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Sallanoah's Kingdom (Regina Iusta)

Chapter 3 A Year of Honeymoon

Word Count: 1238    |    Released on: 11/07/2022


," he said with a grin while laying me on the c

ess," I remarked, my hands caressing the hardness of his strong chest. Slo

fectly picked you my dear wife" his hand moving between my legs “You’re such a tease,” he murmured, sliding a finger through the s

red, and he nodded, instructing me to b

me. This is ridiculously large; it doesn't even come close to fittin

ou to cum all over my dick,” he says to me, low in my ear. We are on the

head back with sheer bliss. I am breathing very hard as I trust myself back and forth, waiting for that delicious sensation t

yal Highness?” I whisper. “S

ck, biting my neck as I fuck him. “Tell me yo

e Philip?” I whisper. “Say

that makes me lose it, close to the edge, and then I am cumming, gasping his name in his ear. I gras

ng over and over. “Ugh do you like it whe

hands on my ass. He likes to watch his thing slide in and out of me like this. I know what helps get him off: dragging my nails up and down his t

dick to lay down beside him, exhaust

make myself a coffee. Likewise, I returned to the bedroom position

ou are not exhausted by our love-making" he sai

rs later, flushed and dazed. “I fu

me and leans down to kiss my forehead. "I s

rince?" While teasingly puttin

g his eyebrows up and down. I chuckle at his action. I really love this prince, h

lf in the bathtub feeling the warmth of the water with the petals of roses. Not only that, but I can smell the sc

e prince shouts in disbelief

of the bathroom. " I jokingly said even if I am aware

kewise, we were just in the bedroom cuddling each other. When we arrive in the dining area the food is already served and plates are settled on the table. He let me sit first s

he first baby girl" I started a conve

rsation I have just started. "I know if you get pregnant it will be a

hat your brother and his wife were talking a

ing at me changing the topic we have started, and motioning his hand to let me

rop my knife and fork when I felt a hand on my thighs. Furthermore, I look my gaze at him

he said. I am still staring at him with a questioning look. "

ock "Your men are here my highness." I bowed

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