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Ex With Benefits

Chapter 2 The Reunion Party 2

Word Count: 1119    |    Released on: 08/07/2022

ars fact'. It was a terrible experience and she never


dator here. He clearly discarded her, it wouldn

his social media handle and could describe all the event he had attended and the designer ou

hout her grief was that she became sexy. Maybe it was puberty,

gown like the one she was wearing tonight. She had a height synonym to exquisite, an authentic skin and an attitude like a dove.

er bane of

must go on! She tried being the group's baby girl all over again as she danced with freedom and moved to her friends with steps she le

bad' she thought to herself. Definitely, all she needed all these years

all of them as they shout and lipsync to the

nd they slowly stopped too, loo

like the others. Denise who was smooching Cara at a corner grunt at Selena and moved over to th

is is not the best time for a

ole who was already enj

ned" Cara walked towards Denise as she goes to

new one, but I couldn't, I thought this could help

bounce on the three seaters in annoyance. "Who ru

rgument to take place at the slightest chance. "Let's ask the

et?" Denise sp

thout getting your dollars invol

friends were wealthy too, she saw their latest post, Selena just got her own house, Richard owned a popular brand, Denise lavishly spends his fathe

e's back as he also goes to seat, al

id to his friends and shot Selena a

llowed the two of them. It was no fresh news that they both had a thing for each othe

st and opened the door, but him and h

raised his voice for others to h

rt race 300miles and a hiccup left her lips. She turned over to look at the

suddenly started to have a migraine, her eyes became blurry like she was purposely refusing to

compared to what it was last five years and nothing compared to his insta-post. All she saw presently was perfection.Silent attention and such a head-on en

ngs that pin pointed a diamond stud. His white piece of shirt that has a light material and you could see his skin through his cloth, and he mi

she was staring him down, she raised her eyes back at his face and ther

weetest baritone ever, but

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