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I know the Devil

Chapter 7 Even the devil would be shocked

Word Count: 1838    |    Released on: 11/07/2022

ven the devil

l, loving som

em – from t

d to nothing more than occasional mentions in c

than living proof that something can s

fortlessly and dropping me at the other side of m

of the particular spot I was standing a few minutes ago was certainly not

gh about, all the time. My eyes widened as I realized that I was supposed to be their freak sho

seem angry, he was seething and boiling in pure rage I was terrified

ion of the whole school who just saw their Prince touch the t

ered to the ground and that was ironic because that's the sound I think my heart made

watch as Law held my hand, his long elegant fingers clasping my arms possessively and stayed there even as he faced the caf

g at the moment and I'd probably end up as the weirdo or charity case Law was suddenly shockingly in

, loathed even and for some reason despite

dy was

speech. Literally, eve

was pissed yet bored, a combination that dared

out of someone, but no one took the bait. No one c

t at the same time, it felt so good. Watching someone standing up for

l scour the entire school, I'd search you out painstakingly and with such gr

ted each of his words which was quite a lot and the thought that someone was that angry because of me, pulled such

chool and for the first time, I was being seen. Like now the

veryone else stared at him like he were the Messiah, blazing into town on his donke

he students to dispose of, then he turned and barked, "Next p


ouldn't have minded the attention and would consider him a Prince charming of sorts. But the new Prudence didn't make friends and sure as hell knew when things were too good to b

ad happened slowly dawned on her and soon her legs were breaking into a sprint, her body des

o turn to know who had followed me and was hot in pursuit o

d my surprise that so very suddenly he was now invested in m

ing hard, unable to move forward, my hands on my knees,

gly jogging towards me with confident strides like he could te


rks so why the sudden turn of events? Why do you seem to care about me now?" I was out of breath but I could

ulful sorrow and sadness that I cou

derstand me, Il m

n though I didn't underst

cknaming basis!" I gritted my

or even hold on to the confusion with lots of questions brewing in me

eras and burst into a fit of laughter and it'd completely be understandable. You were bored and

you than try to figure out why they are not." His right hand reached out to grab one of mine and I licked at my lips nervously darting my eyes behind him believing every second from no

pained, "You know if this is a prank this is when you go

nded. Like a piece of sweet music with the right combination of everything, it was like ecstasy. It

aw Tyler produce laughter and had allowed his eyes shine with mirth rather than the dull

sly sin so greatly by trying to hide such ethereal beauty, he would be greatly shaken at how breathtaking you look," his hand

familiar like that of a lover that touches you in the dark and without alarm yo

is hot breath against my ear prompting me to melt into his touch seems like a repetition of what had occurred before and his hands that

s allowing, letting him do right in the f

eyes now at his sorrowful expression,

could go such a mile just to tap a freak's ass. With all due respect, Fuck off." I

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