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Royal mate hunt

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1065    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

with a shuddering thought about today. It felt like e

ce yesterday. Two maids came to our room and presented five dre

d you choose an

ing for the bla

you Amelia.. I wonde

k.. Hey wha

r the sky blue

s Dark.. I can't wait t

dy before they co

us to do our make

tailed with white stones and black lace. It sh

us to the common hall. This time how ever

like the last time , all the girls w

lined up us along the lin

open their mouths or mov

gh the door and soon

that there are fif

aring differ

er , the same man from yes

will be given the instructions

ee days from today. You will be p

and cooperate with the preparation. If any one

to know. Your bre

oy the

corted us to a dinning hall. There were e

ordered to finish our br

ike in heaven when I tasted it. The spicy juicy flavours

ming tea.I was full and satisfied after breakfast. Hey if they are

were many maids and they primed us and rubbed various o

a rose scented oil with

y hair , I asked her to choose medit

bath we were given a free tim

ena was bot

o rest a little

p we were requested to

hed. There were some people who

them. But after rememberin

to my hair and nothing els

er was done, they

n colour and the beautiful redish brown curls

nding results. Then we were given

hoose wisely as the mate hunt will

ith zippers on the sides and a burgun

ackish brown combat boots wit

en minor we

ose the

s provided us a thine silver brace

all the time. S

ear mind, I thought that I ca

e like that explaine

we reach the sacred ancient tree which is


nd its difficult

ewolves can catch

n get intimate with us in

king only we trul

ally need to win this hunt. I don't want any mate. T

ere provided dinner and w

xing hot bath I w

thighs with some dark pink bow. Earlier we were

we are to be polished

d good night to Darkena who seems little distant

morrow my only solace in

fell into a dream le

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