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General of my life

Chapter 10 Claiming gold.

Word Count: 1417    |    Released on: 07/07/2022

the glass of mouthwash. Hearing the mother-in-law's voice

ulia said that, but his fa

don't even dream

d pale, and wanted to curse

s and sisters in the family must think of each other. You see,

hich was not correct, so I accidentally said that to the

g eyes. Henry still turned his head with an ex

so selfish? Or was it instigated by your male wife? Both

hered around to look at Julia, silently sha

the fuss

nt over to look at J

in to have a proper conversation. It's definitely Eric, that damn

op and explained t

wonder fortune-tellers

rson in front of him was Henry's biological f

, do you still be

and the surroundings became quiet

ve me an e

ned to ask him, Eric just appeared. The door opener standing in

ay a fair sentence. The person who blames me is


lowed to get involved in the business of the parents-in-law's house, including the property, along with the utensils, and the vegetable garden was only used

eady been written i

such a thing, it is clea

th the two of them. They would either demand money or ask Eric to hand over the right to open the restaurant. Eric

em in gratitude. If it weren't for this, would my parents' family and my husband

hat it was not good

leave the house and make you marry this man. But Father does it all for you,

es to see what he would do. If he was still on the side of that g

y. I am the village chief and also have fairness. If Henry doesn't want to give it to you, don't force

ames dumb as a mussel, Julia wanted to speak up but Sean st

d the capital to start a business, mom

yes were determined not to be missed. Eric loo

would you like to come into

rest. Village chiefs like me can only do so tha

o leave, and Smith also gave some advice. If

dly lay down on the bed, looking at the ceiling, and sighed. Ho

at should

your decision. Don't wor

said a sentence that made

hat, let's go t

so Eric also wanted

, let

of eyes followed the two in the bushes, and then quickly left

o hunted a very large deer. Eric offered to sell it to buy things, bu

town tomorrow to find a shop and m

t to eat them again and again. With the taste of the broth, Eric is very sure,


grow vegetables, and we shouldn't use it next t


aels of silver in their pocket to the vi


ef with an expressionless f

you, come in, w

acres of farmland. We can't use

nry was quiet, so he looked o

y samples do yo

nd to grow vegetables and melons

to buy two more

combine fish farming with rice farming. So w

e to take risks. So he also only used two fields of water, for everyone to see. Eric also clearly explained the advan

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