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Turner's chance

Turner's chance

Author: Elvana

Chapter 1 HIS WORLD

Word Count: 2039    |    Released on: 29/06/2022

seriousness that accompanied him where ever he went was not all for show. It set th

building was not surprising. It would surprise a stranger though, why a fellow human - he at least seems human enough

tinct and he played by it, all the time, day in, day out, all year round, summer, spring, autumn and winter. You would not fi

of men and women his age and father's age, hastening to their jobs, mu

ts for he had been there but now, he was wont to it, accepting of it. He was

case. His brisk wall fell in place with

. It was beautiful, all of the interior, as it was untelling. Caleb took a sit behind his large table that looked like a butchering table in an abattoir. Only, it was made ma

aid and asked directly, "What time d

"We still have forty minutes left until we

o we ha

to look over estimates, drafts and then make pl

act? I should be on site myself today. Kings corpor

his face contorted. "After the inspection, you have your schedule cleared." Caleb gave him a blank look, his eyebrows relaxed, his lips unmoving.

ou up to ri

er would not be able to understand what he was, who he was and why he was. He could not understand when he became so unus

n not but prefer if he did not even talk at all, or how can one be soft-spoken and lou

e at. they should be awaiting my pre

ty minutes. Have Ms Smith bring me

e a nod an

vealed a breathtaking view. The city of Manchester laid before him, covered with sleet. He looked down at the smaller buildings and the big ones, like the o

structure made of concrete, bricks and gravel. Beneath him lied everything else. People inclusi

Turner had brought him alongside since he was on holiday. He had bugged his father a lot, about coming to where he worked. Caleb remembered how he clung to h

ad constructions at the fore. Now, The empire had expanded into several other small annexes. For years,

he board of directors and making decisions that affected the day- to- day operations

irector in charge. Not

ols and materials to life, so long as they were erecting buildings, raking in profits and expanding their forte

, bring them to life. And he needed the compliance of peo

ared for

atrice, his originally assigned secretary. S

ay to bring you the coffee when the di

er back when she let it. She had the hair in a high bun now and her heavily made up

s. It was not the prefect attire Caleb desired but they could for a start, begin with it. She at least looked like she worked i


we discussed the other time. Am I getting a good re

d I assure you of their compliance.

n of mine that I can giv

of the floor so he wondered why he was being hesitant. When Beatrice finally talked, her eyes were on her feet averted from that o

to everyone

and the young w

g he wanted? He did not think he was too calm. In fact, he knew he was feared, even more than he should be feared as a person. Maybe it

xing, he began reading contract forms from Bays and Co, a sub-contracting

ve been suppliers for the Turner's, Caleb wanted them to sit this particular project out. Old Turner however, was insisting. This wou

he company work with a different partner for a change. But his father was pressing. He was pressing really hard. And oh, he needed to. Caleb

rain from setting sentiments in the way of his judgement. If it was feasible, then they would work with it again

in deep concentration when Oliv

, sir. It is only five


en though Caleb c

moved from behind Oliver and forward, with t

quest a chang

one, seeing as we're goi

ng. Have the car ready

s table and waved Beatrice away, who turned, glad to be out of his pres

to jeopardize th

uld. I am still very capable

e dropped the call, he said, "The

eb,as they made their

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1 Chapter 1 HIS WORLD 2 Chapter 2 THE MEETING 3 Chapter 3 BAD NEWS 4 Chapter 4 THE SHAM PARTY 5 Chapter 5 THE RE-MEET 6 Chapter 6 FOLLOWING HIM HOME 7 Chapter 7 CONFIRMATION 8 Chapter 8 THE ATTACK 9 Chapter 9 WOUNDS AND HUNGER 10 Chapter 10 A MUTUAL HATE 11 Chapter 11 STITCHES AND GROCERIES 12 Chapter 12 DOOR LOCK 13 Chapter 13 McGRAW AND THE BOYS 14 Chapter 14 THE SACK LETTER 15 Chapter 15 THE DISCOVERY 16 Chapter 16 THE MOLE17 Chapter 17 GETTING FIXED IN18 Chapter 18 THE QUESTION 19 Chapter 19 THE LEAD 20 Chapter 20 THE TALK 21 Chapter 21 CALLING THE TRUCE 22 Chapter 22 SETTLING IN AT WORK 23 Chapter 23 LIVING TOGETHER 24 Chapter 24 FAMILY TIME 25 Chapter 25 EARLIEST MEMORY 26 Chapter 26 HALF A RECONCILIATION 27 Chapter 27 THREE FATHERS 28 Chapter 28 NOT LEAVING MEALS 29 Chapter 29 NEW FRIENDS 30 Chapter 30 OLIVER'S POV 31 Chapter 31 DAY OUT WITH THE GIRLS 32 Chapter 32 LAS VEGAS 33 Chapter 33 VIP SECTION 34 Chapter 34 THE PROPOSAL 35 Chapter 35 WHAT DO YOU FREAKING WANT 36 Chapter 36 THE PROPOSAL 237 Chapter 37 AN APOLOGY 38 Chapter 38 SAFETY HACKS39 Chapter 39 THE TRAVEL AND ARSON 40 Chapter 40 AANU'S FIRST LIE41 Chapter 41 PHINA 42 Chapter 42 BR AND BOSS LADY43 Chapter 43 WALES FOR A WHILE 44 Chapter 44 REPORT FOR EDWARDS 45 Chapter 45 FRIGHT 46 Chapter 46 THE SCOLDING 47 Chapter 47 UNWANTED SEDUCTION 48 Chapter 48 RUMORS 49 Chapter 49 MANCHESTER AGAIN 50 Chapter 50 ATTITUDE 51 Chapter 51 MEETING WITH THE CHINESE 52 Chapter 52 TRADING OFFER 53 Chapter 53 ARE YOU A BAD PERSON 54 Chapter 54 THE LECTURE 55 Chapter 55 REFUSING THE PROPOSAL 56 Chapter 56 MENTOR-MENTEE PROGRAM 57 Chapter 57 WHY WOULD HE HOLD HER HAND 58 Chapter 58 SMOOTH AS A GLIDER 59 Chapter 59 HIS STORY 60 Chapter 60 PUBLIC SEDUCTION 61 Chapter 61 SHE'S COMING WITH ME 62 Chapter 62 WE NEED TO HAVE CHEMISTRY 63 Chapter 63 SHOPPING WITH THE CEO64 Chapter 64 A STRANGE LADY65 Chapter 65 BEANS PUDDING