this wr
is eyelids
Tree of Life.
Siebe, who
cross the J
it to a
hed, "their o
t, too, of g
led that?" Bu
wrong them,"
eran did th
Street Depar
cried I-"you
u've Satan, t
, yes, but
some purpos
r priests and
those their pre
passed along
f their lungs
s foot no mor
en, anyhow
short, he's
are not a
n came down
soil with bro
e men, some one
es (those we
nd ere you co
d, Nimrod an
speed and dari
overtook, th
hunters flouris
usen lived-gre
re; there's much
nothing in the
bins, you've re
e, and here, we
thing an ed
faulty pelt
, it has, at l
s maculation
hort, the gen
s cruelty to s
critical or
have, accord
r posing as
judge. May't p
al and take o
igher court,
ou without the p
our existence
fic Mail dock
eople you're
an ear your
ost betake th
refer to slum
nt to your h
an you not sti
ckless brat aff
eas intoler
in its small
vulgarize your
etter were, th
hing there beh
olk acro
ains to se
upward pal
iller's cu
asten, wr
tters rak
's exceed
hit upon
barber thr
find it i
e succes
t to put
ever di
inch of i
oted be f
t ('twill
ase to wr
e gallan
th faste
he where
falon i
a Flayme
l loud y
yeth, Do
od Saints
the Woes
es are flas
the Foe
rs kinds
king Ear
flowe to
nts wide
er of the
he Shouti
d Din the
y of me
th the bol
ghty Pow
l 'tis they
en too h
once we had
, 'twas I did a
nner of your
e trail you ma
nd, your law-
llar" is, I t
course more r
or, truly, you
and 'tis you
aces (with a s
jected and d
essed, the walki
ng says, is a
r) that is ha
you'd find it
y with more ro
ty neither
rein you navi
e Gorham said
"The prison ya
alks behind!"
t that functio
e metaphor-y
allace and the
you have f
co, uns
uld hang as
man d
if his cor
ng proved
o think of
said: in m
o you jo
re on your
l atto
ad long r
ooked upon
o you was c
ou'd alwa
cs you we
is accura
there might
o save your
as afo
in Mexico-
the sun
rns, down the
ound in
reated on
hat a Judge
mire exhalin
t and foot-clea
on here and
as yours from
ould I truly
hted with so
ve of justic
to condemn,
ill its busy
atify them
, though, I'd
ghteous and t
hough we dif
ke from pers
proving you, c
, from this not
honor-not i
dissenting fr
l one Fred. Cr
ister, you'll
ighted, admon
scoundrel cli
wallow him a
eals insurge
stinal with m
curril tongue a
agency you ou
ess with all i
olf beneath the
he cry upon
ompany, and you w
ire" and consc
ession 'tis to
and libel
in who can p
honest dollar
a fee "the thi
ne, to challe
eans, their m
ion sometimes
yment large
ry servic
or the inno
fference, nor t
d it proper,
es a little s
an ugly vi
inners can't g
wyer!-at his
decency the
is immunity
kindles with the
r sale, moral
and century a
Allister, yo
le 'tis to
ly that the
that lying i
sand volumes,
ot included)
th, though still
d them with be
d get justice,
ew him foul af
n! how easy
justify the c
f you like, th
erformed for c
perfect welfa
aid of those
ies lost in
nction between
argument an
feet of Just
livelier zeal w
y, embracer
te) than when
t, conspire, in
their astonish
uffer wrong t
hort, 'tis be
trous consci
law to do t
ecting scaveng
serves howeve
y work, he is
idge once to S
he saint with h
that ever
forever and
said the nigh
turning aw
hat?" cried the s
so writ? Then,
at quoting
y memory. Pr
yes upon the
ictured proph
magical lif
glories o'er Ne
thly up the m
ppy passenge
nging, drowned t
oyous pinions
train adown t
silent and un
shrieks atte
wrought upon
s broke down th
lying spikes ob
s I drew away
m on the term
ts melancholy
r-wheel wabbl
an Oakland Sc
as good as
a cold and a c
es all are hi
eye he chan
s of ice be
and flowers h
ng touch of a
shiver whene
n us with a
he Smithian
word, is th
g Smith, the S
t Madame Ferr
chool, his f
mmer down on h
"Her Nanny? B
c's time she
atin' of an
t entirely
ay," said his
's French!" "Wel
if he cuts a
took re'glar
so sweetly t
himself was a
storm of his
e ear and an
ntinued: "I
din'." And
of remarkably
s chaste as a
he devil a
lded the
glas was
s-and the
d for his
at that fir
he slowl
I know not h
the charg
at veteran
ent off s
is busy ar
with it,
hat gunner
rom Bally
e sun's a
' to thi
tics, you woul
ilty, only ju
ender and con
e miserable
Folly-that is
ersonal, for
et what, 'lik
ch that's neither
I venture, de
razor but an
ty; and a wo
, seen not, one
!-you're as
ce to writer
olly and in
t, and for th
has a pow that
Deacon Fitch (a
, lest he go
him a corn,
s his face (s
s that Pickerin
terity, again
s Scampery th
ce in dignit
serene, indub
anthropist! On
t'other one a
ttends him
ndless, o'er my
evered, spiri
something can b
lides, only
lf invites assa
killing twenty
ymond-but the
oint the mora
mpostors, sycoph
earth and horr
tington (sol
ek of that ra
eft as hard a
met in Sacr
rals it had
these abounded.
by the Sena
of their conta
mittee but no
walk quietly away, although the street
he not have
th peaceful
d that Chri
gue he had
n Jesus had
ng pious p
n the Be
o guide
t Jonah dow
bones of i
s true. He
l laid the
he had all
ss and all
ith saint
ome slight e
to promo
ost Chris
him rudely
hat was a p
by making
t as wel
y Father, th
s town thes
ing wort
ry edito
hey never
his soul
n his own
the print
hands the re
the high-d
ot for li
Father, th
our Califo
crate to
h of her yo
her gold
Senator with
low, to win at
tempted by a
icked him to t
dwelt a we
one co
nd great in
ue he w
d or t
all the thi
n said
wish h
are born to
ing, i
d, we
fe was
a mighty
lived a
hen i
ound h
e scamp!" the
d, the
e sam
neighbor p
? I answer:
got a
ick a
there the ch
ed for
ot even a st
rs roll
e level of
he bar
d was) the b
the monum
still h
granite jus
ame, I
oth di
and the m
nt here's
not d
st claimed it
ve him
im to the so
oke; the Cha
d, its ech
members dre
ho long had h
nly cease
lijah, in
seat was
rce bears en
him for
is legs, and
his trunk,
referred an
ith rueful
have I fo
at disappo
e, serene
u shall not la
e Treasury
d his othe
mite, that d
minions of t
purses, lo! the
are as leader
foreseeing t
ed too, beclo
idal Veil is
steamer dangle
ll abates her
to take the
ach her that
the Valley o
envy the ac
urpose (by the
g Commissione
rnity of crim
bows its riven
formerly, be
ams afflict h
s remaining
ves! has not
for every cri
loot the Pa
filthy names u
dark and
well, n
ove my fle
ding of
note ensue
and harsh
Welcker t
ching" my
let your h
me here
nge you shou
ith my d
yshanks, and
as you'r
nt in let
ored ev
made all Be
writer e'er
-if I'd
ors all i
st ambit
las! I tem
hed what
! with what
n swall
e known me
my ve
ors with sea
one-he pri
us most
d feel a s
oor dun
to me for
ly me b
at my gat
hrough all
greet it
rs with
what in S
all th
ing me rest
ng snatched
d Remains; I
a deed
here to h
ing to
at Gabriel t
ction's fa
ing upon
w loud, blew h
ir windows
rose. "Alas
bones these
lied the h
oth his lun
nothing b
caught the
erver sta
kind, not d
Gabriel: "
ry you'll
ound my no
ey not from o
g, Blythe and
ran the Gol
Fisk? Jim
to know a
ch rose but
n O'Conor
ho consec
laying o
em because
all they wish
rs once, al
rise, why don
plied: "Re
of the shr
d trenches-
th one anot
one with ano
kull with a fou
as never,
ompany s
g them ther
as good
when they h
one anothe
s vain to so
s here but
l and shan'
me? I am He
ldren, blac
e the ye
pil plan
row some
trong eno
irector ha
ful is t
decked wit
son is
he's d
lies upon
of all ad
re his as
for his
ish his
singing i
es with
its tar
les all
tes the sp
ws home t
runs to ear
nd, deftly
it with h
arly a
he pine-nut
it with
it with
nd it isn
e'd open
rying c
his Ag
ook in his
itle gran
les of the K
istory C
icter her
lasting i
he wits m
st as this b
nced as if
d 'em
o put
, and O, t
standing at t
ody Death had
ul as ever wa
oyous and his
Peter." There w
ccent, but n
gravely, like
have the advant
is," said the
of the lit
famous, too, I
rsialist an
onsequence," th
lf my Master
re cares anyt
nothing you w
me you were a
hat it was I c
" said the oth
oul appeared
n as loud as
ad a golden
tted one of
re and vigor
ng, and, singin
e, suffused wi
pumpkin with a
chap," said Pete
and drunkard-smo
he fellow-he's
isco. Mansfiel
him?" said Rén
e the blackguar
t in and make y
ks at you I'l
re because th
e him, for the
yes one momen
e, the Frenchm
wn from cloud t
ieur,-I'll see i
eveland Leader is
The Morn
neighbor! to
literary kn
pelling Pega
e or famine s
by the stim
the spavined cr
fore it-eag
ntiments and sw
weating scave
d of his curs
rascal rubbish,
for so good a d
r property, th
vites-to make
tons of garb
bog sinks slow
be shot here"
e it in your
wishes, but
editor mean so
uised and b
of some d
pon a roc
in this u
ve frequent h
he everlas
fight was
this whic
in it, if
y of S
s various g
h go persi
the debat
nother name
osition, t
g like they
es should b
ntific to
them, one ni
s figure f
Chair, I'm
ion which
t fossils t
and shook of
Members he
, not to s
e read it
fell on all
tion, wild
that idi
us as they
r was he
s rose up,
as primed w
snatch the Ch
nd shook their
words was u
was silent,
his propo
them tumults
was the Ch
d lack eno
tor to r
denied a
be undert
harm before
e steps to ke
red out-a
ce e'er to
I've ordered
ongue or
could not
ensuin' a
red up in d
fit and f
hing we fe
scratched and
words was ut
last the d
ed Scientis
others cou
so careless
nd at the
upon the fl
asy to e
things I m
nds, is the
befel the
e question
than it w
ancies am
threw op
e born, you a
shadow of t
ought (and Banc
aders) it was r
ed in t
ace of la
er and t
uests of
and the
sponge; the
ian an
ply face
on to fi
m of auc
wer flir
all too
roboscis and a s
the banjo, and anot
sphaltum i
a tenden
dog that t
ourse conclu
hts the oc
e patien
ephyr bear
ry cub
lively p
g in ste
hal accl
ent, throug
treet's opa
people, p
he command
booth, a
nice-five ce
aches of high
ad, bordered w
ing in a "c
tsmen with a
pon a fence a
dove, the
nties, and it
re. Two guns th
r simultane
uman wrecks of
the gloaming
local cor
a remain.
n a game-ba
the gloom and f
d of its ailme
ime, on pinions
in some far
ou've exhaus
the pap
le calumnies
t the ot
S L.
ppens in the
cure the sun's
ounting to the
pels them with
pors that beg
manifested a
early vice obs
all the visi
nd and charac
way to the goa
ble Mr.
en tons of th
a thousan
could put t
your hands
's used for co
iful brown
an't run Stanfo
url the pig; but
at more cabbag
ruts by all the
!" It is fa
get left, nor
es that thi
so, 'tis a j
nd dull a
for votes that
ht! Astride McCl
ound the Sen
l undecided,
er the man or
man to lower
east, withdrawi
start again, t
rowd can say whi
you're an age
oo, I doubt n
te with many a
er that your h
nce and honor
wagging with
colding every
as a jaybir
ttle sense of
that irritab
ery venera
the attorney
mendable) "til
ll about, the g
ll the hotter,
that-as dogs
nshine to inc
more ferociou
r food is flun
onor, and forb
earing you, cry
, do not t
lemen a
have not "Fai
ng to
elief; and
by being
cannot, th
e a sh
u can. If
you own
eems evide
not ca
I'd like the
le vessel
gold. I s
ting no
to Faith,
and then
ir trust in
s to-m
he happine
s one woul
swallow e
tain f
snake a c
den and d
y I might t
ase and
n! Faith for
ying all
cides that F
Mr. R
or wrong; h
g to you
t you have t
any p
nds laid in
an's getti
gend says
e-he owed
elf. From H
the brat in
im at the
med him Hen
mortals her
ys begot h
onstruction of the Central Pacific Railroad is to be ex
our woes, h
ecords burn u
ee the macu
commingled bl
ust a widow's
han tarnished t
andle sang
tching of thin
wielded thee w
and dig a p
re debauched ar
o be hid from si
as within a
e a foul pro
ermine dragg
and there with
egislators ji
and sycopha
ms and plunde
before the ni
gures thee a
ntous through
rdered virtues shr
nd, thine ave
cries of battl
e thundering wi
ion smoked al
muse, to ears
ause and finis
she (invoking
ir favor with
alf their heads-th
nectar cup we
build a stab
iercely swearin
d that stable!"
" "You can't!" "I
swore; "not on
nkeys till the
e," they sneered
, if lodged there
months the awfu
omen, men wit
bes and shrillin
mpus, where he
ession (with
ong exposure) ma
e but by lo
on soon exhau
ge itself is
igh in heaven
depends from
rter's fate the
e destiny of
d scales, their
ment neither
g level and t
e, contemptu
pans and kicked,
e the strife,
hat he did n
ly, remarking:
oses; tail, th
kel, charged with
and made a
ng beneath its
died at last an
e disk and then
dering orbs, exc
ely alacrit
to whom his mi
isco two bell
ed round great
able, though i
horse, and but
he, with fo
an band with f
ht with brilli
tuperation g
hich nor gods n
r victory an
od Mercury, be
him till he h
d shot the me
lendor like a
stre through th
till another
of the gods su
gnant, fathe
decree perfo
sense?" "Ah, sir
. Redding-illu
ish-horn the t
s angry, and wh
e filled with
the Press, with
and spattered
thinking your na
tish puppy as
sure, could have
r name-if 'tis yo
I cannot get
rrectly perhap
o toses. Max Mul
ngenious at a
istorical, pr
root, like a mo
e turnep-top's
think of it we
solution than
nted word, "to
s significatio
Toser), I mea
some good an
he heat of whose q
an eminent d
his you'll not lo
hear you-for th
tand up. I rechri
'll shoot you i
Chicago the s
n his hand," lik
Buckley-who tho
e man-eating mo
he ballots!" so
Young, with his
the struggle is
attle-field, gi
tations. No m
ponents" with
hushed and his
haracters cumb
he war-plain wi
candidates per
charge, with a
rruption, his fr
stilled of the
riumphant, an
th his life in h
by G--, I will d
n spared, for hi
he took it in wa
he moon
ye the
to g
the tale that
he reluc
d I we
say w
re sung to its
apon betwe
of the fl
the sl
eman to mangl
ng the ma
into th
the honors th
he dolo
e eloque
rd, wonderful
, each loy
ey, king
-of fore
e ruled with
w his g
ld be with
re but w
red at hi
a sudd
t, as he had
gone we're
is what
is very st
t-to Mo
tears unhin
and groans
not how m
vil is
uddhist priests, "m
, "are grossly ignor
had you bu
of your
e made you t
unded bea
ve damned th
o Christians
ay; that
t distincti
n might fe
name, but fac
as the wil
were ignor
iculed b
could we re
of times
fact I can
Rankin's g
e is not qu
han half a
orts as lo
e plate is
takes a p
down to Ra
did in
buzzard's q
ects to d
e humming-bi
write of Mi
d Haymond he
etter in this
ed pig's appea
dor for the f
dog upon a
ald, or curdl
assion and in
human eyes it
orks of pie
n might have c
me that shows t
rts and make the
rt than victi
velier satis
mon, autocrat
rthy work nor
of leisure's
might his id
ofit to some
ese to pare, no
nd, no glass
worthy of a m
acks and bottl
d sow's prec
ing oak's fa
advantage any
ictim's und
d Haymond he h
tate to his
"Pussy Want
"Simon Says
ng resigned
l dignit
single r
our Legis
ueens, Jacks
a cranky
it wasn't
e he was
of any
s threat of
in dissu
ed, singularly self-conce
fairs, e
bout phil
of parish
not any
ly educ
the abneg
ed, fabulously feeble-mind
ed up, ad
tures en
this is p
s, to exh
ed in each
llels of
ted, galloping gregarian,
cow, perc
ers of
nded he
tance for
horns eng
e welkin
ing, hurtling hallelujah-l
n, you're look
trolling through
hat serene a
hat and coa
life in this
n of your trad
id Goldenson, "
e; but I obse
e people murm
sense of harm
secuted man
your growing sto
se malcontents c
o be, somehow,
ect to is you
ndifferent t
lf entirely
t met above th
like a soaring
ip, uncoveri
likiller co
't! Well, how
ssion for the
clattering co
hatted his
or and, steppin
answer: "I wil
the Bench you
women who sit
illan Shafter,
ere when last
ple since have
tice it. I'v
avoring to f
squabbles, d
ven the veter
flying colors
e, 'tis natu
ld villify th
u are a candi
e to sing, a
se from hearer
al graces
es of anot
ple, like Sir
you say, don'
th respect. T
arm done, for
in the long
pon my belly
re respectab
re rogues and the
e others, for t
elter of
s Partner, a
General B
AT a M
NAVVIES and Unassorted SHO
of a Railway C
a steep dec
zy dump-cart
beetles and
f infr
-minded and u
scant propri
he blue-black
cultivate a s
fancy, hearin
ssiles are but
r Dea
nt your fine eye below and see it land. (Seizes De
AT (si
d under
d free, swing
n't be in th
d to ad
e and a
Exit De
eacon, well a
has grassed, a
mp-cart for the
that he pull i
ne for leavin
not his place,
g missiles-an
ive them an
alley of
e Holy C
like the
acred Oni
hinx posse
rkess I
ool papy
rushes l
aled the l
y M
very har
ted ther
my yellow
gh my
am that I w
erity w
a n
the papy
sing wate
many a t
eded to
ng, one m
ard Camb
b of Oz
st orb of al
ady fowl that
or the vilest
er thee mine
g I am myse
rs thy ranker
please expose
ot the
y! ho
hot, and Teddy
hunderbolts u
er drops his
odors scream a
em som
left but tar- wi
, yo
tar. How well
n with us-proud
rave, incom
filthy luc
rt as Stanfor
bearing in hi
rred us all wit
r Old
't return and
rt with our i
easy on that
souls I wouldn
pot-hello! whe
me that fashio
ok that stick to
company with
t and the tar-stick falls out. Nick picks it up, looks
come hither
ng going on dow
pward smile an
ll are runnin
cs, to righ
, t
poor sport or b
wn and have a
and ligh
t I met M
d a fin
as on d
was in
as on d
was in
n't go
ouldn't c
was as
nder on
was as
nder on
y soon I
de dumm
away a te
away a te
now a certain
me of fulmin
ive, popular
effect immens
e superstition.
ions made b
have had their
ngineer reli
nnel through a
ech cave down t
into the cut. A part of it strikes De Young's dumpcart abaft the axletree and flings him, hurtling, skyward, a thing of legs and arms, to descen
down here I wi
owing hencefort
a start. Well, fate is fate-I gue
a Defeate
ES an Ex
ake in the Alle
ersed my muzzl
g copious po
ry; but ever
into my dis
f my zeal e
ion from my
e marginal
n into their s
nd within thes
inct volcano,
ages in its c
oblet, I woul
uter slope, an
ck, I'd sipho
valleys with m
be account
er Nilus is.
ard some sawye
g, stridulo
tchy blade, t
ge. Ha! there
, wi
the milk of t
s our wet-n
blue lips to
and ev
here's conge
rit, I suppos
ot; perchance
the crystal
, and so, with
ensitive membr
he sings my
iend i
be not
antiquated c
t a face, but
ber. I have s
iddle season
cucumber, or
ic pie, I've s
eels asunder,
iable fa
, but not, al
Stevens, age jus
ost th
me, fa
brush to blazon
f my master'
ts ra
's Vinega
ffering fr
ottle and was
murderer; th
up-he'd but an
half a glassf
inegar Bitte
ried for it. T
a spoonful a
o the tomb. '
y to strike h
start the hair
iddle for a c
, reading a Sun
sir; I trus
, Pi
friends, I hav
author of-
nfant mind (de
ne Samantha Br
ing slave to
ters, went to
unt at the
the whole
en f
where an
m d
reading re
time ther
Hayes.) Beho
upon th
r feet sh
in though
e, upon
age is
t a hig
y step
shing l
ES (to h
n the White Hou
papers (Ruther
hose) a sudd
er. I looke
olding in h
ruck me. Smarti
uffing Ruther
have been Pres
n flew to Heaven.
lady Methodis
m should medi
uld not have
ndidate who'll
eform, fresh f
s instead; and
rious and fi
k-Demon from t
with water t
ll af
you and lead t
s of Proh
nd webbed of foo
h gills, i
. H
d consummate t
ate shrimp-pink, St. John and Mrs. Hayes effect an exchange of immortal parts. When the
LD (ch
n Stygia
s of anci
rs of scol
nds, uncomm
nly found
baptize and
the vinop
of Dambosh I
quid down St.
f aquatic
nd His Majesty starts on a dead run, e
. H
it back Unless I follow nimbly
man! I'll follow, too, and catch h
visible, his
r so obscur
well. But as f
to hold the
double-distilled thunder-and-lightning out of it, sm
nes vary let
e'er a dis
erry is Cha
ple of gol
ship'll con
ipple, the bot
ED a
LE a
VY a St
a Com
, Ringdiv
since '51 I
enor of my
ls as by an
eadfast faith o
nds beyond th
your concern-a
g belief i
ated by asse
fall, ensnaring
doubt, a very
utiful as
isite as
ular as
es the w
erous as
rious a
es my ma
ou, I think, w
remark about
ested rights y
unity; for
f one do evi
do so ripens
be a villain
elf an hones
oul w
thy disp
eds m
ams m
floated mount
ny years; though
selves along t
a village h
ere a ranch. 'T
ith his femal
quently go t
re burial
up the
ed on
ll the
ger's t
en his
on devoutly t
ngers would long
imes, to the la
t that all thei
gislation wit
eople the
shes m
ievery s
een the ma
rtain shrewd
losities I c
se as of ten
enetrant, tra
d tickling thr
gn and awful t
r Hay
are the ghosts a
I have dece
d int
, pha
e the
margin of
k, they some
rished once
mmer squas
the swee
ith the f
d the fier
riven by th
he slimes a
my sons an
aby both
mped in seas
fty fatho
ie, prepared
rank on
shall exhum
and dista
hem for
got up a
horrid and i
ress have you
zard stoopin
ith filth
r honora
or, by the gods,
ed some turnep
ing, I got u
veyard and my
hat a fellow
self a Citize
to play the
over up our farm
miscreants a
I would joi
t get paymen
s the head
of the Ma
a known
n the fat o
lent, sleek a
r matted, cross
dren, all coddle
ally shutting
calves, ever aft
dons that doggy
r Jun
hearties! I m
d severall
le carriage
ses. This Co
ate about the
ct at every
urse, and everyt
l repast of m
ittee comes t
st m
y claim for da
the slickens
remark that i
m it would mor
e publi
the w
but slowly til
rtain writs an
nst your adve
ccheus, who di
said: "C
ess you
money; I but
s noisy babb
t and file t
p us? Reports a
can gnaw
VE a Po
D a Wor
K a Ch
riend to
g that you will
asking a good
your instruc
rongs you suff
y are sens
es they ac
ence has prud
d men like m
inform them wh
honest worki
and probing t
s'pose you let
rtal part awh
ufferin's an'
ble caper no
, my
is the long, c
ous and pendu
t's remarka
r Tok
ail Cel
able C
ve yell
an de
and butte
the lan
f the
image pla
in b
the co
ed up
nt line
n cons
nd rid
r inferi
hed a
of eth
be buck
e! You beate
go to Flowly
chee fool. You
ike my washee
er S
outee clunty
ackle me Saf
eard a murmur
he ceiling of t
i-coolie ques
see I keep m
hree are gathe
I in th
rds of Shakespe
w his
out the work
'm jes
e by pleach-he
ebby so he l
time dig on l
o plocession
oney out of
ishmen. Cain
at it, an'
Melicans boy
-you no pl
ll sa
be expelled.
e expulsio
and murde
your justi
every pagan
dot tief
chanay vos
, da deb
return pai
s 'e shak
n haf nevai
s are working
under, t'will
f I can sarv
dern fandango
vantage, sir,
how good i
Brother t
an H
E a
ical Graveyard
pot agreed up
tatesman who
at various t
and ended,
political. A
eadstones, gil
ear her setting
e mists of this
in moving shap
osts of candida
r murderer)
aw the noises
s a fo
tee from
is he,
tment; and so
'twas my firm
rets, or I had
st so oft surp
e to greatnes
d symbol of
bing fortunes
agic of a po
itions with d
ed into
De Y
ad suspected
world of pol
were whelped,
evisit strive
rotting head a
ion's morn,-if
pt the challen
en you damned e
ir, shroud-cla
a thing! But si
d yourself. By
or I am lame)
remain that
rand Old Grand
at you,
to fight, when from an adjacent
t up you
nfines of thi
holy calm as
eapons, witho
heir tongues
ofits it? For t
ic skill that
ould achieve t
from him. Let
iwise by st
mutual adv
and choice of
but one? Nay,
m so among u
fittest to his
blish a Por
, 'tis a g
ll sta
'tis un
junior membe
y younger
what portfolio
Postal service
but since I
War Departme
orld, from Marke
go journal t
hand I latel
inst great Buck
t he count the
shrank to half h
hen a liver's w
utchertown and
ood! Then my se
onghold withou
aving human
Society be
medal and th
my genius is fo
dote on a
life on the
cannon roa
floats free and
as the bul
ot mine to
are ordered
s a differ
life in the f
the life
ll upon him t
ice I'd f
's life is f
or's death-
fferent thi
might myself
n Rebellion ra
nds, stayed meek
banners to th
s, made faces f
fists at once
utions terr
ecently, as
reason by the
amson's weapon,
ought Stan
h of
Interior and
f cabbages,
ca Celerit
ause in day
your market sta
were an honest
know I am
eard that!-did
p me! And I s
udges say th
Interior. I
station to
rty into Pi
led me. I d
Oregon agai
oth of the Au
aptitude e
ss battles
reaty of Ex
hundred thousand
ed, but most b
a tinker I
ouri, and I-h
f Red Fire on the grass; in the center the Spirit of Broken Ho
dead and
, merr
dle strain
all a-w
hree, agap
h a stone
o and Col
n, rust
, the pig
ly, oi
Broken Hopes advances, solemnly pointing
sty, spic
falls an
poler, d
ackey, pol
o, thre
alls and
fickle, to sm
robat, shutt
alls and
ie in slum
arm is all
with fl
ond the f
on its mo
g into s
g for a g
cloud acro
at infant's
en Hopes and the Red and B
ange! I dreamed
t certain app
ncanny words
vil; and an
ood with my
t, as childre
t you,
NG (wa
l reform
ms his
ad I
t is to be
have stooped t
avor, as cha
ar as they can
hem. Hencefo
all the off
pleasure of a
ver in this
good, it will
rd with such,
s to hi
am! by some g
ith a quiet
shall no more
shington or
basing struggl
the pen lay
s rogue, lest
of him-his hea
De Y
mpany these
vantage is
entity's co
out nor tole
y hopes etern
re, I'm more t
ander tomb b
pork into a
oud calls for the A
and s
R (si
s the great
s the best
through the Va
y differe
r the Sev
the clods t
low, thund
the Best
im as long as
the great
his enemie
the Valley
the thund
r the soul
the spiri
th the Grea
aint odor of mortal
EY Same Line
Ditto in A
Stage Road, at 12 P.M
ar she is del
s past the h
ched no sound of
of long, lu
he traditi
om the dawn o
off wheeler;
Wells Fargo
his soul up
s to the t
ivers times
roadside with
age will not co
ber that bu
ugly looking
ith a gun api
usiness of im
sting all th
heir tracks wi
men do use.
ectors of tha
ific Mail. If
y taken in
rreached. Thre
happened, and
de operator
profit I shal
money out of
y no longer
its chiefest
to cheat-you
do but echo ba
ion is the de
nless we wish
siness we mus
be? The fiel
rrowing with
population o
e left that a
other fello
t as well.
ocket he is
sgust I need
d inserted
ib at dead of
e the dining-
ession there,
ts with spoons, th
oes. Why ev
e and you wil
ecimens place
line of imm
s superio
offers: all t
hed wit
a prospect w
the thoughtful
is the boss la
assengers, le
ng out: "Throw
lk up and buy
eldy goods and
l such trifles
ge their value
ing them
it t
cake, my dear
ad through this
will come up to
is bad medi
ve or take?" And
notions, litt
uching, oppos
ff like honest
etic pierces t
e future, and
sed and exe
e robbery w
ves)-great, per
rapple with the
uffing from th
ankrupt merchant
amished carcas
g their shotguns, throw them into the chapparal. Then
ssèd to
tering t
d to heap
lows i
ing its
n o
t, my pards, I
zzly cracking
sion might de
ood that we
arelessly in and gracefully le
I thoug
r minds w
e new
at line. Indee
ich I
mned competiti
a Sch
I a
a Love-l
etery in Sa
moon is dippi
og invades the
nning skulls in
ce! Methinks t
felike portr
d of Death; each
ghastly grin t
gnetic ointmen
amiable sm
able smil
istinguish f
t spaces, or w
shadows with a
t the poddy
umsily with a
lizards, slid
hey were publi
ly interes
nce and passi
anner of the p
ights we come
to the In
ghter of the se
destinies from
stiny. Here a
urposes thou,
the thing tha
cretly, we'll
at's t
ock strikes
le forth
the coffin on end in the excavation; the l
ldybones, how
ank your lad
fingers and a
g, too, gone wro
phery's not
rve each othe
ps her eyes and twists
, d
per and al
uperior to
er, this disti
s al
these ye
ss singer
allers git i
mont and sing
liam's time, t
u've hooked onto
DY (si
g the sai
easted day
bug an
pplied t
n is a d
HIA (s
kal is
RAC (s
use is a wo
K (sin
als all
s all ar
moon they sha
it in t
the moon
es they're
prayer and fr
e straws
ogues Gallery,
s my Villiam's "
ame and (like
fore the femal
e her down the
lsetto out of
siness. Nellibr
na's futur
ipe and rotte
one by one, she lays upon the points of a magic pentagram that has thoughtfully inscr
RAC (s
cks, by Vil
ted to t
hows the wel
uckles of
f with mott
he blew h
ying out
f the fut
sicken me
ntionable? J
mily journals
see that I'm des
torial grace
HIA (s
m in the
ause his lo
power a
m his stren
irtue in
y the Ins
e a willi
a donkey
awful in
e his an
magic o
ockles of
if aliv
althia s
ills up the hole. Hoodoos gradually become apparent in a phosphorescent ligh
he larrik
ing, lirrup
up that the
past and the
future and so
drive them abr
ng, frolick
ings are the
is that is u
ozen and ne
what and wh
tree and a
alore and
l, mystic
shadow darken
r Smy
a doom athw
sence, art tho
with aspect
d maidens, bari
tender limbs ti
y lips in curs
dines t
t Sm
a pre
ho is
casuals this g
ic to
nd, actually, one of unlaundried linen. He darts an intense regard a
xit Nee
ay at Copenha
gently and en
d deity d
nt Ho
ith a sen
e cowering
lling, star
ling is t
ry flames
e air the
ill inclin
nding 'neat
g, breaking her heart. Re?nter Villiam, Needleson, Smyler. All gather about Saralthia, who loudly laments her accident. The Spirit of Tar-and Feathers, rising like a black smoke in their midst, execut
m, strange e
n yet unqua
r flowers y
anto of the
er P
riter, great b
e of feeling
ut o'er his b
uffer it to
him were
rds which, only
ing, so conf
rror, indol
n, to quicken
an revive, the
er-whence you
immoral pa
heart of wo
rivers' head
ow lifts u
and for w
that he m
cool his par
. B
r to advanc
sudden cou
foe who o
d death a
to harm nor
of the scar
he least aff
his hand (his
arth a straw
hat sickness
and by c
imself he s
s in good
k dead despi
ng their d
ly put up
ing God's
ce from stud
volume of his
fellows for hi
, thought nothin
judging and so
ll, but unde
ll was got by
arned by day h
flatter he wou
paid for praise
iser and but
squander but h
r he could not,
xley, scribe
stranger, anyw
of talents r
spot at finis
if it is he
hat he cared f
Redding, who ga
every fish exc
to hear him exp
of zeal and a mo
iaowed with u
lone fisherman,
whom in vain t
power, here i
m the bench co
load of his i
went, one l
nd fish a
loaf, he g
him with an
im in this
en monume
ry of D
ven Death cou
Heaven alon
the hye
le merely m
the wretch
et, with its
(and why) w
encer's m
aid away
m should le
ul would l
n its parc
his mausole
to the Upper
ess or their pr
y were elected
stone lies
prived, of s
s' Captain-
able seem
e not been
had ventur
arnes in al
he of o
ed the peo
ought him on
though he
ongue is
ll that binds
on will b
, he'll ri
rt of it
tay thy feet a
omb as yet is
as! Jim Fair
s-then, holin
mon's bod
ye rebels,
our drumstic
and Valor
-he always
the dead h
, ye loyal,
t here he
n ended his
wet name to
with him he
ze spirits of s
emains of Fred
very one kne
luckily met w
sions he spra
isting of stanz
y deafened enjoy
fantasy knew
inharmony cam
is ignorance fr
spot, so the gr
and paper they
ect of the
here lies sti
t foot and s
s dark, his
ass!" the
nt but ski
secrets o
re ways to
ss that ev
he last of
ss was to me
to this s
, who appl
o much alik
rom t'other's
tomb the De
ll always b
by studyin
tained his p
Sammy's vaul
t person in
ne O'Donnell's t
his spirit st
ad, he's equ
error and his
l blows a d
hat Time's f
onths, years a
ke, laid her
d skin his ha
e no rate
stranger: here
econd time i
man-the labo
by its love h
here lay do
dead awo
longer live
r comes of
r Ashe is
the grass up
n of the t
it half so
ish escaping
e soul of Joe
water!" roarin
pon him and th
ests. He sho
a jewel fro
out. Said Es
I've given yo
m to go back
put him back
ed (his blo
growing shad
r one Bruner,
he never di
critics an
an office
, no-where (i
ol four hund
d lies, who
uld go to m
until his e
hasten to