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The race of humanity

Chapter 2 Unknown

Word Count: 1137    |    Released on: 26/07/2022

n they heard loud footsteps approach, it was so loud that the ground was vibrating. It was like herds of angry cattles were heading their way, vibration got them so scared that all they could

so they don't get noticed, Peter thought it was a bad hide cause this were not humans, they are beasts in human form. The park of Red Fox stopped at a very weird house, the two curious boys follo

his leave but it seemed like they were enjoying his company. The leader gave a sign to one of the guys holding the hostages, another guy assisted him lift one of the hostages to a chair , it was more like a bed than a chair with lots of holes with pipes, the pipes were connected to different tanks, which were hot cause he could see the steam at the top of the tanks. Peter was expe

got their attention. The leader smiled at him and was wondering what threat he could be since he could barely land on his feet, he continued talking and everyone continued what they were doing. One thing Williams was ignoring him, he got up on his feet, he looked around, he noticed the hostages were scared and they all had a brownish eye like they were one of the the dark creatures, as he steered into their eye, he could get into their mind, he could see what they were seeing and what they were thinking off. All they all wanted was to be free and go get back to their family, he shocked when he saw they were actually a dark creature but they were not like the rest, they were different, they wanted to enjoy and continue living their lives, one of them was only thinking of how to end the war between the dark creature and humans. One of the red fox picked up another hostage and this time laid him on the chair again, doing the same procedure again and after few seconds dropped the kid on the

were all smiling and relaxing until Williams said something to the two guys ear and they got angry, the red fox leader smashed the glass cup in his hand against the t

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