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Alpha Max

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2078    |    Released on: 30/08/2022

ed look, she scratched the back of h

s." She said, approving h

She winked as she skipped happily, Jayla chu

you ask

so don't mind at all." She shrugged and opened the door of t

es and see this young handsome man in front of her, he was gorgeous, he had brow

you?" S

th a smile on his face, it made her confused since he had the same fac

look like twin

st, she smiled and get inside, followed by Giovanni behind. She tried to search Eleanor who sat next to

duced me to you." He said he had blond

ld a hand toward Huxley who gladly shook her hand, the

f as well upon Giovanni, they thought that she didn't catch what he was s

ayla's ear quietly, she nodded shyly and went behind them, the two of th

he boy coming out of her mouth was making her stomach in a kn

r courses just like them, but how did you meet them then?" He asked Jayla, even though she had ave

ation with a guy she finds hot and sexy except Nolan who was her childhood friend. I

w you can find that good." He laughed and cringed in d

her head with her cheek red, actually, she was hot and sweaty,

ook a book to get some cold air for her face,

ell it out correctly, she was stuck on watch

He asked and

the flushed girl, she frowned in confusion as she looked at her sta

nts to hang out in her house, she doesn't know her that well. Why does she want to go to h

aid with a smile looking at Gio and Huxley who smiled as

ve to ask my brothe

er?" Eleanor aske

Darby and he's a s

quietly, she didn't like to talk about him, mostly senior girls would come toward her and ask a

n come to our house." Eleanor said and smiled,

Cole, Marco, Peyton and Max." Giovanni made up an excuse and told her a lie that easily covers up but Jayla was not dumb at a

hough she knew they were lying, s

a hand on Huxley who smiled gently and hugged her, Jayla was feeling jealous of

cutting her thoughts as he held her bag,

to get out of the school, it was time to go home and Jayla must be wondering if her brother is alread

rolled her eyes and looked at the parking spot to see her bro

ysterious boy, she frowned, a lot of question popped in her he

er classmate, Nolan asking behind her,

who has a tight smile on his face, he

her." He said and held hi


ear of

ll team with Cole. They are so strong!" He exclaimed in awe, Nolan was a senior so it was usual for Max and Cole to be in his class, she no

them." Giovanni said suddenly breaking off her

ving a peck on her cheek, she blushed and pushe

." She heard Gio

s he mea

it was wild and a lot of people got drunk. Unlike those clich�� nerd girls, Jayla loved drinking just for escaping her mind to somewhere else, she loved the adrena

ged her as he reached her. He was sitting on the top of his car with Max beside who is vibrating in

ow was your day?" Darby

ds but how do you know Ma

hey used to come to their house to hang out. It was weird because first of all, Max and his gang is new and second of all Darby doesn't even go here anymore. She wondered how d

n and gave light to his brother who rolled

dn't bother you." He said,

e." She grumb

." He replied with

ouse." Darby smirked as he glanced at Max with a


you want to go?" Darby asked again, Jayla widened her eyes in

oes he know th

dad and mom that I will come ho

be tiring." She apologized to her brother who went to

h little Max here." He said and ruffled his dark hair who was in a mes

pped and smacked her bro

said and jumped off of his car then go to his car, Max

parking spot in a rush, she sighed and

k to do." Max mocked and walked to his car, Jayla frowned and search

he's my driver for now." He shrug

xy boys. Nobody will believe her, it was like her dream came true for her. Lik

w that those boys will

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