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Blessing In Disguise

Blessing In Disguise


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1265    |    Released on: 21/09/2022


all, something that people call by different names, be that

s each other with eve

rain to fall in the afternoon, so the two of them would be stuck in the same bus station. It pushed them to

iful and comfortable, it c

all deeper and deeper in this drowning feeling called lov

, the right place... It gave them a taste

ers. And the lovers beca

m into pieces like shattered glass and erasing everything f

tting in trouble first thing i

she got out of the car and looked at the tall bu

called her early in the morning, asking her to drive her to the company she works in. At firs

about Nyx's job, but she

re near it. Her grandfather had

Just what the fuck was

issed." Lucy tried to persuade her, but it was in vain. "Wouldn’t it be easier if you just went on


d you a cute guy."

ust because a guy can flirt, he's cute. That’s why yo

ou pro

dn’t shut up about it. She has b

lived in her own apartment until two months ago and only called home three or four times a week, she could

ag you! You're twenty-eight years old, still single, move

t didn't reach her eyes anymore. Suddenly, she felt wronged. Memories of five years ago flashed throug

o on this blind date." Lucy insiste

embered shit about the guy. “You think I remember anyone

talked, a habit that she developed ever since the baby in her started to grow. “Well, the dude

you trying to harm my nephew?” Nyx narrowed

ting again after a bad breakup. He assured me that he was handsome, smart and

to go on a date.” Nyx

ing alone? Yesterday your mother told me that she had made a list of the men she had found for you to go on blind dates with and you know I can find you a be

black piercing there with the tip of her tongu

cy found for her. After all, Lucy has been her friend for years. She knew her better than anyone e

ded that she didn’t want to find another person to spend the rest of h

suddenly? It's none of your business." She huffe

n't go in there. The security here is scary, Nyx! They carry around guns as big

uldn't be co

again. Then she bowed down to look at Lucy flashing one of her charming smiles at her. "Drive the c

now the answer, she asked Nyx anyway: "Why?" Her voice trembled

nd you suck as a getaway driver. Plus, you’re pregnant, so it’s better for me to drive. Grandpa

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