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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1237    |    Released on: 03/08/2022


away from her, I could still smell her sweet heavenly scent that felt both like a blessing and a curse. It was intoxicating, I couldn��t get it out of my he

thanking us for buying from them and also, it was a week to decide if we were happy with our item, if not, we had a week to return it, t

ed to keep her and yet, I was already sure of my decision f

the closer I was to her, the more I coul

ho was still trapped in her given cage, she��d have to stay there for awhile until I got her a bigger

er out of all the bidders would get the best penthouse room in the building. It was more like a hotel, the entire place was filled with luxurious furniture, four bedrooms that we didn��t need, an enormous living room, three bathrooms, a large k

are you? What is a blood slave?

spoken to? Of course she didn��t know the rules

fragile petite form. She was scrawny, too scrawny, I could

master. A blood slave is something you will find out s

cage, standing there tall and proud, I watched he

t you are my property, which then a

her brows in curio

e: speak when yo

mp, you jump. Anything I say

u will refer to me as

you are only free to do things that I al

you to learn, but for n

instead, there was a hint of smirk cornering her plu

I don��t follow your

y yet so sarcastically as she shot me a killer sm

wn your life, do not push me i

hough she kept herself composed, I could h

�ll kill

er circling her features as she moved fo

e: speak when yo

d slowly undoing the buttons on my shirt, withou

life without a sec

several clubs throughout the city and even in different cities, I found some sort of enjoyment out of watching drunk people be pathetic, though that��s how I usua

That��s right. I forgot that humans need to eat food, ordering her something to eat, I headed over to her

e soon but after that��

uestion me though I knew that she was c

ur body can

rowed her brows in co

ke w

g through the bars of the cage and grabbing a strand of her dark l

drinking y

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