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The Mafia Love Prey

Chapter 2 Layoffs

Word Count: 2411    |    Released on: 03/07/2022


ave to let you go." Mr Bain said calmly

ke to be put back up on the market." I say worriedly, I hated even saying it like th

ths to be exact. I remember the day like it was just yesterday, I expec

el'. It didn't look too bad for a temporary stay, but it was nothing too fancy. The building was a cream colour, but I'm guessing it used to be white, a few window


r a job, like a waitress or retail worker. I searche

y offer, a man in his mid thirties overheard the conversation I had with the restaurant owner. He appr

would perfectly suit me. He said he'd have his chauffeur come and pick us up and take us to the

only temporary. I cried for what felt like hours sat in the dark in the back of the van wondering what would happen to

e out, as I kept questioning what they were going to do with me to w

I immediately craned my neck up and took in my surroundings. In front of us was a, seemingly

hen taken into a room at the end of a dark hall where I was told my uniform would be. I kept pleading with

you will be bought and sold by our custom

r and well disposed attitude. You are guaranteed a roof over your head, a bedroom, good dining and a daily c

wo before I heard foot steps come closer and closer, and then the doors were open for me to

th a typical white apron that I'd seen all maids wear in the ol

d throughout this exchange and are fr

ssigned to you, it will be ta

y se

n were being sold like this, and angry I was one of them. Then I

was doing was cleaning for people, and getting paid for it for as long as I stayed working.

hth time in four years. At first the idea didn't seem so bad, but being

I wasn't prepared to go back to possibly living like that

age, and well built. He also had a wife who he loved dearly, so I knew he wasn't a sick pervert who would use m

ep you any longer. We are moving to England, and since your company

ove you. It is a shame we have to let you go but it i

n respect "It's okay, I understand. When

es and then leave you to it." Mr Bain said kindly, but bluntly. Although the two words contradi

then." I said placing my hands at my si

e came over to the bottom of the stairs smiling kindly a

told her giving her a tight lipped smile, before climbi

the door. I stepped into the room I'd been livin

en liked my uniform, it wasn't short and low necked like all the other uniforms my past owners made me wear. The black dress went just above my kne

a similar color only in a satin material. Everything matched and I had just enough space for everything I needed. I even g

s one family in the past that treat me similarly, but it di

the large bag I owned and took anything meaningful as well. It didn't take me long as I didn't own tha

my neck, it was a silver heart with a small sapphire stone in the middle of it

interrupted by a

ng my hands off of the necklace I'd

rs Bain said as s

d smiled as I stood up from the chair I ende

d, she had told me almost every time she spoke to

n Harriet." I sai

" Mrs Bain, or should

know what else to say. She was the

rest of the night as you should have some time to yourself to prepare

ght blue eyes. She always dressed in a skirt or dress, and her hair was always preened to perfection.

a little more if you'd like.

his place is never dirty since we got you. It's permanently sp

er, and she just looked at me with a sad

okay Leila?" she aske

I didn't know the answer

of help, or just need somebody to talk to. I'm sure that if anything...goes wrong," Harriet said all of a

re, but if they lived in Eng

u guys have been nothing but compassionate to me and I'll be grateful for tha

and sniffed "You are a wonderful girl Leila, and one day you will get every lovely thing that

back. At first I felt slightly awkward as I wasn't used to this

in pulled out of the hug a

r it is you need to do." she told me, b

, again for everything."

d night, sweetie." Mrs Bain said before

I muttere

ter that conversation I

Although it was early I decided it would be best to get into my pyja

I was d

ite I had in my room, before climbing into the double bed

hrough my thoughts, wondering what the next da

surprised if it didn't. Life seeme

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