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A blemish in white

Chapter 4 Transpired as of Rime

Word Count: 1981    |    Released on: 25/08/2022

believe that you��re some glittering superna

t is in store for me next.�� I stated, frenzied. She looked at me like she sought me to be mental and asked in sympathy,

such as me. I am speaking the truth.�� I glowered into her pale f


er argument. But why did it seem like she still didn��t believe me? ��Oh! It��s getting dark. I should leave. Goodby

by her, but she abruptly turned around and gave me one last fleeting

k hair came into picture a few

round in the cold wind. She looked��..mysterious. A beautiful mysterious creatu

in utter befuddlement. She seemed to be lost in an unknown world of her own as she walked past me toward the gr


t human who could see me and ta

e smiley thing, she so vividly displayed the last time I met her. The smile that I��d grown to adore for some mystifyi

as merely a statement, and s

re you doing he

the same questio

st time I saw you, you were in the same ol�� rags as today

clothes I have.�� I

e and I shrugged again. ��Of course. I��ve worn the

nt.�� She frowned, disapproving at my attire, and then suddenly a tiny ghost of a smile bloomed

t then thank you very much. And it is not a

can be anything other than a pirate pant. And FYI, you don��t

s. We don��t speak such crude

ans ��For your information��.�� She grumbled. I felt more like she was mocking me again rather than understanding and a

te looming around at the break of winter bringing a change of seasons after the fall. You��re lucky you��re blurtin

e me for a lunatic.��

rites supposed to always speak the truth since they can��t lie?�� She deadpanned and I shook my head and explained, ��Yes, we can��t tell lies like mortals do and No! I haven��t been spreading snowflakes around the park; they are a natural phenomenon. They spread aro

olled her eyes i

ook, all this talk about sprites and whatnot has been very fascinating but I must leave, it��s getting late and tell me where you live. I��ll take you the

that I wouldn��t be able to bring forth winter anymore, because it was my duty, my responsibility. That was what I was created for. It was

. Or create some miracle or something.�� I looked at her quite astounded, and she looked at me with her big stormy-grey eyes, suspicious but a tiny sparkle of expectation. ��You just want me to make you a tiny life doll to play with, don��t you!�

d to defend herself. ��I just want you to

not in mockery this time. I remember Norah describing it as a smile the last time I saw her. This smiley thing evoked a kind of odd giddy s

light emerged out of my hand and concentrated on the lifeless snow doll. And within minutes, the fragile little doll started moving on a speechlessly bewildered Norah��s warm hands. ��H-How����what?�� And I did the smiley thing again. I was lik

shook her head from side to side and I heaved a sigh. Scaring her off was

r calling you insane. I��..I��m still finding it hard to wrap my mind around the fact that you��re a real life winter spirit or sprite or whatever. But seeing as to wh

what th


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