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My Stepbrother secret obsession

My Stepbrother secret obsession

Author: Han Diggi

Chapter 1 I fake a smile

Word Count: 2295    |    Released on: 07/07/2022

alling the beginning of s

kpack hanging over my shoulder. By my sides are my two mates Evie and Tori, twinning the same

birthday present which I wasn't so excited about given the time and circumstance, but all I d

ng?" Evie complains and proceeds to poke

assure her: "Calm down, don't break my car

"I swear Las Vegas can be brutally hot. I need a vacation, or I might

said. "I can not visualise that. All I see is us with ol

and she reciprocates while I prai

hang around, she's fun but flawed at the same time. On the other hand, she's one of my best flyers. Did I men

nder, though a little shorter than I am; we have almost the same hair colour and food inter

eling the heat?" Evie confusedly turns bac

ll friendly. I can't even imagine what

inside and volcano on the outside, didn't you hear Lucas Nelson? He says the temperature in

et to Ava." Evie rolls her eyes and

, but unfortunately, I don't do toads

just graduated high school, but that's not it. I am officially a senior. I can either live t

mery and grab something

ice cream?" I winked at h

me." She

I am quick to point out an excuse before one of the girls could. "That means I am not driving; anyone amo

s also the day my family had decided we mo

and then promptly point at

making these sacrifices for you." I bat my eyelashes at them, kno

believe we won't be spending summer

w much I want to esc

per," Evie calls me out li

intention of leaving either, but as we all know, m

ing her phone with my car Bluetooth and tur

story that will earn you

I derisively grin at her th

ybe like the school are willing to make you repea

ink that's an absurd

ts, but I ignore her and co

senior year even gets to begin." Tori inserts some reas

e of popularit

, pleading we girls to t

gh I'm not genuinely interest

t. However, I ignored her

ile Evie reluctantl

" I turn to the girls when I take anothe

esponsible for lying for

comprehend why she's not letting herself live a little. I understand her pare

t my place, and then we ended up in jail, and he had to come to bail us out. I swear that man sti

d the fence as we told you, we wouldn

two." Evie sarcastically said and str

o circumvent the shitty family

ust drive, babe." Tori dra

r later and found an Escalade

r and lead my two fr

for me, but she should know I have no intention of leaving with them, and so I say:

about?" Mom asked as she emerged from Christian's home office. She's dressed

mom and Christian had finally gotten married at The Venetian hotel last

ome of the housekeepers my mom had hired since she and Chr

st months, I've proven I cannot be honest to the family, so mo

e us as she would, whenever mom gave her that look

rting as soon as possible." But she had our back, and most

've done to get someone as loy

lous news. I must say I am impressed, for any intelligent parent wou

m." Mom faltered, observing the t

use it's already getting late, and you have a

," Lilith yells fro

sked for your trust Lilith." Lately, she has been beh

Tori implied, with an innocent smile on her f

er studies that have no meaning giving your GPA, then I will get the driver

ow morning." I blurt, hopi

That's insane. The h

e have to be in class by seve

d headphones on, beating softly around her neck. Her head inclined to the mobile phone in her hand when sh

u tolerate someone who won'

school, sis." I retaliate equally fiendish.

of the school," I explained w

just when mom gets enough of our bickeri

Lilith waves her manicured nails around my friends before starting to ascend the

part where it means you're a disloyal bitch? Which?" I crossed my arms around my chest and balanced my pos

her when her complex

olite British girl who moved to America with nothing but her suitcase. But now, Even Lilith, the badest, could barely handle me. Nevertheless, as they say, getting through hea

tian and mom

so-called admirers couldn't tell you; the first naive Ava is considerably the coolest kid that Vegas once had, then they're not worth pleasing. Because this?

ori whispered in my hearing, and I giggled: "I know." Before tur

ill call the school tom

't know I was holding, and a genu

she had to state: "You shou

I spat and saunter to the kitchen, pr

row up." She c

last days of swe


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