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The Billionaire's Claim

The Billionaire's Claim

Author: ariesstarz

Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 2690    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

t England but he actually didn't. When he did, he still didn't contact me which was the final straw. A small part of me was re

king insul

of Nate's return. I was thankful that George was fighting for me bu

do. Nate had m

y little brother Eaton. He was the only one that coul

k into it and falling in love all over again. I now have my own photographer to help create photos for me, Cameron knows al

ny attraction towards him which in my head sounds awful to say. I had been thinking about talkin

s to Tammy's dress fitting. When I saw his car pull

late Tammy will " he starts to shout

meeting for her wedding once and she nearly killed us both because we were outside taking pictures. In

her if you want" Cam breaks the silence. I froze when I realised what h

aven't really thought ab

, that was harsh but I guess he's right. So he wasn't asking me out on a da

ion, he glances at me still trying to keep his eyes on the road. I

o a side road and switches off the engine. He finally turns to

. "You're married!" I all but shout, my heart racing with total embarrassment. Seriously Loretta. My eyes move over to h

for the last yea

lly taking a deep breath. Came

think I may have hurt his feelings with that one

et her. I would have thought it was important see

with someone else so I was just wondering, but married" his face relaxes a

is l

w about that. although I guess he's not oblivious

ou're deeply in love with the dick " I laugh lightly a

nd then we all go to Dan's" Cameron suggests. I mean I'm sure th

dar" with that said Cameron put the car in gear and we're back on the road bot

n is bad

, you go

o you mean you can't we're going to be late " I roll my eyes at his beha

dy" I peek at the window and he's right she's standin

e is proud of your courage Cam" I mumbled

ction but I had alr

's currently got her back to me as she talks to Lindsey

s out to me, she doesn't eve

dress quickly before

in the mirror. She's decided to have her bridesmaid's wear lavender colour dresses. and I hate this colour so muc

iful in that dress" Tammy breaks

ow "why's that?

er girls laugh at her comment, I shrug it off sending

ake it off now", I ask

she could even turn back around my knight

ou, the repli

o fast

g holding up his big ass camera. Unfortunately

see" tammy mutters expressin

you presents " Cam holds up a bag and fishes out some hats. when

the bridesmaids one and f

roup photo. "say, POCAHONTAS " Cam calls out as he grabs h

AS" We al

ally been stripped off my body I walk to the reception area but stop suddenly when I see tammy standing in the

quickly stares at me through the large mirror but her face

what he said to me " I widen my eyes, oh no things a

re with another girl" she giggles at this. "I'm sorry for being

she had every right to be ner

me I've known that boy for years now and I've never seen him so in love before. it's funny b

relax and enjoy this because you're so lucky to be able to marr

y head " no don't, I'm not trying to m

ght" she holds up my chin "he

ally returns with another dress in her arms. "this is your real dress, The dress you wore earlier is actually for my

ame colour a

purple" I asked confused, I wasn't that bot

aid of honour" she said proudly, but I

hing" I smiled, seemin

" My wedding my r

don't complain and just take it and go before I cry and ruin all my m

for her to talk "yes" she smiles at

e it fit me, I met Cameron out in the ca

"that went better than

was expecting fireworks and not of the good

in a palace " I say looking up into the b

gh it's true I don't think I even know much about t

n starts to whisper but stops immediate

his reaction he must be

hear the rest of your sentence " the women urg

has this man in a frightened state . A gasp leaves

e actua

say um oh god , Christ" Cam can't seem to form a proper

ly says dismissing the p

e finally manages t

fused, I quickly glare at him for not h

this is who you've been worki

rsation, he decides to lean back zipping

" I exclaim grabbing her and p

t of me. I haven't seen this little bitch since primary

when I used to know her but we always stay

how confused he is. There was a lot of ground breaking

keeping this a secret " she removes herself

each other " Cam tries to justify hi

nto the house I lean over and whisper "Do you think he's jealo

ard from another room, his voice vibrat

fter that comment. Angela was always the feisty one ever since she was little . Had the little boys shitting t

ron calls as he runs up the stai

k at the finished look. I felt uneasy from even thinking about tonight but

why Dan even thought it was a good idea for me to be there tonight. I just


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