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Chapter 8 Fun time

Word Count: 2015    |    Released on: 24/07/2022

he was getting from her. He turned to Jas and also noticed how restless he wa

oth are planning is not going to happen tonight because

do it, don't tell me you

a good sex." He hit her playfully and became Lost in thought. His mind drifted back to the sex he

ing Jessica here tomorrow,so you can have yours." She laughed and Ja

on the couch and Elsa was resting her head on his shoulder. He turned to see

ted it on the couch and stood up from the

her up onto his shoulder and took her into her room a

lked over to his room. He fell on his bed tiredly and smiled remembering how he interrupted all the

comfortable with them making out because Jessica wasn't nearby. So he needs to stop them unless he might end up hearing all their mo

and he quickly snatched off t

lanning to sleep?" El

dropped you in your room a few minute

sleep deep again af

go and rest your body, sleeping on

go back into my room?" She put her hand on her chi

.. I'm just...

pect me to leave this room anytime soon." He knew he was never going to sleep again because she wasn't going to let him. He w

t and I will do it for you but

because I won't be takin

Jas make out without any disturbance next

ause you hardly keep to them. But not to worry, I will still get back at you in any wa

led the blanket over him. A

breakfast in a few minutes. She slept a little late last night because she read differen

ck has some adventure for them,especially Frank and they need to be ready on time because they would be heading ou

oom. She walked over to the dresser and took out the dryer and sat down and turned it on and started dryi

d loud enough for the

ma'am breakf

ps fade away. She quickly turned off the hair dryer and walke

. She dressed up in the dress in her hand . She combed her

his hand from her when he noticed the attention they were gettin

le plastered on her face,as t

looking at Elsa and Jas and Jas

won't be coming d

She asked curious and

,he was a watchman and right now,he is sl

ng, so what do we do now?" She turned to Alpha

row morning instead, what do yo

to do that, but I really hope

at." She assured them and they nodded.T

f the blanket from his body. He yawned loud

up lazily from the bed and pulled himself towards his bathroom. He urina

ng up from it. His stomach klum as picked a towel and tied around his waist and he ignored it

k to his skin. He picked up the dryer and dried his hair. He walked over to his cl

couch with her glance on the TV. She didn't even noti

greeted with a smile

hy are you just waking up?" She aske

"I..I.. " he stuttered

ke out, because he was

he tried to stop

actually fine nothing happened to him,

but Frank I hope this

it won't happen again

ick and his Beta, they were supposed to show us some powers you

n do that tom

n you shouldn't oversleep,

ssured. "Can I also tag

umped into the conv

also come alo

, it's going to be awesome

clum again and t

y all burst

ng the way and Frank stood up immediately and followed behind her. She led him into the kitchen

e so much attention from females, he was rich, cute and sexy and also very irresistible. The cook handed over his food to him and he

ig dining room. It wasn't new to him but he somehow felt awful doing that here in this castle. He walked ou

his door and wondere

true with your meal,so I could wash the plates." A female voice spoke from outside his

eaten much from the plate but so

tarted, you can come back in ab

d back to his meal, but he had already lost his appetite. He forced himself

d turned on his WiFi. Different emails from w

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