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The Beast Within

The Beast Within

Author: Coletxxie

Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1001    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

ned her eyes and slowly sat up, she winced when she felt pain all over he

up and walk to the bathroom stripping from her clothes. She noticed her state. She gets thinner and thinner everyday. Becau

went downstair to eat

It's monday!''

'' She grumble taking a

Everyday.'' Lucy sa

end over me! But here i am. Still beautifull! Look at mom! Father left her for a Gamma

u'll find someone better.'' Nina only sighed and stand kissing bot

school she was greeted b

ered the pin and pick her sketch book before going to the rooftop. She refused to go to class now. She can already feel her death ge

in reality he took his own life because her m

for there camping when in reality he run away

lyre when in reality he too joined his twin

d Eris.... They we

o words from the two since there mates al

e. Only the twin Alejandra and

in the forest laughing... Just like the per

k up to see who was it. When sh

d. The girl crouch down. She can feel it's raw p

g the bloody battle of the hell hounds. The Hell hounds are the soul of the wicked werepeople who comes out everytime the next protector is born. The protector is the

female wolves. There are no male born to there pack. And females are mated to

e search for this girl.'' Misa

with my sister.''

e truth.... so tell me little omega. WHERE.IS.SHE?'' Nina g

r mother.'' Nina quickly answere, Misandrist s

Don't let your life be put into waste.'' The A

met a Val

p and tried to follow the woman. But before she could the woman was already gone. She bit her lower lip and just decided to go home ea

hen her back hits the lockers. She wanted to fight back. But s

They're weak and not strong enough! They're losers and good for nothing. Her sisters wolf were double her size. No they were bigger than her way bigger than her! Cassa

gest to avoid making failures and omegas. It helps to keep their pack s

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