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Chapter 3 THREE

Word Count: 1857    |    Released on: 12/07/2022

and putter to him and the othe


e fuck nam

rotect the

ey and the man fl

they?" He a


le girl's looks and

ot waiting for his dumbass reply, he pulled hi

?" He asked the man trying as muc

ing." The man replied him, pretending he


" He y

s D

re taking their cute asses to the We


sn't b


The man


t especially not li

girl still holdin

es weren't

zing him, her pure and innoc

a babysitter." He told the man looking

ore to secre

ill on if you thou

know about these kids identity and if you're backing down from the co

t mi

ain't scar

eath h

nation of deat

ixture is dam

He dared the man looking a

his gun nd pointed

but unexpectedly the little girl ran to h


nd so was Hurley who's

e'd her eyes on Don, staring

ff even with the

ikes y

contract, it would be bes

care of them but remember,

ids they're." Hurley said

em in t

er man to get the kids in the car

river's seat and lo

m, I might get it wasted on you." He warned t

ed the d

ance at the kids fr

er his breathe, ignition the t

cussed as he watched th

ught out his cellphone a

stard had known that he was

lled." Boris mouthed aft

y the man spoke that he was

as t

that this new hit of yours i

king Agency that I don'

Don, s


s good enough?"

cutting of the man's dic

u p

n kids a

I guess f

girl said from the back

months old." She explaine

n't say

?" Boris asked


He fucking gave me

sitter." He complained to Boris

ected the so calle


right person for

you now?"

car is the fucker directing me." He told Boris, hopi

ds in more blood but a chi

know w

ess." The ma


u know nothing

o watch over 'em kids while you

s willing to be fucked but the most importan

meone to insanity, I wouldn't want that t

e sincerity in the man

, I'll thin

nice t

re 'em with your cold look

the right


up imme

ime for the ba

go get a gov

e ages, he peeped at rearview mir

ll, so innoc

ing like h

looked at him earlier today while

strange, something he has

is usual co



the girl he didn't

ing left at the last m

rom the other car cussed, he

t, he's a bloo

, she was looking at her ba

before the baby began to wail, ear pier

uth shut." He yelled at the girl in fr

those bastards think he

ri, stop

id to her sister but the baby won't s

!" He

your mouth s

use not only the baby bu


r in a fuel stat

teeth as he wakes to the passenger

he older one, but the girl didn't stop


at you." He apol

asked her again, this time calmly,

eyes still filled with

ed the girl while he carrie

he'd seen some women do with bab

lk." The older


milk." She repeated in h

" Don

is he gonna get m

surely can't produce

gonna fee

had he gotte

m, saving him the stress of thinki

he went back into the car

feeder, a cartoon of baby milk, a t

her food?

as her whole attention

r, she closed back the milk carton and added water from the flask

She to

n and opened the front seat, so he could

ent of the feeder and he handed back the empty bottle to

w blabbing and cooing somet

thless mouth to Don, who didn't

girl instructed him and


at." He told h

sappointed, she said

those milk to drink." He told the g

nk milk, onl


ed within


know about wha

s?" He asked her, bu

ld's wo

round the g

ould get any McDona

exercise a li

we see one." Her tiny voi


her seat and locked the d

ernment or governess wha

enough to survive an extra

nsanity and that scared t

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