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The Hunters Volume One: The Beginning

Chapter 5 Episode Five

Word Count: 1511    |    Released on: 04/07/2022

The frightened ones could not be faulted for their fear. It was only natural to be wary of one's m

de and when he turned, he met O

ou're scaring the

"They should be sca

deeper into his side. He held a gaze for a grand tota

fore some of these kids have a hea

pressive atmosphere was lifted, a few of the people in the hall let out breaths they had no idea they had been holding. The hall remained dea

irty five to forty years old. They both wore black unbuttoned suits with black turtleneck shirts underneath. A silver cross was pinned to their chests signifying them as members o

e this place so quiet. Well, I guess I should be glad you're even here a

arms and gave him a dry stare

of the hall. "Well, let's get started, shall we? My name is

l raised a

They sent ex

the moderators of this plan. I trust you've all been briefed on its details by you

and the Arcane Circle, have proposed a four year joint exercise for the purpose of promoting peace between our fa

nted by your higher ups. This is an opportunity to improve yourselves, to obtain new kno

e not unaccustomed to changes after all. Magic was very versatile and volatile as well. The vampires on the other hand seemed more

t laughed

I wonder what they'll do abo

forward to take over the speech. Her crisp v

to where Michael and his team stood. "Some of you, if not most have probably heard o

h but due to some classified circumstances, they broke off to form their own organization. Their primary aim is the complete p

cise. Think of them as watchdogs of sorts. We are aware that cooperation will not necessarily be immediate, as

beside her to continue

The Hunters have been given permission to administer punishment however they see fit. It wo

estions?" D

that they were being monitored by people who were essentially their natural predators. Nearly all of those in that category were on the left side of

talked, the rage slowly building up like heat in a bag of popcorn over a

!" a voice spoke up fr

all and that gave them an inkling on what he was about to ask. Practically the entire left wing of the

was parted on one side and a sturdy jaw line, he looked like a character straight out

s never any mention of 'watchdogs', mangy ones nonetheless. I refuse to be monitored by h

our Council was both privy to and accepting of it," Diana replied smoothly, n

ected there would be resistance to the idea. Vampires were not the most receptive to

tion. They were seemingly unaffected by the slander, opting

Why him of

filled with derisive amusement, the kind an adult would give a child throwing a temper tantrum. But there was an underlying layer of cold fury there that made Vincent wonder if this whole thing wa

came to the rescue befo

ooked at the Hunters with apprehension do far. Her dark eyes had been watching them with confidence and what looked like childish curiosity. If her refined looks and the two

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