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Reaper Academy

Reaper Academy

Author: Ena Fox

Chapter 1 Reaper Academy

Word Count: 1068    |    Released on: 13/07/2022


g, Helena. Wa

ng the nightmare that always had me clawing into my sheets

had nev

o be a good day,

e, but I always agreed w

rything goes well, I'm going to be shipped

st for

advancement in technology and harmony between different species, the species being th

of the citizens of Spatos until the war and the crea

llen city closest to the Milton Forest which was

ining school for vampires and half vampires to harne

emy to harness your skills in order to either become an enforcer for the city, a guardian for

ose interested in becoming enforcers for the city. Very few got

ger's dream, except it wasn't mine. Espe

ampire, half Lamia. A Vami. Th

t remained were hunted and killed off, save my mother,

as destined for greatness, according to m

to see if I would drop dead, before confessing to

ere brought from Erros, a city in the South where I'd been b

and awe, the only reason I hadn't been stoned to death on the streets being the announcement of

he one person who had wanted to be my friend, Lizzie, a

oice in the matter but I guess I had to be grateful that I ha

nd vampires had ethereal beauty, my hair as dark as night that s

ask me out even though they worried whether I'd eat them alive or poach their organs, all rumors that were unf

humans did, so they preferred nightfall for most activities. Lamias on the

nd in the sun but it wasn'

ngs and black eyes. They could be killed by decapitation, fire or stake to the heart from

bility, fangs and claws that can paralyze a body part when cut and white eyes. The paraly

, the ability to change my eyes to both black and white and snake like flexibility, I tired out quicker than the average vampire, a

when I was vulnerable to all the things that both Vampires and L

survived the training. I didn't want t

er was on the line. My life was on the line. I needed to prove my loyalty to the Council and my country. The only w

y myself, but if there was anything I knew about the g

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1 Chapter 1 Reaper Academy2 Chapter 2 Welcome to Antiope3 Chapter 3 A Minder4 Chapter 4 Room 1005 Chapter 5 Ares6 Chapter 6 Shit list7 Chapter 7 Knocked out in Physical combat8 Chapter 8 A trip to the physician 9 Chapter 9 A magnet for trouble 10 Chapter 10 To be a minder11 Chapter 11 Before the Joining 12 Chapter 12 The perfect mentor13 Chapter 13 To fight and not win14 Chapter 14 The Rabbit and her master 15 Chapter 15 The Love blade16 Chapter 16 The hand of fate 17 Chapter 17 To court death 18 Chapter 18 Close your eyes, Helena19 Chapter 19 The Strategy 20 Chapter 20 Challenges and confessions 21 Chapter 21 No intentions to fall in love22 Chapter 22 The girl in the hallway23 Chapter 23 The River where the moon rises24 Chapter 24 The Dance of War25 Chapter 25 The Aftermath26 Chapter 26 Dreams and thoughts27 Chapter 27 To be an airhead28 Chapter 28 Dwayne and Julian29 Chapter 29 The voice in my head30 Chapter 30 Like father, like son31 Chapter 31 Phoebe32 Chapter 32 The Lamianth33 Chapter 33 Dwayne's test34 Chapter 34 The treasure of Reaper Academy35 Chapter 35 Confused hearts36 Chapter 36 Questions37 Chapter 37 Never mind, I was wrong.38 Chapter 38 Watch your flank39 Chapter 39 Why, Helena 40 Chapter 40 Do your best. 41 Chapter 41 Death, not today42 Chapter 42 Razor's edge43 Chapter 43 Bellarus poisoning 44 Chapter 44 Right or not45 Chapter 45 Fleeting46 Chapter 46 If wishes were horses47 Chapter 47 The Council48 Chapter 48 Speechless49 Chapter 49 Confessions part 150 Chapter 50 Aching souls51 Chapter 51 The prophecy52 Chapter 52 Life or Death53 Chapter 53 No matter what 54 Chapter 54 The matters of the heart55 Chapter 55 A day in the barracks 56 Chapter 56 Gauntlet thrown 57 Chapter 57 For love or duty 58 Chapter 58 Find a way 59 Chapter 59 Just teenage girls 60 Chapter 60 Trapped 61 Chapter 61 Personal nightmares 62 Chapter 62 Careful or care less63 Chapter 63 Forbidden desires64 Chapter 64 The engagement 65 Chapter 65 Heightened tensions66 Chapter 66 The great divide 67 Chapter 67 Forgiveness68 Chapter 68 Hard choices 69 Chapter 69 Tears 70 Chapter 70 A price to pay 71 Chapter 71 A failed reconciliation 72 Chapter 72 Blast from the past 73 Chapter 73 The mist74 Chapter 74 Fairytale 75 Chapter 75 War is coming 76 Chapter 76 Dark nights 77 Chapter 77 Wrecking 78 Chapter 78 The becoming 79 Chapter 79 The glimpse of fate80 Chapter 80 The end is nigh81 Chapter 81 Tristan and isolde82 Chapter 82 Reaper academy83 Chapter 83 The way of the night84 Chapter 84 Any last words 85 Chapter 85 A new dawn86 Chapter 86 Beginning and end